from fba import config
from fba import network
-# Array with pending errors needed to be written to database
-pending_errors = {
# Connect to database
connection = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()
# DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: software='{software}' - EXIT!")
return software
-def remove_pending_error(domain: str):
- if not isinstance(domain, str):
- raise ValueError(f"Parameter domain[]={type(domain)} is not 'str'")
- elif domain == "":
- raise ValueError("Parameter 'domain' is empty")
- try:
- # Prevent updating any pending errors, nodeinfo was found
- del pending_errors[domain]
- except:
- pass
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
def get_hash(domain: str) -> str:
if not isinstance(domain, str):
raise ValueError(f"Parameter domain[]={type(domain)} is not 'str'")
# DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Writing to error_log is disabled in configuruation file - EXIT!")
- try:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE response[]:", type(response))
- if isinstance(response, BaseException) or isinstance(response, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
- response = f"response[{type(response)}]='{str(response)}'"
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER response[]:", type(response))
- if isinstance(response, str):
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO error_log (domain, error_code, error_message, created) VALUES (?, 999, ?, ?)",[
- domain,
- response,
- time.time()
- ])
- else:
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO error_log (domain, error_code, error_message, created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",[
- domain,
- response.status_code,
- response.reason,
- time.time()
- ])
- # Cleanup old entries
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Purging old records (distance: {config.get('error_log_cleanup')})")
- cursor.execute("DELETE FROM error_log WHERE created < ?", [time.time() - config.get("error_log_cleanup")])
- except BaseException as exception:
- print(f"ERROR: failed SQL query: domain='{domain}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE response[]:", type(response))
+ if isinstance(response, BaseException) or isinstance(response, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
+ response = f"response[{type(response)}]='{str(response)}'"
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER response[]:", type(response))
+ if isinstance(response, str):
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO error_log (domain, error_code, error_message, created) VALUES (?, 999, ?, ?)",[
+ domain,
+ response,
+ time.time()
+ ])
+ else:
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO error_log (domain, error_code, error_message, created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",[
+ domain,
+ response.status_code,
+ response.reason,
+ time.time()
+ ])
+ # Cleanup old entries
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Purging old records (distance: {config.get('error_log_cleanup')})")
+ cursor.execute("DELETE FROM error_log WHERE created < ?", [time.time() - config.get("error_log_cleanup")])
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
print(f"INFO: Checking {len(peerlist)} instances from {domain} ...")
for instance in peerlist:
if instance is None:
- # Skip "None" types as tidup() cannot parse them
+ # Skip "None" types as tidup.domain() cannot parse them
# DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: instance='{instance}' - BEFORE")
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Handling instance:", instance)
- try:
- if not instances.is_registered(instance):
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding new instance:", instance, domain)
- instances.add(instance, domain, script)
- except BaseException as exception:
- print(f"ERROR: instance='{instance}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'")
- continue
+ if not instances.is_registered(instance):
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding new instance:", instance, domain)
+ instances.add(instance, domain, script)
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: doc[]:", type(doc))
- generator = doc.find("meta", {"name": "generator"})
+ generator = doc.find("meta", {"name" : "generator"})
site_name = doc.find("meta", {"property": "og:site_name"})
# DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: generator='{generator}',site_name='{site_name}'")
set_data("last_status_code" , domain, None)
set_data("last_error_details", domain, None)
- fba.remove_pending_error(domain)
- if domain in fba.pending_errors:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: domain has pending error being updated:", domain)
- update_last_error(domain, fba.pending_errors[domain])
- fba.remove_pending_error(domain)
except BaseException as exception:
- print(f"ERROR: failed SQL query: domain='{domain}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
+ update_last_error(domain, exception)
+ raise Exception(f"ERROR: failed SQL query: domain='{domain}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'") from exception
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating nodeinfo for domain:", domain)
# Check Set all
cache.set_all("is_registered", fba.cursor.fetchall(), True)
except BaseException as exception:
- print(f"ERROR: failed SQL query: domain='{domain}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
+ update_last_error(domain, exception)
+ raise Exception(f"ERROR: failed SQL query: domain='{domain}',exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'") from exception
# Is cache found?
registered = cache.sub_key_exists("is_registered", domain)
timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))
- data = json_from_response(response)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code={response.status_code},data[]='{type(data)}'")
- if not response.ok or response.status_code >= 400:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot query JSON API: domain='{domain}',path='{path}',parameter()={len(parameter)},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',data[]='{type(data)}'")
- instances.update_last_error(domain, response)
- except BaseException as exception:
- print(f"WARNING: Some error during post(): domain='{domain}',path='{path}',parameter()={len(parameter)},exception[{type(exception)}]:'{str(exception)}'")
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exception:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Fetching '{path}' from '{domain}' failed. exception[{type(exception)}]='{str(exception)}'")
+ instances.update_last_error(domain, exception)
+ raise exception
+ data = json_from_response(response)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code={response.status_code},data[]='{type(data)}'")
+ if not response.ok or response.status_code >= 400:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot query JSON API: domain='{domain}',path='{path}',parameter()={len(parameter)},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',data[]='{type(data)}'")
+ instances.update_last_error(domain, response)
# DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Returning data({len(data)})=[]:{type(data)}")
return data