float lon, float lat, float alt, float x, float y) {
// Get the base position
- SGGeod loc = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, alt);
+ SGGeod loc = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, 0.0);
// Determine any shift by x/y
if ((x != 0.0f) || (y != 0.0f)) {
SGGeod base_pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, 0.0f);
SGGeodesy::direct(base_pos, crs, dst, loc, endcrs);
- // The direct call provides the position at 0 alt, so adjust as required.
- loc.setElevationFt(alt);
+ // The direct call provides the position at 0 alt, so adjust as required.
+ loc.setElevationFt(alt);
// Work out where this cloud should go in OSG coordinates.
SGVec3<double> cart;
SGGeodesy::SGGeodToCart(loc, cart);
osg::Vec3f pos = toOsg(cart);
- // Convert to the scenegraph orientation where we just rotate around
- // the y axis 180 degrees.
- osg::Quat orient = toOsg(SGQuatd::fromLonLatDeg(lon, lat) * SGQuatd::fromRealImag(0, SGVec3d(0, 1, 0)));
if (old_pos == osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) {
- // First se tup.
+ // First setup.
SGVec3<double> fieldcenter;
- SGGeodesy::SGGeodToCart(SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, 0.0f), fieldcenter);
+ SGGeodesy::SGGeodToCart(SGGeod::fromDegFt(loc.getLongitudeDeg(), loc.getLatitudeDeg(), 0.0f), fieldcenter);
+ // Convert to the scenegraph orientation where we just rotate around
+ // the y axis 180 degrees.
+ osg::Quat orient = toOsg(SGQuatd::fromLonLatDeg(loc.getLongitudeDeg(), loc.getLatitudeDeg()) * SGQuatd::fromRealImag(0, SGVec3d(0, 1, 0)));
pos = pos - field_transform->getPosition();
- pos = orient.inverse() * pos;
+ //pos = orient.inverse() * pos;
+ pos = field_transform->getAttitude().inverse() * pos;
// We have a two level dynamic quad tree which the cloud will be added
// to. If there are no appropriate nodes in the quad tree, they are