FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_task_system`
WHERE `id`=%s AND (`assigned_admin`=%s OR (`assigned_admin`=0 AND `status`='NEW'))
- array(bigintval($id), getCurrentAdminId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ array(bigintval($id), getCurrentAdminId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ // Task is found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_task) == 1) {
// Task is valid...
list($tid, $uid, $type, $subj, $text, $created, $status, $aid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_task);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result_task);
if ($aid == '0') {
// Assgin current admin to unassgigned task
$add = "<li>{--ADMIN_TASK_SUPPORT_MODE--}: <strong>".$mode."</strong></li>";
} // END - if
+ // Is a userid assign?
if ($uid > 0) {
+ // Then load his data!
+ // @TODO Can this SQL be encapsulated in a function, so all similar queries can be rewritten?
$result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT gender, surname, family, email FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ // Entry found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_user) == 1) {
list($gender, $sname, $fname, $email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_user);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result_user);
$add = "<li>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_UID--}: <strong>".generateUserProfileLink($uid)." (<a href=\"".generateMemberEmailLink($email, "user_data")."\">".translateGender($gender)." ".$sname." ".$fname."</a>)</strong></li>";
- } // END - if
+ } else {
+ // Invalid userid, so log and zero it
+ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid userid=' . $uid . '-> Not found!');
+ $uid = 0;
+ }
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_user);
} // END - if
// Decode entities of the text
$title = getMessage('TASK_NO_TITLE');
// Shall I list SQL commands assigned to an extension installation or update task?
- if (((GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') != '') && (getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y')) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('sql_patches'))) {
+ // OLD WAY: if (((GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') != '') && (getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y')) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('sql_patches'))) {
+ if ((getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y')) {
// Extract extension name from subject
$ext_name = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ':') - 1);
// Which task do we actually have here?
// @TODO Rewrite this to something with include files
- switch ($type)
- {
+ switch ($type) {
case 'EXTENSION': // Install new extensions
$ext_name = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ':') - 1);
$result_lines = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_extensions` WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1",
case 'SUPPORT_MEMBER': // Assign on member's support request
// @TODO This may also be rewritten to include files
- switch ($mode)
- {
+ switch ($mode) {
default: // @TODO Unknown support mode
DEBUG_LOG(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown support mode %s detected. This part is under construction!", $mode));
$OUT .= "<div class=\"admin_failed medium\">".sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_UNKNOWN_SUPPORT_MODE'), $mode)."</div>\n";
<td width=\"1%\" class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom2 right2\"> </td>
} // END - if
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_task);
+ // Switch colors
$SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
define('__TASK_ROWS', $OUT);