-#if 0
-/* Convert from the fgFLIGHT struct to the LaRCsim generic_ struct */
-int fgFlight_2_LaRCsim (fgFLIGHT *f) {
- Mass = FG_Mass;
- I_xx = FG_I_xx;
- I_yy = FG_I_yy;
- I_zz = FG_I_zz;
- I_xz = FG_I_xz;
- Dx_pilot = FG_Dx_pilot;
- Dy_pilot = FG_Dy_pilot;
- Dz_pilot = FG_Dz_pilot;
- Dx_cg = FG_Dx_cg;
- Dy_cg = FG_Dy_cg;
- Dz_cg = FG_Dz_cg;
- F_X = FG_F_X;
- F_Y = FG_F_Y;
- F_Z = FG_F_Z;
- F_north = FG_F_north;
- F_east = FG_F_east;
- F_down = FG_F_down;
- F_X_aero = FG_F_X_aero;
- F_Y_aero = FG_F_Y_aero;
- F_Z_aero = FG_F_Z_aero;
- F_X_engine = FG_F_X_engine;
- F_Y_engine = FG_F_Y_engine;
- F_Z_engine = FG_F_Z_engine;
- F_X_gear = FG_F_X_gear;
- F_Y_gear = FG_F_Y_gear;
- F_Z_gear = FG_F_Z_gear;
- M_l_rp = FG_M_l_rp;
- M_m_rp = FG_M_m_rp;
- M_n_rp = FG_M_n_rp;
- M_l_cg = FG_M_l_cg;
- M_m_cg = FG_M_m_cg;
- M_n_cg = FG_M_n_cg;
- M_l_aero = FG_M_l_aero;
- M_m_aero = FG_M_m_aero;
- M_n_aero = FG_M_n_aero;
- M_l_engine = FG_M_l_engine;
- M_m_engine = FG_M_m_engine;
- M_n_engine = FG_M_n_engine;
- M_l_gear = FG_M_l_gear;
- M_m_gear = FG_M_m_gear;
- M_n_gear = FG_M_n_gear;
- V_dot_north = FG_V_dot_north;
- V_dot_east = FG_V_dot_east;
- V_dot_down = FG_V_dot_down;
- U_dot_body = FG_U_dot_body;
- V_dot_body = FG_V_dot_body;
- W_dot_body = FG_W_dot_body;
- A_X_cg = FG_A_X_cg;
- A_Y_cg = FG_A_Y_cg;
- A_Z_cg = FG_A_Z_cg;
- A_X_pilot = FG_A_X_pilot;
- A_Y_pilot = FG_A_Y_pilot;
- A_Z_pilot = FG_A_Z_pilot;
- N_X_cg = FG_N_X_cg;
- N_Y_cg = FG_N_Y_cg;
- N_Z_cg = FG_N_Z_cg;
- N_X_pilot = FG_N_X_pilot;
- N_Y_pilot = FG_N_Y_pilot;
- N_Z_pilot = FG_N_Z_pilot;
- P_dot_body = FG_P_dot_body;
- Q_dot_body = FG_Q_dot_body;
- R_dot_body = FG_R_dot_body;
- V_north = FG_V_north;
- V_east = FG_V_east;
- V_down = FG_V_down;
- V_north_rel_ground = FG_V_north_rel_ground;
- V_east_rel_ground = FG_V_east_rel_ground;
- V_down_rel_ground = FG_V_down_rel_ground;
- V_north_airmass = FG_V_north_airmass;
- V_east_airmass = FG_V_east_airmass;
- V_down_airmass = FG_V_down_airmass;
- V_north_rel_airmass = FG_V_north_rel_airmass;
- V_east_rel_airmass = FG_V_east_rel_airmass;
- V_down_rel_airmass = FG_V_down_rel_airmass;
- U_gust = FG_U_gust;
- V_gust = FG_V_gust;
- W_gust = FG_W_gust;
- U_body = FG_U_body;
- V_body = FG_V_body;
- W_body = FG_W_body;
- V_rel_wind = FG_V_rel_wind;
- V_true_kts = FG_V_true_kts;
- V_rel_ground = FG_V_rel_ground;
- V_inertial = FG_V_inertial;
- V_ground_speed = FG_V_ground_speed;
- V_equiv = FG_V_equiv;
- V_equiv_kts = FG_V_equiv_kts;
- V_calibrated = FG_V_calibrated;
- V_calibrated_kts = FG_V_calibrated_kts;
- P_body = FG_P_body;
- Q_body = FG_Q_body;
- R_body = FG_R_body;
- P_local = FG_P_local;
- Q_local = FG_Q_local;
- R_local = FG_R_local;
- P_total = FG_P_total;
- Q_total = FG_Q_total;
- R_total = FG_R_total;
- Phi_dot = FG_Phi_dot;
- Theta_dot = FG_Theta_dot;
- Psi_dot = FG_Psi_dot;
- Latitude_dot = FG_Latitude_dot;
- Longitude_dot = FG_Longitude_dot;
- Radius_dot = FG_Radius_dot;
- Lat_geocentric = FG_Lat_geocentric;
- Lon_geocentric = FG_Lon_geocentric;
- Radius_to_vehicle = FG_Radius_to_vehicle;
- Latitude = FG_Latitude;
- Longitude = FG_Longitude;
- Altitude = FG_Altitude;
- Phi = FG_Phi;
- Theta = FG_Theta;
- Psi = FG_Psi;
- T_local_to_body_11 = FG_T_local_to_body_11;
- T_local_to_body_12 = FG_T_local_to_body_12;
- T_local_to_body_13 = FG_T_local_to_body_13;
- T_local_to_body_21 = FG_T_local_to_body_21;
- T_local_to_body_22 = FG_T_local_to_body_22;
- T_local_to_body_23 = FG_T_local_to_body_23;
- T_local_to_body_31 = FG_T_local_to_body_31;
- T_local_to_body_32 = FG_T_local_to_body_32;
- T_local_to_body_33 = FG_T_local_to_body_33;
- Gravity = FG_Gravity;
- Centrifugal_relief = FG_Centrifugal_relief;
- Alpha = FG_Alpha;
- Beta = FG_Beta;
- Alpha_dot = FG_Alpha_dot;
- Beta_dot = FG_Beta_dot;
- Cos_alpha = FG_Cos_alpha;
- Sin_alpha = FG_Sin_alpha;
- Cos_beta = FG_Cos_beta;
- Sin_beta = FG_Sin_beta;
- Cos_phi = FG_Cos_phi;
- Sin_phi = FG_Sin_phi;
- Cos_theta = FG_Cos_theta;
- Sin_theta = FG_Sin_theta;
- Cos_psi = FG_Cos_psi;
- Sin_psi = FG_Sin_psi;
- Gamma_vert_rad = FG_Gamma_vert_rad;
- Gamma_horiz_rad = FG_Gamma_horiz_rad;
- Sigma = FG_Sigma;
- Density = FG_Density;
- V_sound = FG_V_sound;
- Mach_number = FG_Mach_number;
- Static_pressure = FG_Static_pressure;
- Total_pressure = FG_Total_pressure;
- Impact_pressure = FG_Impact_pressure;
- Dynamic_pressure = FG_Dynamic_pressure;
- Static_temperature = FG_Static_temperature;
- Total_temperature = FG_Total_temperature;
- Sea_level_radius = FG_Sea_level_radius;
- Earth_position_angle = FG_Earth_position_angle;
- Runway_altitude = FG_Runway_altitude;
- Runway_latitude = FG_Runway_latitude;
- Runway_longitude = FG_Runway_longitude;
- Runway_heading = FG_Runway_heading;
- Radius_to_rwy = FG_Radius_to_rwy;
- D_cg_north_of_rwy = FG_D_cg_north_of_rwy;
- D_cg_east_of_rwy = FG_D_cg_east_of_rwy;
- D_cg_above_rwy = FG_D_cg_above_rwy;
- X_cg_rwy = FG_X_cg_rwy;
- Y_cg_rwy = FG_Y_cg_rwy;
- H_cg_rwy = FG_H_cg_rwy;
- D_pilot_north_of_rwy = FG_D_pilot_north_of_rwy;
- D_pilot_east_of_rwy = FG_D_pilot_east_of_rwy;
- D_pilot_above_rwy = FG_D_pilot_above_rwy;
- X_pilot_rwy = FG_X_pilot_rwy;
- Y_pilot_rwy = FG_Y_pilot_rwy;
- H_pilot_rwy = FG_H_pilot_rwy;
- return( 0 );
-/* Convert from the LaRCsim generic_ struct to the fgFLIGHT struct */
-int fgLaRCsim_2_Flight (fgFLIGHT *f) {
- FG_Mass = Mass;
- FG_I_xx = I_xx;
- FG_I_yy = I_yy;
- FG_I_zz = I_zz;
- FG_I_xz = I_xz;
- FG_Dx_pilot = Dx_pilot;
- FG_Dy_pilot = Dy_pilot;
- FG_Dz_pilot = Dz_pilot;
- FG_Dx_cg = Dx_cg;
- FG_Dy_cg = Dy_cg;
- FG_Dz_cg = Dz_cg;
- FG_F_X = F_X;
- FG_F_Y = F_Y;
- FG_F_Z = F_Z;
- FG_F_north = F_north;
- FG_F_east = F_east;
- FG_F_down = F_down;
- FG_F_X_aero = F_X_aero;
- FG_F_Y_aero = F_Y_aero;
- FG_F_Z_aero = F_Z_aero;
- FG_F_X_engine = F_X_engine;
- FG_F_Y_engine = F_Y_engine;
- FG_F_Z_engine = F_Z_engine;
- FG_F_X_gear = F_X_gear;
- FG_F_Y_gear = F_Y_gear;
- FG_F_Z_gear = F_Z_gear;
- FG_M_l_rp = M_l_rp;
- FG_M_m_rp = M_m_rp;
- FG_M_n_rp = M_n_rp;
- FG_M_l_cg = M_l_cg;
- FG_M_m_cg = M_m_cg;
- FG_M_n_cg = M_n_cg;
- FG_M_l_aero = M_l_aero;
- FG_M_m_aero = M_m_aero;
- FG_M_n_aero = M_n_aero;
- FG_M_l_engine = M_l_engine;
- FG_M_m_engine = M_m_engine;
- FG_M_n_engine = M_n_engine;
- FG_M_l_gear = M_l_gear;
- FG_M_m_gear = M_m_gear;
- FG_M_n_gear = M_n_gear;
- FG_V_dot_north = V_dot_north;
- FG_V_dot_east = V_dot_east;
- FG_V_dot_down = V_dot_down;
- FG_U_dot_body = U_dot_body;
- FG_V_dot_body = V_dot_body;
- FG_W_dot_body = W_dot_body;
- FG_A_X_cg = A_X_cg;
- FG_A_Y_cg = A_Y_cg;
- FG_A_Z_cg = A_Z_cg;
- FG_A_X_pilot = A_X_pilot;
- FG_A_Y_pilot = A_Y_pilot;
- FG_A_Z_pilot = A_Z_pilot;
- FG_N_X_cg = N_X_cg;
- FG_N_Y_cg = N_Y_cg;
- FG_N_Z_cg = N_Z_cg;
- FG_N_X_pilot = N_X_pilot;
- FG_N_Y_pilot = N_Y_pilot;
- FG_N_Z_pilot = N_Z_pilot;
- FG_P_dot_body = P_dot_body;
- FG_Q_dot_body = Q_dot_body;
- FG_R_dot_body = R_dot_body;
- FG_V_north = V_north;
- FG_V_east = V_east;
- FG_V_down = V_down;
- FG_V_north_rel_ground = V_north_rel_ground;
- FG_V_east_rel_ground = V_east_rel_ground;
- FG_V_down_rel_ground = V_down_rel_ground;
- FG_V_north_airmass = V_north_airmass;
- FG_V_east_airmass = V_east_airmass;
- FG_V_down_airmass = V_down_airmass;
- FG_V_north_rel_airmass = V_north_rel_airmass;
- FG_V_east_rel_airmass = V_east_rel_airmass;
- FG_V_down_rel_airmass = V_down_rel_airmass;
- FG_U_gust = U_gust;
- FG_V_gust = V_gust;
- FG_W_gust = W_gust;
- FG_U_body = U_body;
- FG_V_body = V_body;
- FG_W_body = W_body;
- FG_V_rel_wind = V_rel_wind;
- FG_V_true_kts = V_true_kts;
- FG_V_rel_ground = V_rel_ground;
- FG_V_inertial = V_inertial;
- FG_V_ground_speed = V_ground_speed;
- FG_V_equiv = V_equiv;
- FG_V_equiv_kts = V_equiv_kts;
- FG_V_calibrated = V_calibrated;
- FG_V_calibrated_kts = V_calibrated_kts;
- FG_P_body = P_body;
- FG_Q_body = Q_body;
- FG_R_body = R_body;
- FG_P_local = P_local;
- FG_Q_local = Q_local;
- FG_R_local = R_local;
- FG_P_total = P_total;
- FG_Q_total = Q_total;
- FG_R_total = R_total;
- FG_Phi_dot = Phi_dot;
- FG_Theta_dot = Theta_dot;
- FG_Psi_dot = Psi_dot;
- FG_Latitude_dot = Latitude_dot;
- FG_Longitude_dot = Longitude_dot;
- FG_Radius_dot = Radius_dot;
- FG_Lat_geocentric = Lat_geocentric;
- FG_Lon_geocentric = Lon_geocentric;
- FG_Radius_to_vehicle = Radius_to_vehicle;
- FG_Latitude = Latitude;
- FG_Longitude = Longitude;
- FG_Altitude = Altitude;
- FG_Phi = Phi;
- FG_Theta = Theta;
- FG_Psi = Psi;
- FG_T_local_to_body_11 = T_local_to_body_11;
- FG_T_local_to_body_12 = T_local_to_body_12;
- FG_T_local_to_body_13 = T_local_to_body_13;
- FG_T_local_to_body_21 = T_local_to_body_21;
- FG_T_local_to_body_22 = T_local_to_body_22;
- FG_T_local_to_body_23 = T_local_to_body_23;
- FG_T_local_to_body_31 = T_local_to_body_31;
- FG_T_local_to_body_32 = T_local_to_body_32;
- FG_T_local_to_body_33 = T_local_to_body_33;
- FG_Gravity = Gravity;
- FG_Centrifugal_relief = Centrifugal_relief;
- FG_Alpha = Alpha;
- FG_Beta = Beta;
- FG_Alpha_dot = Alpha_dot;
- FG_Beta_dot = Beta_dot;
- FG_Cos_alpha = Cos_alpha;
- FG_Sin_alpha = Sin_alpha;
- FG_Cos_beta = Cos_beta;
- FG_Sin_beta = Sin_beta;
- FG_Cos_phi = Cos_phi;
- FG_Sin_phi = Sin_phi;
- FG_Cos_theta = Cos_theta;
- FG_Sin_theta = Sin_theta;
- FG_Cos_psi = Cos_psi;
- FG_Sin_psi = Sin_psi;
- FG_Gamma_vert_rad = Gamma_vert_rad;
- FG_Gamma_horiz_rad = Gamma_horiz_rad;
- FG_Sigma = Sigma;
- FG_Density = Density;
- FG_V_sound = V_sound;
- FG_Mach_number = Mach_number;
- FG_Static_pressure = Static_pressure;
- FG_Total_pressure = Total_pressure;
- FG_Impact_pressure = Impact_pressure;
- FG_Dynamic_pressure = Dynamic_pressure;
- FG_Static_temperature = Static_temperature;
- FG_Total_temperature = Total_temperature;
- FG_Sea_level_radius = Sea_level_radius;
- FG_Earth_position_angle = Earth_position_angle;
- FG_Runway_altitude = Runway_altitude;
- FG_Runway_latitude = Runway_latitude;
- FG_Runway_longitude = Runway_longitude;
- FG_Runway_heading = Runway_heading;
- FG_Radius_to_rwy = Radius_to_rwy;
- FG_D_cg_north_of_rwy = D_cg_north_of_rwy;
- FG_D_cg_east_of_rwy = D_cg_east_of_rwy;
- FG_D_cg_above_rwy = D_cg_above_rwy;
- FG_X_cg_rwy = X_cg_rwy;
- FG_Y_cg_rwy = Y_cg_rwy;
- FG_H_cg_rwy = H_cg_rwy;
- FG_D_pilot_north_of_rwy = D_pilot_north_of_rwy;
- FG_D_pilot_east_of_rwy = D_pilot_east_of_rwy;
- FG_D_pilot_above_rwy = D_pilot_above_rwy;
- FG_X_pilot_rwy = X_pilot_rwy;
- FG_Y_pilot_rwy = Y_pilot_rwy;
- FG_H_pilot_rwy = H_pilot_rwy;
- return ( 0 );
/* Set the altitude (force) */
int ls_ForceAltitude(double alt_feet) {
Altitude = alt_feet;
/* Flight Gear Modification Log
* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.24 1998/12/14 13:27:47 curt
+ * Removed some old, outdated, no longer needed code.
+ *
* Revision 1.23 1998/10/16 23:27:44 curt
* C++-ifying.