set 'run' to 'never' than to set this value to something
++The software lets users upload files with their notices. You can configure
++the types of accepted files by mime types and a trio of quota options:
++per file, per user (total), per user per month.
++supported: an array of mime types you accept to store and distribute,
++ like 'image/gif', 'video/mpeg', 'audio/mpeg', etc.
++file_quota: maximum size for a single file upload in bytes.
++user_quota: total size in bytes a user can store.
++monthly_quota: total size permitted in the current month.
function show()
- $this->out->elementStart('dl', array('id' =>'attachment'));
+ $atts = new File;
+ $att = $atts->getAttachments($this->notice->id);
+ if (empty($att)) return 0;
+ $this->out->elementStart('dl', array('id' =>'attachments'));
$this->out->element('dt', null, _('Attachments'));
- $this->out->elementStart('ul', array('class' => 'attachments'));
+ $this->out->elementStart('ol', array('class' => 'attachments'));
- $atts = new File;
- $att = $atts->getAttachments($this->notice->id);
foreach ($att as $n=>$attachment) {
$item = $this->newListItem($attachment);