FGControls *controls = new FGControls;
globals->set_controls( controls );
- FGViewMgr *viewmgr = new FGViewMgr;
- globals->set_viewmgr( viewmgr );
- viewmgr->init();
- viewmgr->bind();
string_list *col = new string_list;
globals->set_channel_options_list( col );
SGPath modelpath( globals->get_fg_root() );
ssgModelPath( (char *)modelpath.c_str() );
+ FGViewMgr *viewmgr = new FGViewMgr;
+ globals->set_viewmgr( viewmgr );
+ viewmgr->init();
+ viewmgr->bind();
// Scene graph root
scene = new ssgRoot;
scene->setName( "Scene" );
// added Venky , 12 Nov 2K
_heading_deg = heading_deg;
+FGViewer::setTargetRoll_deg (double target_roll_deg)
+ _dirty = true;
+ _target_roll_deg = target_roll_deg;
+FGViewer::setTargetPitch_deg (double target_pitch_deg)
+ _dirty = true;
+ _target_pitch_deg = target_pitch_deg;
+FGViewer::setTargetHeading_deg (double target_heading_deg)
+ _dirty = true;
+ _target_heading_deg = target_heading_deg;
+FGViewer::setTargetOrientation (double target_roll_deg, double target_pitch_deg, double target_heading_deg)
+ _dirty = true;
+ _target_roll_deg = target_roll_deg;
+ _target_pitch_deg = target_pitch_deg;
+ _target_heading_deg = target_heading_deg;
FGViewer::setXOffset_m (double x_offset_m)
sgMat4 tmpROT; // temp rotation work matrices
sgVec3 tmpVec3; // temp work vector (3)
+ sgVec3 eye_pos, object_pos;
// The position vectors originate from the view point or target location
// depending on the type of view.
- // FIXME: In particular this routine will need to support both locations
- // and chase view (aka lookat) is only unique in that the
- // eye position is calculated in relation to the object's position.
// FIXME: Later note: actually the object (target) info needs to be held
// by the model class.
if (_type == FG_RPH) {
- // position is the location of the pilot
+ // eye position is the location of the pilot
recalcPositionVectors( _lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft );
- // Make the world up rotation matrix for rph
- sgMakeRotMat4( UP, _lon_deg, 0.0, -_lat_deg );
} else {
- // position is the location of the object being looked at
+ // eye position is now calculated based on lon/lat;
+ recalcPositionVectors( _lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft );
+ sgCopyVec3(eye_pos, _relative_view_pos);
+ // object position is the location of the object being looked at
recalcPositionVectors( _target_lon_deg, _target_lat_deg, _target_alt_ft );
- // Make the world up rotation matrix for lookat
- sgMakeRotMat4( UP, _target_lon_deg, 0.0, -_target_lat_deg );
// the coordinates generated by the above "recalcPositionVectors"
sgCopyVec3(_zero_elev, _zero_elev_view_pos);
sgCopyVec3(_view_pos, _relative_view_pos);
+ // Make the world up rotation matrix for eye positioin...
+ sgMakeRotMat4( UP, _lon_deg, 0.0, -_lat_deg );
// get the world up radial vector from planet center
sgSetVec3( position_offset, _y_offset_m, _x_offset_m, _z_offset_m );
// Eye rotations.
// Looking up/down left/right in pilot view (lookfrom mode)
// or Floating Rotatation around the object in chase view (lookat mode).
// Generate the offset matrix to be applied using offset angles:
if (_type == FG_LOOKAT) {
- // Note that when in "chase view" the offset is in relation to the
- // orientation heading (_heading_deg) of the model being looked at as
- // it is used to rotate around the model.
+ // Note that when in "lookat" view the "world up" vector is always applied
+ // to the viewer. World up is based on verticle at a given lon/lat (see
+ // matrix "UP" above).
- (_heading_offset_deg - _heading_deg) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, _world_up,
+ _heading_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, _world_up,
_pitch_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, right );
if (_type == FG_RPH) {
- // generate the view offset matrix using orientation offsets
+ // Note that when in "lookfrom" view the "view up" vector is always applied
+ // to the viewer. View up is based on verticle of the aircraft itself. (see
+ // "LOCAL" matrix above)
_heading_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, _view_up,
_pitch_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, right );
// transfrom "offset" and "orientation offset" to vector
sgXformVec3( position_offset, position_offset, UP );
+ // add heading to offset so that the eye does heading as such...
+ sgMakeRotMat4(tmpROT, -_heading_deg, _world_up);
+ sgPostMultMat4(VIEW_OFFSET, tmpROT);
sgXformVec3( position_offset, position_offset, VIEW_OFFSET );
- sgVec3 object_pos, eye_pos;
- // copy to coordinates to object...
+ // add the offsets from object to the eye position
+ sgAddVec3( eye_pos, eye_pos, position_offset );
+ // copy object
sgCopyVec3( object_pos, _view_pos );
- // add the offsets from object to the coordinates to get "eye"
- sgAddVec3( eye_pos, _view_pos, position_offset );
// Make the VIEW matrix for "lookat".
sgMakeLookAtMat4( VIEW, eye_pos, object_pos, _view_up );
virtual void setPitch_deg (double pitch_deg);
virtual void setHeading_deg (double heading_deg);
virtual void setOrientation (double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double heading_deg);
+ virtual double getTargetRoll_deg () const { return _target_roll_deg; }
+ virtual double getTargetPitch_deg () const {return _target_pitch_deg; }
+ virtual double getTargetHeading_deg () const {return _target_heading_deg; }
+ virtual void setTargetRoll_deg (double roll_deg);
+ virtual void setTargetPitch_deg (double pitch_deg);
+ virtual void setTargetHeading_deg (double heading_deg);
+ virtual void setTargetOrientation (double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double heading_deg);
double _roll_deg;
double _pitch_deg;
double _heading_deg;
+ double _target_roll_deg;
+ double _target_pitch_deg;
+ double _target_heading_deg;
// Position offsets from center of gravity. The X axis is positive
// out the tail, Y is out the right wing, and Z is positive up.
#include "viewmgr.hxx"
#include "fg_props.hxx"
+// strings
+string viewpath, nodepath, strdata;
// Constructor
FGViewMgr::FGViewMgr( void ) :
FGViewMgr::init ()
- add_view(new FGViewer, 0);
- add_view(new FGViewer, 1);
+ char stridx [ 20 ];
+ for (int i = 0; i < fgGetInt("/sim/number-views"); i++) {
+ nodepath = "/sim/view";
+ sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
+ nodepath += stridx;
+ nodepath += "/type";
+ strdata = fgGetString(nodepath.c_str());
+ // supporting two types now "lookat" = 1 and "lookfrom" = 1
+ if ( strcmp("lookat",strdata.c_str()) == 0 )
+ add_view(new FGViewer, 1);
+ else
+ add_view(new FGViewer, 0);
+ }
typedef double (FGViewMgr::*double_getter)() const;
FGViewMgr::bind ()
+ // FIXME:
+ // need to redo these bindings to the new locations (move to viewer?)
fgTie("/sim/view/offset-deg", this,
&FGViewMgr::getViewOffset_deg, &FGViewMgr::setViewOffset_deg);
FGViewMgr::unbind ()
+ // FIXME:
+ // need to redo these bindings to the new locations (move to viewer?)
FGViewMgr::update (int dt)
+ char stridx [20];
FGViewer * view = get_current_view();
if (view == 0)
- // Grab some values we'll need.
- double lon_rad = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg")
- double lat_rad = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg")
- double alt_m = fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft")
- double roll_rad = fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll-deg")
- double pitch_rad = fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch-deg")
- double heading_rad = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg")
- // Set up the pilot view
- FGViewer *pilot_view = (FGViewer *)get_view( 0 );
- pilot_view ->setPosition(
- fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft"));
- pilot_view->setOrientation(
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg"));
- if (!strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/flight-model"), "ada")) {
- //+ve x is aft, +ve z is up (see viewer.hxx)
- pilot_view->setPositionOffsets( -5.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ for (int i = 0; i < fgGetInt("/sim/number-views"); i++) {
+ viewpath = "/sim/view";
+ sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
+ viewpath += stridx;
+ FGViewer *loop_view = (FGViewer *)get_view( i );
+ // Set up view
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-lon-deg-path";
+ double lon_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-lat-deg-path";
+ double lat_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-alt-ft-path";
+ double alt_ft = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-roll-deg-path";
+ double roll_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-pitch-deg-path";
+ double pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/eye-heading-deg-path";
+ double heading_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ loop_view->setPosition(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
+ loop_view->setOrientation(roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg);
+ // if lookat (type 1) then get target data...
+ if (loop_view->getType() == 1) {
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-lon-deg-path";
+ lon_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-lat-deg-path";
+ lat_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-alt-ft-path";
+ alt_ft = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-roll-deg-path";
+ roll_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-pitch-deg-path";
+ pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ nodepath = viewpath;
+ nodepath += "/config/target-heading-deg-path";
+ heading_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ loop_view ->setTargetPosition(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
+ loop_view->setTargetOrientation(roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg);
+ }
// Set up the chase view
+ // FIXME:
+ // Gotta change sgVec3Slider so that it takes xyz values as inputs
+ // instead of spherical coordinates.
FGViewer *chase_view = (FGViewer *)get_view( 1 );
// get xyz Position offsets directly from GUI/sgVec3Slider
sgCopyVec3( zPO, *pPO );
chase_view->setPositionOffsets(zPO[1], zPO[0], zPO[2] );
- chase_view->setOrientation(
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg"));
- chase_view ->setPosition(
- fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft"));
- chase_view ->setTargetPosition(
- fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"),
- fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft"));
// Update the current view