-static ssgLeaf *gen_lights( const FGBucket &b ) {
- FGTileEntry *t = global_tile_cache.get_tile( b );
- Point3D center = t->get_offset() + scenery.center;
- double lon, lat, elev;
- double w = b.get_width();
- double h = b.get_height();
- double area = b.get_width_m() * b.get_height_m();
- int num = (int)(area / 1000000); // number of point lights to create
- cout << "generating " << num << " lights" << endl;
- if ( num <= 0 ) {
- return NULL;
- }
+static ssgLeaf *gen_lights( ssgVertexArray *lights ) {
// Allocate ssg structure
- ssgVertexArray *vl = new ssgVertexArray( num );
ssgNormalArray *nl = NULL;
ssgTexCoordArray *tl = NULL;
ssgColourArray *cl = new ssgColourArray( 1 );
- // default to white lights for now
+ // default to slightly yellow lights for now
sgVec4 color;
- sgSetVec4( color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ sgSetVec4( color, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0 );
cl->add( color );
- for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
- lon = b.get_center_lon() - w * 0.5 + sg_random() * w;
- lat = b.get_center_lat() - h * 0.5 + sg_random() * h;
- Point3D geod = Point3D( lon * DEG_TO_RAD, lat * DEG_TO_RAD, 0.0);
- Point3D tmp = sgGeodToCart( geod );
- sgdVec3 cart;
- sgdSetVec3( cart, tmp.x(), tmp.y(), tmp.z() );
- if ( ! global_tile_mgr.current_elev_ssg( cart, &elev ) ) {
- elev = 0.0;
- }
- // cout << " lon = " << lon << " lat = " << lat << " elev = " << elev
- // << endl;
- geod.setz( elev + 8.0 + sg_random() * 4);
- tmp = sgGeodToCart( geod ) - center;
- sgVec3 p;
- sgSetVec3( p, tmp.x(), tmp.y(), tmp.z() );
- // cout << " x = " << cart[0] << " y = " << cart[1]
- // << " z = " << cart[2] << endl;
- vl->add( p );
- }
// create ssg leaf
ssgLeaf *leaf =
- new ssgVtxTable ( GL_POINTS, vl, nl, tl, cl );
+ new ssgVtxTable ( GL_POINTS, lights, nl, tl, cl );
// assign state
FGNewMat *newmat = material_lib.find( "LIGHTS" );
e->terra_transform = new ssgTransform;
e->terra_range = new ssgRangeSelector;
- e->lights_transform = new ssgTransform;
- e->lights_range = new ssgRangeSelector;
e->tile_bucket = b;
FGPath tile_path;
tile_path.append( b.gen_base_path() );
+ // fgObjLoad will generate ground lighting for us ...
+ ssgVertexArray *light_pts = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
// Load the appropriate data file
FGPath tile_base = tile_path;
tile_base.append( b.gen_index_str() );
- ssgBranch *new_tile = fgObjLoad( tile_base.str(), e, true );
+ ssgBranch *new_tile = fgObjLoad( tile_base.str(), e, light_pts, true );
if ( new_tile != NULL ) {
e->terra_range->addKid( new_tile );
FGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
- ssgBranch *custom_obj = fgObjLoad( custom_path.str(), e, false );
+ ssgBranch *custom_obj =
+ fgObjLoad( custom_path.str(), e, NULL, false );
if ( (new_tile != NULL) && (custom_obj != NULL) ) {
new_tile -> addKid( custom_obj );
terrain->addKid( e->terra_transform );
e->lights_transform = NULL;
- /* uncomment this section for testing ground lights
- ssgLeaf *lights = gen_lights( b );
+ /* uncomment this section for testing ground lights */
+ ssgLeaf *lights = gen_lights( light_pts );
if ( lights ) {
+ e->lights_transform = new ssgTransform;
+ e->lights_range = new ssgRangeSelector;
e->lights_range->addKid( lights );
e->lights_transform->addKid( e->lights_range );
e->lights_transform->setTransform( &sgcoord );
ground->addKid( e->lights_transform );
- */
+ /* end of ground light section */
terra_range->setRange( 0, SG_ZERO );
terra_range->setRange( 1, vis + bounding_radius );
lights_range->setRange( 0, SG_ZERO );
- lights_range->setRange( 1, vis + bounding_radius );
+ lights_range->setRange( 1, vis * 1.5 + bounding_radius );
float ranges[2];
ranges[0] = SG_ZERO;
ranges[1] = vis + bounding_radius;
terra_range->setRanges( ranges, 2 );
+ ranges[1] = vis * 1.5 + bounding_radius;
lights_range->setRanges( ranges, 2 );
sgVec3 sgTrans;
sgCopyVec3( to, sgTrans );
double dist = sgLengthVec3( to );
- sgScaleVec3( up, agl / 20.0 + dist / 10000 );
+ sgScaleVec3( up, 10.0 + agl / 100.0 + dist / 10000 );
sgAddVec3( sgTrans, up );
lights_transform->setTransform( sgTrans );