if ($MODE == "action") $wht = "(what='' OR what IS NULL) AND action !='login'";
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT %s, title FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu WHERE ".$wht." ORDER BY sort",
array($MODE), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0)
- {
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load menu as selection
$OUT = "<SELECT name=\"".$MODE."_menu";
if ((!empty($defid)) || ($defid == "0")) $OUT .= "[".$defid."]";
$OUT .= "\" size=\"1\" class=\"admin_select\">
<OPTION value=\"\">".SELECT_NONE."</OPTION>\n";
- while (list($menu, $title) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
- {
+ while (list($menu, $title) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
$OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$menu."\"";
if ((!empty($default)) && ($default == $menu)) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
$OUT .= ">".$title."</OPTION>\n";
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
$OUT .= "</SELECT>\n";
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
// No menus???
return $OUT;
-function ADMIN_SAVE_SETTINGS (&$POST, $tableName="_config", $whereStatement="config=0", $translateComma = array(), $alwaysAdd=false)
+function ADMIN_SAVE_SETTINGS (&$POST, $tableName="_config", $whereStatement="config=0", $translateComma = array(), $alwaysAdd=false) {
global $_CONFIG, $cacheArray, $cacheInstance;
+ // Prepare all arrays, variables
$DATA = array();
- $skip = false; $TEST2 = "";
- foreach ($POST as $id=>$val) {
+ $skip = false;
+ $TEST2 = "";
+ // Now, walk through all entries and prepare them for saving
+ foreach ($POST as $id => $val) {
// Process only formular field but not submit buttons ;)
if ($id != "ok") {
// Do not save the ok value
$TEST = substr($id, -3);
- if ((($TEST == "_ye") || ($TEST == "_mo") || ($TEST == "_we") || ($TEST == "_da") || ($TEST == "_ho") || ($TEST == "_mi") || ($TEST == "_se")) && (isset($val))) {
+ // Improved way of checking! :-)
+ if (in_array($TEST, array("_ye", "_mo", "_we", "_da", "_ho", "_mi", "_se"))) {
// Found a multi-selection for timings?
$TEST = substr($id, 0, -3);
if ((isset($POST[$TEST."_ye"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_mo"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_we"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_da"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_ho"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_mi"])) && (isset($POST[$TEST."_se"])) && ($TEST != $TEST2)) {
$DATA[] = "$TEST='".$POST[$TEST]."'";
// Remove data from array
- unset($POST[$TEST."_ye"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_mo"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_we"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_da"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_ho"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_mi"]);
- unset($POST[$TEST."_se"]);
+ foreach (array("ye", "mo", "we", "da", "ho", "mi", "se") as $rem) {
+ unset($POST[$TEST."_".$rem]);
+ } // END - foreach
// Skip adding
unset($id); $skip = true; $TEST2 = $TEST;
// Update current configuration
$_CONFIG[$id] = $val;
- }
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
// Check if entry does exist
$result = false;
} else {
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT * FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX.$tableName." LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
+ } // END - if
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// "Implode" all data to single string
// Split up
$line = explode("=", $entry);
$KEYs[] = $line[0]; $VALUEs[] = $line[1];
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Add both in one line
$KEYs = implode(", ", $KEYs);
// Remove it here...
if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("config", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
- }
+ } // END - if
// Settings saved
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, "<STRONG class=\"admin_done\">".SETTINGS_SAVED."</STRONG>");
// Init the selection box
$OUT = "<SELECT name=\"".$name."\" class=\"admin_select\" size=\"1\">\n <OPTION value=\"\">".IS_TOP_MENU."</OPTION>\n";
// Walk through all files
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
// Is this a PHP script?
$test = sprintf("%sinc/modules/%s/%s", PATH, $menu, $file);
if ((is_file($test)) && (is_readable($test))) {
// Extract the value for what=xxx
- $part = substr($file, (strlen($type) + 1)); $part = substr($part, 0, strpos($part, ".php"));
+ $part = substr($file, (strlen($type) + 1));
+ $part = substr($part, 0, -4);
// Is that part different from the overview?
if ($part != "overview") {
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - if
- }
+ } // END - while
+ // Close dir and selection box
$OUT .= "</SELECT>\n";
return $OUT;
-function ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_LINK($uid, $title="", $wht="list_user")
- if (($title == "") && ($title != "0")) { $title = $uid; }
- if (($title == "0") && ($wht == "list_refs"))
- {
+function ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_LINK($uid, $title="", $wht="list_user") {
+ if (($title == "") && ($title != "0")) {
+ // Set userid as title
+ $title = $uid;
+ } // END - if
+ if (($title == "0") && ($wht == "list_refs")) {
// Return title again
return $title;
- }
+ } // END - if
//* DEBUG: */ echo "A:".$title."<br />";
// Return link
return "<A href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=admin&what=".$wht."&u_id=".$uid."\" title=\"".ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_TITLE."\">".$title."</A>";
global $_CONFIG, $cacheArray;
// Set the global mode as the mode for all admins
$MODE = $_CONFIG['admin_menu']; $ADMIN = $MODE;
// Check individual settings of current admin
- if (isset($cacheArray['admins']['la_mode'][get_session('admin_login')]))
- {
+ if (isset($cacheArray['admins']['la_mode'][get_session('admin_login')])) {
// Load from cache
$ADMIN = $cacheArray['admins']['la_mode'][get_session('admin_login')];
- }
- elseif (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.6.7")
- {
+ } elseif (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.6.7") {
// Load from database when version of "admins" is enough
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT la_mode FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
array(get_session('admin_login')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
- {
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load data
list($ADMIN) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, ADMIN_NOTHING_SELECTED_CHANGE);
-// Delete rows by given ID numbers
-function ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM ($IDs, $table, $row, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $deleteNow=false, $idRow="id") {
+// Build a special template list
+function ADMIN_BUILD_LIST ($listType, $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn) {
global $_CONFIG;
$OUT = ""; $SW = 2;
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0)) {
- // "Walk" through all entries and count them
- if ($deleteNow) {
- // Delete them
- die("DELETE!");
- } else {
- // List for confirmation
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $selected) {
- // Secure ID number
- $id = bigintval($id);
- // Will always be 1 ;-)
- if ($selected == 1) {
- // Get result from a given column array and table name
- $result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($table, $columns, $idRow, $id);
- // Is there one entry?
- if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
- // Load all data
- $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- // Filter all data
- foreach ($content as $key=>$value) {
- // Is a filter function set?
- $idx = array_search($key, $columns, true);
- if (!empty($filterFunctions[$idx])) {
- // Then call it!
- $content[$key] = call_user_func($filterFunctions[$idx], $value);
- }
- }
- // Add color switching
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
+ // "Walk" through all entries
+ foreach ($IDs as $id => $selected) {
+ // Secure ID number
+ $id = bigintval($id);
- // Then list it again...
- $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_del_".$table."_row", true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ // Will always be 1 ;-)
+ if ($selected == 1) {
+ // Get result from a given column array and table name
+ $result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($table, $columns, $idColumn, $id);
- // Free the result
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
- }
+ // Is there one entry?
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
+ // Load all data
+ $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
+ // Filter all data
+ foreach ($content as $key=>$value) {
+ // Search index
+ $idx = array_search($key, $columns, true);
+ // Handle the call in external function
+ $content[$key] = HANDLE_EXTRA_VALUES($filterFunctions[$idx], $value, $extraValues[$idx]);
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Add color switching
+ $content['sw'] = $SW;
+ // Then list it again...
+ $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_".$listType."_".$table."_row", true, $content);
+ $SW = 3 - $SW;
- // Load master template
- LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_del_".$table."", false, $OUT);
+ // Free the result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ // Load master template
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_".$listType."_".$table."", false, $OUT);
+// Delete rows by given ID numbers
+function ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM ($IDs, $table, $columns=array(), $filterFunctions=array(), $extraValues=array(), $deleteNow=false, $idColumn="id", $userIdColumn="userid") {
+ // All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
+ if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
+ // Shall we delete here or list for deletion?
+ if ($deleteNow) {
+ // Delete them
+ die("DELETE!");
+ } else {
+ // List for deletion confirmation
+ ADMIN_BUILD_LIST("del", $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
+ }
+ } // END - if
// Edit rows by given ID numbers
-function ADMIN_EDIT_ENTRIES_CONFIRM ($IDs, $table, $row, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $editNow=false, $idRow="id") {
- global $_CONFIG;
- $OUT = ""; $SW = 2;
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0)) {
- // "Walk" through all entries and count them
+function ADMIN_EDIT_ENTRIES_CONFIRM ($IDs, $table, $columns=array(), $filterFunctions=array(), $extraValues=array(), $editNow=false, $idColumn="id", $userIdColumn="userid") {
+ // All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
+ if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
+ // Shall we change here or list for editing?
if ($editNow) {
- // Delete them
+ // Change them
} else {
- // List for confirmation
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $selected) {
- // Secure ID number
- $id = bigintval($id);
- // Will always be 1 ;-)
- if ($selected == 1) {
- // Get result from a given column array and table name
- $result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($table, $columns, $idRow, $id);
- // Is there one entry?
- if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
- // Load all data
- $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- // Filter all data
- foreach ($content as $key=>$value) {
- // Is a filter function set?
- $idx = array_search($key, $columns, true);
- if (!empty($filterFunctions[$idx])) {
- // Then call it!
- $content[$key] = call_user_func($filterFunctions[$idx], $value);
- }
- }
- // Add color switching
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
- // Then list it again...
- $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_edit_".$table."_row", true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- // Free the result
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
- }
- }
- // Load master template
- LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_edit_".$table."", false, $OUT);
+ // List for editing
+ ADMIN_BUILD_LIST("edit", $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
- }
+ } // END - if
-// Checks proxy settins by fetching check-updates2.php from www.mxchange.org
+// Checks proxy settins by fetching check-updates3.php from www.mxchange.org
function ADMIN_TEST_PROXY_SETTINGS ($settingsArray) {
global $_CONFIG;
// By default they are invalid
$valid = false;
$_CONFIG = array_merge($_CONFIG, $settingsArray);
// Now get the test URL
- $content = GET_URL("check-updates2.php");
+ $content = GET_URL("check-updates3.php");
// Is the first line with "200 OK"?
$valid = eregi("200 OK", $content[0]);
- "package_active",
array("id", "title", "description", "account_fee", "free_transfers", "transfer_fee", "output_system_mode", "package_active", "free_months_no_fee", "interest_plus", "interest_minus", "first_payment", "free_account_income", "free_account_stuff", "tan_lock"),
- array("bigintval", "", "", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "bigintval", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "", "", "bigintval", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "", "bigintval")
+ array("bigintval", "", "", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "bigintval", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "", "", "bigintval", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "TRANSLATE_COMMA", "", "bigintval"),
+ array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
$show = false;
} elseif (isset($_POST['do_edit'])) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
- ADMIN_EDIT_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", "package_active", array(), array(), true);
+ ADMIN_EDIT_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", array(), array(), array(), true);
} elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
- ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", "package_active", array("id", "title", "description", "account_fee"), array("bigintval", "", "", "TRANSLATE_COMMA"));
+ ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", array("id", "title", "description", "account_fee"), array("bigintval", "", "", "TRANSLATE_COMMA"), array("", "", "", ""));
$show = false;
} elseif (isset($_POST['remove'])) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
- ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", "package_active", array(), array(), true);
+ ADMIN_DELETE_ENTRIES_CONFIRM($_POST['id'], "bank_packages", array(), array(), array(), true);
} // END - if