#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/interpolator.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "NasalSys.hxx"
_context = 0;
_globals = naNil();
- _timerHash = naNil();
- _nextTimerHashKey = 0; // Any value will do
+ _gcHash = naNil();
+ _nextGCKey = 0; // Any value will do
return false;
+FGNasalScript* FGNasalSys::parseScript(const char* src, const char* name)
+ FGNasalScript* script = new FGNasalScript();
+ script->_gcKey = -1; // important, if we delete it on a parse
+ script->_nas = this; // error, don't clobber a real handle!
+ char buf[256];
+ if(!name) {
+ sprintf(buf, "FGNasalScript@%8.8x", (int)script);
+ name = buf;
+ }
+ script->_code = parse(name, src);
+ if(naIsNil(script->_code)) {
+ delete script;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ script->_gcKey = gcSave(script->_code);
+ return script;
// Utility. Sets a named key in a hash by C string, rather than nasal
// string object.
void FGNasalSys::hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
return nasal->cmdArgGhost();
+// Sets up a property interpolation. The first argument is either a
+// ghost (SGPropertyNode_ptr*) or a string (global property path) to
+// interpolate. The second argument is a vector of pairs of
+// value/delta numbers.
+static naRef f_interpolate(naContext c, naRef args)
+ SGPropertyNode* node;
+ naRef prop = naVec_get(args, 0);
+ if(naIsString(prop)) node = fgGetNode(naStr_data(prop), true);
+ else if(naIsGhost(prop)) node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(prop);
+ else return naNil();
+ naRef curve = naVec_get(args, 1);
+ if(!naIsVector(curve)) return naNil();
+ int nPoints = naVec_size(curve) / 2;
+ double* values = new double[nPoints];
+ double* deltas = new double[nPoints];
+ for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
+ values[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i)).num;
+ deltas[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i+1)).num;
+ }
+ ((SGInterpolator*)globals->get_subsystem("interpolator"))
+ ->interpolate(node, nPoints, values, deltas);
+static naRef f_rand(naContext c, naRef args)
+ return naNum(sg_random());
// Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros.
static struct { char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "getprop", f_getprop },
{ "_fgcommand", f_fgcommand },
{ "settimer", f_settimer },
{ "_cmdarg", f_cmdarg },
+ { "_interpolate", f_interpolate },
+ { "rand", f_rand },
{ 0, 0 }
// And our SGPropertyNode wrapper
hashset(_globals, "props", genPropsModule());
- // Make a "__timers" hash to hold the settimer() handlers (to
- // protect them from begin garbage-collected).
- _timerHash = naNewHash(_context);
- hashset(_globals, "__timers", _timerHash);
+ // Make a "__gcsave" hash to hold the naRef objects which get
+ // passed to handles outside the interpreter (to protect them from
+ // begin garbage-collected).
+ _gcHash = naNewHash(_context);
+ hashset(_globals, "__gcsave", _gcHash);
// Now load the various source files in the Nasal directory
SGPath p(globals->get_fg_root());
naRef FGNasalSys::parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len)
+ if(len == 0) len = strlen(buf);
int errLine = -1;
naRef srcfile = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(srcfile, (char*)filename, strlen(filename));
// location in the property tree. arg->getPath() returns an empty
// string.
const char* nasal = arg->getStringValue("script");
- naRef code = parse("<command>", nasal, strlen(nasal));
+ naRef code = parse("<command>", nasal);
if(naIsNil(code)) return false;
// Cache the command argument for inspection via cmdarg(). For
// Implementation note: the FGTimer objects don't live inside the
// garbage collector, so the Nasal handler functions have to be
// "saved" somehow lest they be inadvertently cleaned. In this case,
-// they are inserted into a globals._timers hash and removed on
+// they are inserted into a globals.__gcsave hash and removed on
// expiration.
void FGNasalSys::setTimer(naRef args)
// Generate and register a C++ timer handler
NasalTimer* t = new NasalTimer;
t->handler = handler;
- t->hashKey = _nextTimerHashKey++;
+ t->gcKey = gcSave(handler);
t->nasal = this;
t, &NasalTimer::timerExpired,
delta.num, simtime);
- // Save the handler in the globals.__timers hash to prevent
- // garbage collection.
- naHash_set(_timerHash, naNum(t->hashKey), handler);
void FGNasalSys::handleTimer(NasalTimer* t)
naCall(_context, t->handler, naNil(), naNil(), naNil());
- naHash_delete(_timerHash, naNum(t->hashKey));
+ gcRelease(t->gcKey);
+int FGNasalSys::gcSave(naRef r)
+ int key = _nextGCKey++;
+ naHash_set(_gcHash, naNum(key), r);
+ return key;
+void FGNasalSys::gcRelease(int key)
+ naHash_delete(_gcHash, naNum(key));
void FGNasalSys::NasalTimer::timerExpired()
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
+class FGNasalScript;
class FGNasalSys : public SGSubsystem
virtual void init();
virtual void update(double dt) { /* noop */ }
- virtual bool handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg);
// Simple hook to run arbitrary source code. Returns a bool to
// indicate successful execution. Does *not* return any Nasal
// values, because handling garbage-collected objects from C space
// is deep voodoo and violates the "simple hook" idea.
bool parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode);
+ // Slightly more complicated hook to get a handle to a precompiled
+ // Nasal script that can be invoked via a call() method. The
+ // caller is expected to delete the FGNasalScript returned from
+ // this function. The "name" argument specifies the "file name"
+ // for the source code that will be printed in Nasal stack traces
+ // on error.
+ FGNasalScript* parseScript(const char* src, const char* name=0);
// Implementation of the settimer extension function
void setTimer(naRef args);
// Returns a ghost wrapper for the current _cmdArg
naRef cmdArgGhost();
+ // Callbacks for command and timer bindings
+ virtual bool handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg);
+ friend class FGNasalScript;
// FGTimer subclass for handling Nasal timer callbacks.
// See the implementation of the settimer() extension function for
struct NasalTimer {
virtual void timerExpired();
naRef handler;
- int hashKey;
+ int gcKey;
FGNasalSys* nasal;
void readScriptFile(SGPath file, const char* lib);
void hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val);
void logError();
- naRef parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len);
+ naRef parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len=0);
naRef genPropsModule();
naRef propNodeGhost(SGPropertyNode* handle);
+ // This mechanism is here to allow naRefs to be passed to
+ // locations "outside" the interpreter. Normally, such a
+ // reference would be garbage collected unexpectedly. By passing
+ // it to gcSave and getting a key/handle, it can be cached in a
+ // globals.__gcsave hash. Be sure to release it with gcRelease
+ // when done.
+ int gcSave(naRef r);
+ void gcRelease(int key);
naContext _context;
naRef _globals;
- naRef _timerHash;
SGPropertyNode* _cmdArg;
- int _nextTimerHashKey;
+ int _nextGCKey;
+ naRef _gcHash;
+ public: void handleTimer(NasalTimer* t);
+class FGNasalScript {
- void handleTimer(NasalTimer* t);
+ ~FGNasalScript() { _nas->gcRelease(_gcKey); }
+ bool call() {
+ naCall(_nas->_context, _code, naNil(), naNil(), naNil());
+ return naGetError(_nas->_context) == 0;
+ }
+ friend class FGNasalSys;
+ naRef _code;
+ int _gcKey;
+ FGNasalSys* _nas;
#endif // __NASALSYS_HXX