#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/location.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include "model.hxx"
sgMakeTransMat4(matrix, xyz);
- * make model transformation Matrix - based on optimizations by NHV
- */
-static void MakeTRANS( sgMat4 dst, const double Theta,
- const double Phi, const double Psi,
- const double lon, const double lat)
- SGfloat cosTheta = (SGfloat) cos(Theta);
- SGfloat sinTheta = (SGfloat) sin(Theta);
- SGfloat cosPhi = (SGfloat) cos(Phi);
- SGfloat sinPhi = (SGfloat) sin(Phi);
- SGfloat sinPsi = (SGfloat) sin(Psi) ;
- SGfloat cosPsi = (SGfloat) cos(Psi) ;
- SGfloat cosLon = SGD_ONE;
- SGfloat sinLon = SGD_ZERO;
- SGfloat cosLat = SGD_ONE;
- SGfloat sinLat = SGD_ZERO;
- if ( lon != SG_ZERO ) {
- sinLon = (SGfloat) sin( lon ) ;
- cosLon = (SGfloat) cos( lon ) ;
- }
- if ( lat != SG_ZERO ) {
- sinLat = (SGfloat) sin( lat ) ;
- cosLat = (SGfloat) cos( lat ) ;
- }
- sgMat4 tmp;
- tmp[0][0] = cosPhi * cosTheta;
- tmp[0][1] = sinPhi * cosPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
- tmp[0][2] = sinPhi * sinPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
- tmp[1][0] = -sinPhi * cosTheta;
- tmp[1][1] = cosPhi * cosPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
- tmp[1][2] = cosPhi * sinPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
- tmp[2][0] = sinTheta;
- tmp[2][1] = cosTheta * -sinPsi;
- tmp[2][2] = cosTheta * cosPsi;
- float a = cosLon * cosLat; // world up [0]
- float b = -sinLon;
- float c = sinLat * cosLon;
- dst[2][0] = a*tmp[0][0] + b*tmp[0][1] + c*tmp[0][2] ;
- dst[1][0] = a*tmp[1][0] + b*tmp[1][1] + c*tmp[1][2] ;
- dst[0][0] = -(a*tmp[2][0] + b*tmp[2][1] + c*tmp[2][2]) ;
- dst[3][0] = SG_ZERO ;
- a = cosLat * sinLon; // world up [1]
- b = cosLon;
- c = sinLat * sinLon;
- dst[2][1] = a*tmp[0][0] + b*tmp[0][1] + c*tmp[0][2] ;
- dst[1][1] = a*tmp[1][0] + b*tmp[1][1] + c*tmp[1][2] ;
- dst[0][1] = -(a*tmp[2][0] + b*tmp[2][1] + c*tmp[2][2]) ;
- dst[3][1] = SG_ZERO ;
- a = -sinLat; // world up [2]
- c = cosLat;
- dst[2][2] = a*tmp[0][0] + c*tmp[0][2] ;
- dst[1][2] = a*tmp[1][0] + c*tmp[1][2] ;
- dst[0][2] = -(a*tmp[2][0] + c*tmp[2][2]) ;
- dst[3][2] = SG_ZERO ;
- dst[2][3] = SG_ZERO ;
- dst[1][3] = SG_ZERO ;
- dst[0][3] = SG_ZERO ;
- dst[3][3] = SG_ONE ;
-// TODO: once this is working, look at Norm's optimized version
-static void
-world_coordinate( sgCoord *obj_pos,
- double lat_deg, double lon_deg, double elev_ft,
- double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double hdg_deg)
- // setup translation
- double sea_level_radius_m;
- double lat_geoc_rad;
- // Convert from geodetic to geocentric
- // coordinates.
- sgGeodToGeoc(lat_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
- elev_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
- &sea_level_radius_m,
- &lat_geoc_rad);
- Point3D center = scenery.get_center();
- Point3D geod = Point3D(lon_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
- lat_geoc_rad,
- sea_level_radius_m);
- geod.setz(geod.radius() + elev_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- Point3D world_pos = sgPolarToCart3d( geod );
- Point3D offset = world_pos - center;
- sgMat4 POS;
- sgMakeTransMat4( POS, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z() );
- sgMat4 TRANS;
- -lat_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
- sgPostMultMat4( TRANS, POS );
- sgSetCoord( obj_pos, TRANS );
// Set up the selector node
+ // Set up a location class
+ _location = (FGLocation *) new FGLocation;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _animations.size(); i++)
- _selector->select(true);
sgCoord obj_pos;
- world_coordinate(&obj_pos, _lat_deg, _lon_deg, _elev_ft,
- _roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg);
+ sgMat4 POS, TRANS;
+ _location->setPosition( _lon_deg, _lat_deg, _elev_ft );
+ _location->setOrientation( _roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg );
+ sgCopyMat4(TRANS, _location->getTransformMatrix());
+ sgMakeTransMat4( POS, _location->get_view_pos() );
+ sgPostMultMat4( TRANS, POS );
+ sgSetCoord( &obj_pos, TRANS );
// end of model.cxx