building_large_max_width = props->getFloatValue("building-large-max-width-m", 75.0);
building_large_min_depth = props->getFloatValue("building-large-min-depth-m", 50.0);
building_large_max_depth = props->getFloatValue("building-large-max-depth-m", 75.0);
+ cos_object_max_density_slope_angle = cos(props->getFloatValue("object-max-density-angle-deg", 20.0) * osg::PI/180.0);
+ cos_object_zero_density_slope_angle = cos(props->getFloatValue("object-zero-density-angle-deg", 30.0) * osg::PI/180.0);
// Random vegetation properties
wood_coverage = props->getDoubleValue("wood-coverage", 0.0);
tree_width = props->getDoubleValue("tree-width-m", 0.0);
tree_range = props->getDoubleValue("tree-range-m", 0.0);
tree_varieties = props->getIntValue("tree-varieties", 1);
+ cos_tree_max_density_slope_angle = cos(props->getFloatValue("tree-max-density-angle-deg", 45.0) * osg::PI/180.0);
+ cos_tree_zero_density_slope_angle = cos(props->getFloatValue("tree-zero-density-angle-deg", 60.0) * osg::PI/180.0);
const SGPropertyNode* treeTexNode = props->getChild("tree-texture");
inline double get_building_large_max_width () const { return building_large_max_width; }
inline double get_building_large_min_depth () const { return building_large_min_depth; }
inline double get_building_large_max_depth () const { return building_large_max_depth; }
+ inline double get_cos_object_max_density_slope_angle () const { return cos_object_max_density_slope_angle; }
+ inline double get_cos_object_zero_density_slope_angle () const { return cos_object_zero_density_slope_angle; }
* Get the wood coverage.
inline std::string get_tree_texture () const { return tree_texture; }
+ /**
+ * Get the cosine of the maximum tree density slope angle. We
+ * use the cosine as it can be compared directly to the z component
+ * of a triangle normal.
+ *
+ * @return the cosine of the maximum tree density slope angle.
+ */
+ inline double get_cos_tree_max_density_slope_angle () const { return cos_tree_max_density_slope_angle; }
+ /**
+ * Get the cosine of the maximum tree density slope angle. We
+ * use the cosine as it can be compared directly to the z component
+ * of a triangle normal.
+ *
+ * @return the cosine of the maximum tree density slope angle.
+ */
+ inline double get_cos_tree_zero_density_slope_angle () const { return cos_tree_zero_density_slope_angle; }
* Get the list of names for this material
return SGVec2f((0 < tex_width) ? 1000.0f/tex_width : 1.0f,
(0 < tex_height) ? 1000.0f/tex_height : 1.0f);
double building_large_min_depth;
double building_large_max_depth;
+ // Cosine of the angle of maximum and zero density,
+ // used to stop buildings and random objects from being
+ // created on too steep a slope.
+ double cos_object_max_density_slope_angle;
+ double cos_object_zero_density_slope_angle;
// coverage of woods
double wood_coverage;
// Number of varieties of tree texture
int tree_varieties;
+ // cosine of the tile angle of maximum and zero density,
+ // used to stop trees from being created on too steep a slope.
+ double cos_tree_max_density_slope_angle;
+ double cos_tree_zero_density_slope_angle;
// material properties
SGVec4f ambient, diffuse, specular, emission;
void addRandomTreePoints(float wood_coverage,
osg::Texture2D* object_mask,
float vegetation_density,
+ float cos_max_density_angle,
+ float cos_zero_density_angle,
std::vector<SGVec3f>& points)
unsigned num = getNumTriangles();
SGVec2f t2 = getVertex(triangleRef[2]).texCoord;
SGVec3f normal = cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0);
+ // Ensure the slope isn't too steep by checking the
+ // cos of the angle between the slope normal and the
+ // vertical (conveniently the z-component of the normalized
+ // normal) and values passed in.
+ float alpha = normalize(normal).z();
+ float slope_density = 1.0;
+ if (alpha < cos_zero_density_angle)
+ continue; // Too steep for any vegetation
+ if (alpha < cos_max_density_angle) {
+ slope_density =
+ (alpha - cos_zero_density_angle) / (cos_max_density_angle - cos_zero_density_angle);
+ }
// Compute the area
float area = 0.5f*length(normal);
if (area <= SGLimitsf::min())
- // For partial units of area, use a zombie door method to
- // create the proper random chance of a point being created
- // for this triangle
- float unit = area + mt_rand(&seed)*wood_coverage;
- // Vegetation density is linear, while we're creating woodland
- // by area.
- int woodcount = (int) (vegetation_density *
- vegetation_density *
- unit / wood_coverage);
+ // Determine the number of trees, taking into account vegetation
+ // density (which is linear) and the slope density factor.
+ // Use a zombie door method to create the proper random chance
+ // of a tree being created for partial values.
+ int woodcount = (int) (vegetation_density * vegetation_density *
+ slope_density *
+ area / wood_coverage + mt_rand(&seed));
for (int j = 0; j < woodcount; j++) {
float a = mt_rand(&seed);
if (!mat)
- osg::Texture2D* object_mask = mat->get_object_mask(triangleBin);
- int group_count = mat->get_object_group_count();
- float building_coverage = mat->get_building_coverage();
+ osg::Texture2D* object_mask = mat->get_object_mask(triangleBin);
+ int group_count = mat->get_object_group_count();
+ float building_coverage = mat->get_building_coverage();
+ float cos_zero_density_angle = mat->get_cos_object_zero_density_slope_angle();
+ float cos_max_density_angle = mat->get_cos_object_max_density_slope_angle();
bool found = false;
SGBuildingBin* bin = NULL;
SGVec2f t1 = triangleBin.getVertex(triangleRef[2]).texCoord - torigin;
SGVec3f normal = cross(v0, v1);
+ // Ensure the slope isn't too steep by checking the
+ // cos of the angle between the slope normal and the
+ // vertical (conveniently the z-component of the normalized
+ // normal) and values passed in.
+ float cos = normalize(normal).z();
+ float slope_density = 1.0;
+ if (cos < cos_zero_density_angle) continue; // Too steep for any objects
+ if (cos < cos_max_density_angle) {
+ slope_density =
+ (cos - cos_zero_density_angle) /
+ (cos_max_density_angle - cos_zero_density_angle);
+ }
// Containers to hold the random buildings and objects generated
// for this triangle for collision detection purposes.
std::vector< std::pair< SGVec3f, float> > triangleObjectsList;
for (int k = 0; k < nObjects; k++) {
SGMatModel * object = object_group->get_object(k);
+ // Determine the number of objecst to place, taking into account
+ // the slope density factor.
+ double n = slope_density * area / object->get_coverage_m2();
// Use the zombie door method to determine fractional object placement.
- double n = area / object->get_coverage_m2() + mt_rand(&seed);
+ n = n + mt_rand(&seed);
// place an object each unit of area
while ( n > 1.0 ) {
// Random objects now generated. Now generate the random buildings (if any);
- if (use_random_buildings && (building_coverage > 0)) {
+ if (use_random_buildings && (building_coverage > 0) && (building_density > 0)) {
+ // Calculate the number of buildings, taking into account building density (which is linear)
+ // and the slope density factor.
+ double num = building_density * building_density * slope_density * area / building_coverage;
// For partial units of area, use a zombie door method to
// create the proper random chance of an object being created
// for this triangle.
- double num = area / building_coverage + mt_rand(&seed);
+ num = num + mt_rand(&seed);
if (num < 1.0f) {
- // Apply density, which is linear, while we're dealing in areas
- num = num * building_density * building_density;
// Cosine of the angle between the two vectors.
float cosine = (dot(v0, v1) / (length(v0) * length(v1)));
float wood_coverage = mat->get_wood_coverage();
- if (wood_coverage <= 0)
+ if ((wood_coverage <= 0) || (vegetation_density <= 0))
// Attributes that don't vary by tree but do vary by material
+ mat->get_cos_tree_max_density_slope_angle(),
+ mat->get_cos_tree_zero_density_slope_angle(),
std::vector<SGVec3f>::iterator k;