+// **************** RESPONSE FUNCTIONS ****************
void FGTower::Respond() {
//cout << "\nEntering Respond, responseID = " << responseID << endl;
TowerPlaneRec* t = FindPlane(responseID);
t->vfrArrivalAcknowledged = true;
} else if(t->downwindReported) {
//cout << "Tower " << ident << " is responding to downwind reported...\n";
+ ProcessDownwindReport(t);
t->downwindReported = false;
- int i = 1;
- for(tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr = circuitList.begin(); twrItr != circuitList.end(); twrItr++) {
- if((*twrItr)->plane.callsign == responseID) break;
- ++i;
- }
- string trns = t->plane.callsign;
- trns += " Number ";
- trns += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(i);
- trns += " ";
- if((i == 1) && (!rwyList.size()) && (t->nextOnRwy)) {
- trns += "Cleared to land"; // TODO - clear for the option if appropriate
- t->clearedToLand = true;
- if(!t->isUser) t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(7);
- }
- if(_display) {
- globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns);
- }
- if(t->isUser) {
- if(t->opType == TTT_UNKNOWN) t->opType = CIRCUIT;
- //cout << "ADD VACATED A\n";
- // Put going around at the top (and hence default) since that'll be more desperate,
- // or put rwy vacated at the top since that'll be more common?
- current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Going Around", "Report going around", TOWER, USER_REPORT_GOING_AROUND);
- current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Clear of the runway", "Report runway vacated", TOWER, USER_REPORT_RWY_VACATED);
- }
} else if(t->holdShortReported) {
//cout << "Tower " << ident << " is reponding to holdShortReported...\n";
if(t->nextOnRwy) {
//cout << "Done Respond\n" << endl;
+void FGTower::ProcessDownwindReport(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
+ int i = 1;
+ int a = 0; // Count of preceding planes on approach
+ bool cf = false; // conflicting traffic on final
+ bool cc = false; // preceding traffic in circuit
+ for(tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr = circuitList.begin(); twrItr != circuitList.end(); twrItr++) {
+ if((*twrItr)->plane.callsign == responseID) break;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if(i > 1) { cc = true; }
+ doThresholdETACalc();
+ TowerPlaneRec* tt;
+ for(tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
+ if((*twrItr)->eta < (t->eta + 45)) {
+ a++;
+ tt = *twrItr;
+ cf = true;
+ // This should set the flagged plane to be the last conflicting one, and hence the one to follow.
+ // It ignores the fact that we might have problems slotting into the approach traffic behind it -
+ // eventually we'll need some fancy algorithms for that!
+ }
+ }
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ trns += " Number ";
+ trns += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(i + a);
+ // This assumes that the number spoken is landing position, not circuit position, since some of the traffic might be on straight-in final.
+ trns += " ";
+ if((i == 1) && (!rwyList.size()) && (t->nextOnRwy) && (!cf)) { // Unfortunately nextOnRwy currently doesn't handle circuit/straight-in ordering properly at present, hence the cf check below.
+ trns += "Cleared to land"; // TODO - clear for the option if appropriate
+ t->clearedToLand = true;
+ if(!t->isUser) t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(7);
+ } else if((i+a) > 1) {
+ trns += "Follow the ";
+ string s = tt->plane.callsign;
+ int p = s.find('-');
+ s = s.substr(0,p);
+ trns += s;
+ if((tt->opType) == CIRCUIT) {
+ if(tt->planePtr->GetLeg() == FINAL) {
+ trns += " on final";
+ } else if(tt->planePtr->GetLeg() == TURN4) {
+ trns += " turning final";
+ } else if(tt->planePtr->GetLeg() == BASE) {
+ trns += " on base";
+ } else if(tt->planePtr->GetLeg() == TURN3) {
+ trns += " turning base";
+ }
+ } else {
+ double miles_out = CalcDistOutMiles(tt);
+ if(miles_out < 2) {
+ trns += " on short final";
+ } else {
+ trns += " on ";
+ trns += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits((int)miles_out);
+ trns += " mile final";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(_display) {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns);
+ }
+ if(t->isUser) {
+ if(t->opType == TTT_UNKNOWN) t->opType = CIRCUIT;
+ //cout << "ADD VACATED A\n";
+ // Put going around at the top (and hence default) since that'll be more desperate,
+ // or put rwy vacated at the top since that'll be more common?
+ //cout << "ident = " << ident << ", adding go-around option\n";
+ current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Going Around", "Report going around", TOWER, USER_REPORT_GOING_AROUND);
+ current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Clear of the runway", "Report runway vacated", TOWER, USER_REPORT_RWY_VACATED);
+ }
void FGTower::ProcessRunwayVacatedReport(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
//cout << "Processing rwy vacated...\n";
current_atcdialog->remove_entry(ident, USER_REPORT_GOING_AROUND, TOWER);
// Maybe we should check that the plane really *has* vacated the runway!
+// *********** END RESPONSE FUNCTIONS *****************
// Currently this assumes we *are* next on the runway and doesn't check for planes about to land -
// this should be done prior to calling this function.
void FGTower::ClearHoldingPlane(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
if(t->leg == FINAL && !(t->instructedToGoAround)) {
+ doThresholdETACalc();
+ doThresholdUseOrder();
+ /*
+ if(t->isUser) {
+ cout << "Checking USER on final... ";
+ cout << "eta " << t->eta;
+ if(t->clearedToLand) cout << " cleared to land\n";
+ }
+ */
//cout << "YES FINAL, t->eta = " << t->eta << ", rwyList.size() = " << rwyList.size() << '\n';
if(t->landingType == FULL_STOP) {
t->opType = INBOUND;
//cout << "\n******** SWITCHING TO INBOUND AT POINT AAA *********\n\n";
- if(t->eta < 12 && rwyList.size()) {
- // TODO - need to make this more sophisticated
- // eg. is the plane accelerating down the runway taking off [OK],
- // or stationary near the start [V. BAD!!].
- // For now this should stop the AI plane landing on top of the user.
- string trns = t->plane.callsign;
- pending_transmission = trns;
- ImmediateTransmit();
- t->instructedToGoAround = true;
- t->clearedToLand = false;
- // Assume it complies!!!
- t->opType = CIRCUIT;
- t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
- if(t->planePtr) {
- //cout << "Registering Go-around transmission with AI plane\n";
- t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(13);
+ }
+ if(t->eta < 12 && rwyList.size()) {
+ // TODO - need to make this more sophisticated
+ // eg. is the plane accelerating down the runway taking off [OK],
+ // or stationary near the start [V. BAD!!].
+ // For now this should stop the AI plane landing on top of the user.
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ pending_transmission = trns;
+ ImmediateTransmit();
+ t->instructedToGoAround = true;
+ t->clearedToLand = false;
+ // Assume it complies!!!
+ t->opType = CIRCUIT;
+ t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
+ if(t->planePtr) {
+ //cout << "Registering Go-around transmission with AI plane\n";
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(13);
+ }
+ } else if(!t->clearedToLand) {
+ if(t->nextOnRwy) {
+ if(!rwyList.size()) {
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ trns += " Cleared to land";
+ pending_transmission = trns;
+ Transmit();
+ //if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
+ t->clearedToLand = true;
+ if(!t->isUser) {
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(7);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
} else if(t->leg == LANDING_ROLL) {
if(!trafficList.size()) {
t->nextOnRwy = true;
// conflict and firstTime should be false and true respectively in this case anyway.
+ } else {
+ t->nextOnRwy = false;
//cout << "\tE\t" << trafficList.size() << endl;
tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr;
// Do the approach list first
- //cout << "A" << flush;
+ //if(ident == "KRHV") cout << "A" << flush;
for(twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
+ //if(ident == "KRHV") cout << tpr->plane.callsign << '\n';
conflict = AddToTrafficList(tpr);
// Then the circuit list
- //cout << "C" << flush;
+ //if(ident == "KRHV") cout << "C" << flush;
for(twrItr = circuitList.begin(); twrItr != circuitList.end(); twrItr++) {
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
+ //if(ident == "KRHV") cout << tpr->plane.callsign << '\n';
conflict = AddToTrafficList(tpr);
// And finally the hold list
AddToTrafficList(tpr, true);
if(0) {
- //if(ident == "KEMT") {
+ //if(ident == "KRHV") {
+ cout << "T\n";
for(twrItr = trafficList.begin(); twrItr != trafficList.end(); twrItr++) {
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
cout << tpr->plane.callsign << '\t' << tpr->eta << '\t';