--- /dev/null
+ Header: FGInitialCondition.cpp
+ Author: Tony Peden
+ Date started: 7/1/99
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Anthony K. Peden (apeden@earthlink.net) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+7/1/99 TP Created
+The purpose of this class is to take a set of initial conditions and provide
+a kinematically consistent set of body axis velocity components, euler
+angles, and altitude. This class does not attempt to trim the model i.e.
+the sim will most likely start in a very dynamic state (unless, of course,
+you have chosen your IC's wisely) even after setting it up with this class.
+CAVEAT: This class makes use of alpha=theta-gamma. This means that setting
+ any of the three with this class is only valid for steady state
+ (all accels zero) and zero pitch rate. One example where this
+ would produce invalid results is setting up for a trim in a pull-up
+ or pushover (both have nonzero pitch rate). Maybe someday...
+#include "FGInitialCondition.h"
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
+#include "FGDefs.h"
+FGInitialCondition::FGInitialCondition(FGFDMExec *fdmex)
+ vt=vc=0;
+ mach=0;
+ alpha=beta=gamma=0;
+ theta=phi=psi=0;
+ altitude=hdot=0;
+ latitude=longitude=0;
+ atm=fdmex->GetAtmosphere();
+FGInitialCondition::~FGInitialCondition(void) {};
+void FGInitialCondition::SetVcalibratedKtsIC(float tt)
+ vc=tt*KTSTOFPS;
+ cout << "ic.vc: " << vc << endl;
+ cout << "ic.rhosl: " << atm->GetDensity(0) << endl;
+ cout << "ic.rho: " << atm->GetDensity(altitude) << endl;
+ vt=sqrt(atm->GetDensity(0)/atm->GetDensity(altitude)*vc*vc);
+ cout << "ic.vt: " << vt << endl;
+ //mach=vt*sqrt(SHRATIO*Reng*atm->GetTemperature(altitude));
+void FGInitialCondition::SetVtrueKtsIC(float tt)
+ vt=tt*KTSTOFPS;
+ //vc=sqrt(atm->GetDensity(altitude)/atm->GetDensity(0)*vt*vt);
+ //mach=vt*sqrt(SHRATIO*Reng*atm->GetTemperature(altitude));
+void FGInitialCondition::SetMachIC(float tt)
+ mach=tt;
+ vt=mach*sqrt(SHRATIO*Reng*atm->GetTemperature(altitude));
+ //vc=sqrt(atm->GetDensity(altitude)/atm->GetDensity(0)*vt*vt);
+void FGInitialCondition::SetAltitudeFtIC(float tt)
+ altitude=tt;
+ //mach=vt/sqrt(SHRATIO*Reng*atm->GetTemperature(altitude));
+ //vc=sqrt(atm->GetDensity(altitude)/atm->GetDensity(0)*vt*vt);
+void FGInitialCondition::SetFlightPathAngleDegIC(float tt)
+ gamma=tt*DEGTORAD;
+ theta=alpha+gamma;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetAlphaDegIC(float tt)
+ alpha=tt*DEGTORAD;
+ theta=alpha+gamma;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetBetaDegIC(float tt)
+ beta=tt*DEGTORAD;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetRollAngleDegIC(float tt)
+ phi=tt*DEGTORAD;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetPitchAngleDegIC(float tt)
+ theta=tt*DEGTORAD;
+ alpha=theta-gamma;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetHeadingDegIC(float tt)
+ psi=tt*DEGTORAD;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetLatitudeDegIC(float tt)
+ latitude=tt*DEGTORAD;
+void FGInitialCondition::SetLongitudeDegIC(float tt)
+ longitude=tt*DEGTORAD;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetUBodyFpsIC(void)
+ return vt*cos(alpha)*cos(beta);
+float FGInitialCondition::GetVBodyFpsIC(void)
+ return vt*sin(beta);
+float FGInitialCondition::GetWBodyFpsIC(void)
+ return vt*sin(alpha)*cos(beta);
+float FGInitialCondition::GetThetaRadIC(void)
+ return theta;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetPhiRadIC(void)
+ return phi;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetPsiRadIC(void)
+ return psi;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetLatitudeRadIC(void)
+ return latitude;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetLongitudeRadIC(void)
+ return longitude;
+float FGInitialCondition::GetAltitudeFtIC(void)
+ return altitude;
--- /dev/null
+ Header: FGInitialCondition.h
+ Author: Tony Peden
+ Date started: 7/1/99
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Anthony K. Peden (apeden@earthlink.net) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+7/1/99 TP Created
+The purpose of this class is to take a set of initial conditions and provide
+a kinematically consistent set of body axis velocity components, euler
+angles, and altitude. This class does not attempt to trim the model i.e.
+the sim will most likely start in a very dynamic state (unless, of course,
+you have chosen your IC's wisely) even after setting it up with this class.
+CAVEAT: This class makes use of alpha=theta-gamma. This means that setting
+ any of the three with this class is only valid for steady state
+ (all accels zero) and zero pitch rate. One example where this
+ would produce invalid results is setting up for a trim in a pull-up
+ or pushover (both have nonzero pitch rate). Maybe someday...
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+class FGInitialCondition
+ public:
+ FGInitialCondition(FGFDMExec *fdmex);
+ ~FGInitialCondition(void);
+ void SetVcalibratedKtsIC(float tt);
+ void SetVtrueKtsIC(float tt);
+ void SetMachIC(float tt);
+ void SetAltitudeFtIC(float tt);
+ void SetFlightPathAngleDegIC(float tt); //"vertical" flight path, solve for alpha using speed
+ //void SetClimbRateFpmIC(float tt); //overwrite gamma
+ void SetAlphaDegIC(float tt); //use currently stored gamma
+ void SetBetaDegIC(float tt);
+ void SetRollAngleDegIC(float tt);
+ void SetPitchAngleDegIC(float tt); //use currently stored gamma
+ void SetHeadingDegIC(float tt);
+ void SetLatitudeDegIC(float tt);
+ void SetLongitudeDegIC(float tt);
+ float GetUBodyFpsIC(void);
+ float GetVBodyFpsIC(void);
+ float GetWBodyFpsIC(void);
+ float GetThetaRadIC(void);
+ float GetPhiRadIC(void);
+ float GetPsiRadIC(void);
+ float GetLatitudeRadIC(void);
+ float GetLongitudeRadIC(void);
+ float GetAltitudeFtIC(void);
+ private:
+ float vt,vc;
+ float alpha,beta,gamma,theta,phi,psi;
+ float mach;
+ float altitude,hdot;
+ float u,v,w;
+ float latitude,longitude;
+ FGAtmosphere *atm;
--- /dev/null
+ Module: JSBSim.cpp
+ Author: Jon S. Berndt
+ Date started: 08/17/99
+ Purpose: Standalone version of JSBSim.
+ Called by: The USER.
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+This class Handles calling JSBSim standalone. It is set up for compilation under
+Borland C+Builder or other compiler.
+08/17/99 JSB Created
+#if __BCPLUSPLUS__ >= 0x0540 // If compiling under Borland C++Builder
+ #pragma hdrstop
+ #include <condefs.h>
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ USEUNIT("FGAircraft.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGAtmosphere.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGAuxiliary.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGCoefficient.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGControls.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGEngine.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGFDMExec.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGInitialCondition.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGModel.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGOutput.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGPosition.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGRotation.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGState.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGTank.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGTranslation.cpp");
+ USEUNIT("FGUtility.cpp");
+ USERES("JSBSim.res");
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #pragma argsused
+#include "FGFDMExec.h"
+#include "FGRotation.h"
+#include "FGAtmosphere.h"
+#include "FGState.h"
+#include "FGFCS.h"
+#include "FGAircraft.h"
+#include "FGTranslation.h"
+#include "FGPosition.h"
+#include "FGAuxiliary.h"
+#include "FGOutput.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <ctime>
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ FGFDMExec* FDMExec;
+ if (argc != 3) {
+ cout << endl
+ << " You must enter the name of a registered aircraft and reset point:"
+ << endl << endl << " FDM <aircraft name> <reset file>" << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
+ FDMExec->GetAircraft()->LoadAircraft("aircraft", "engine", string(argv[1]));
+ FDMExec->GetState()->Reset("aircraft", string(argv[2]));
+ while (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() <= 25.0)
+ {
+ //
+ // Fake an elevator kick here after 5 seconds
+ //
+ if (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() > 5.0 &&
+ FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() < 6.0)
+ {
+ FDMExec->GetFCS()->SetDe(0.05);
+ }
+ FDMExec->Run();
+ }
+ delete FDMExec;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+JSBSim : FGAircraft.o FGAtmosphere.o FGCoefficient.o FGFCS.o FGFDMExec.o \
+ FGModel.o FGOutput.o FGPosition.o FGRotation.o FGState.o \
+ FGTranslation.o FGUtility.o FGEngine.o FGTank.o FGAuxiliary.o \
+ JSBSim.o FGInitialCondition.o
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -lm *.o -oJSBSim
+FGAircraft.o : FGAircraft.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGAircraft.cpp
+FGAtmosphere.o : FGAtmosphere.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGAtmosphere.cpp
+FGAuxiliary.o : FGAuxiliary.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGAuxiliary.cpp
+FGCoefficient.o : FGCoefficient.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGCoefficient.cpp
+FGFCS.o : FGFCS.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGFCS.cpp
+FGFDMExec.o : FGFDMExec.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGFDMExec.cpp
+FGModel.o : FGModel.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGModel.cpp
+FGOutput.o : FGOutput.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGOutput.cpp
+FGPosition.o : FGPosition.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGPosition.cpp
+FGRotation.o : FGRotation.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGRotation.cpp
+FGState.o : FGState.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGState.cpp
+FGTranslation.o : FGTranslation.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGTranslation.cpp
+FGUtility.o : FGUtility.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGUtility.cpp
+FGEngine.o : FGEngine.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGEngine.cpp
+FGTank.o : FGTank.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGTank.cpp
+FGInitialCondition.o : FGInitialCondition.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c FGInitialCondition.cpp
+JSBSim.o : JSBSim.cpp
+ g++ $(CCOPTS) -c JSBSim.cpp
+ mv *.*~ backup
+ rm *.o
+ touch *.cpp
+ make JSBSim
+ env CCOPTS=-g -WALL
+ make all