primary key (id)\r
+create table group_block (\r
+ group_id integer not null /* comment 'group profile is blocked from' */ references user_group (id),\r
+ blocked integer not null /* comment 'profile that is blocked' */references profile (id),\r
+ blocker integer not null /* comment 'user making the block'*/ references "user" (id),\r
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date of blocking'*/ ,\r
+ primary key (group_id, blocked)\r
+create table group_alias (\r
+ alias varchar(64) /* comment 'additional nickname for the group'*/ ,\r
+ group_id integer not null /* comment 'group profile is blocked from'*/ references user_group (id),\r
+ modified timestamp /* comment 'date alias was created'*/,\r
+ primary key (alias)\r
+create index group_alias_group_id_idx on group_alias (group_id);\r
/* Textsearch stuff */\r
create index textsearch_idx on profile using gist(textsearch);\r