$item['body'] = item_redir_and_replace_images($extracted['body'], $extracted['images'], $item['contact-id']);
- /*
- heluecht 2018-06-19: from my point of view this whole code part is useless.
- It just renders the body message of technical posts (Like, dislike, ...).
- But: The body isn't visible at all. So we do this stuff just because we can.
- Even if these messages were visible, this would only mean that something went wrong.
- During the further steps of the database restructuring I would like to address this issue.
- */
- $activity = DI::activity();
- $xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
- if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::LIKE)
- || $activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::DISLIKE)
- || $activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTEND)
- || $activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTENDNO)
- || $activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTENDMAYBE)) {
- $fields = ['author-link', 'author-name', 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink'];
- $obj = Item::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $item['parent-uri']]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($obj)) {
- return;
- }
- $author = '[url=' . $item['author-link'] . ']' . $item['author-name'] . '[/url]';
- $objauthor = '[url=' . $obj['author-link'] . ']' . $obj['author-name'] . '[/url]';
- switch ($obj['verb']) {
- case Activity::POST:
- switch ($obj['object-type']) {
- case Activity\ObjectType::EVENT:
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('event');
- break;
- default:
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ($obj['resource-id']) {
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('photo');
- $m = [];
- preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m);
- $rr['plink'] = $m[1];
- } else {
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
- }
- }
- $plink = '[url=' . $obj['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]';
- $bodyverb = '';
- if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::LIKE)) {
- $bodyverb = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s');
- } elseif ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::DISLIKE)) {
- $bodyverb = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s doesn\'t like %2$s\'s %3$s');
- } elseif ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTEND)) {
- $bodyverb = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s attends %2$s\'s %3$s');
- } elseif ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTENDNO)) {
- $bodyverb = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s doesn\'t attend %2$s\'s %3$s');
- } elseif ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::ATTENDMAYBE)) {
- $bodyverb = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s attends maybe %2$s\'s %3$s');
- }
- $item['body'] = sprintf($bodyverb, $author, $objauthor, $plink);
- }
- if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::FRIEND)) {
- if ($item['object-type']=="" || $item['object-type']!== Activity\ObjectType::PERSON) return;
+ /// @todo The following functionality needs to be cleaned up.
+ if (!empty($item['verb'])) {
+ $activity = DI::activity();
- $Aname = $item['author-name'];
- $Alink = $item['author-link'];
- $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
- $obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
- $links = XML::parseString($xmlhead."<links>".XML::unescape($obj->link)."</links>");
- $Bname = $obj->title;
- $Blink = "";
- $Bphoto = "";
- foreach ($links->link as $l) {
- $atts = $l->attributes();
- switch ($atts['rel']) {
- case "alternate": $Blink = $atts['href']; break;
- case "photo": $Bphoto = $atts['href']; break;
+ if (stristr($item['verb'], Activity::POKE)) {
+ $verb = urldecode(substr($item['verb'],strpos($item['verb'],'#')+1));
+ if (!$verb) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($item['object-type']=="" || $item['object-type']!== Activity\ObjectType::PERSON) {
+ return;
- }
- $A = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Alink) . ']' . $Aname . '[/url]';
- $B = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . ']' . $Bname . '[/url]';
- if ($Bphoto != "") {
- $Bphoto = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . '][img]' . $Bphoto . '[/img][/url]';
- }
- $item['body'] = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s is now friends with %2$s', $A, $B)."\n\n\n".$Bphoto;
- }
- if (stristr($item['verb'], Activity::POKE)) {
- $verb = urldecode(substr($item['verb'],strpos($item['verb'],'#')+1));
- if (!$verb) {
- return;
- }
- if ($item['object-type']=="" || $item['object-type']!== Activity\ObjectType::PERSON) {
- return;
- }
- $Aname = $item['author-name'];
- $Alink = $item['author-link'];
+ $Aname = $item['author-name'];
+ $Alink = $item['author-link'];
- $xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
+ $xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
- $obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
+ $obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
- $Bname = $obj->title;
- $Blink = $obj->id;
- $Bphoto = "";
+ $Bname = $obj->title;
+ $Blink = $obj->id;
+ $Bphoto = "";
- foreach ($obj->link as $l) {
- $atts = $l->attributes();
- switch ($atts['rel']) {
- case "alternate": $Blink = $atts['href'];
- case "photo": $Bphoto = $atts['href'];
+ foreach ($obj->link as $l) {
+ $atts = $l->attributes();
+ switch ($atts['rel']) {
+ case "alternate": $Blink = $atts['href'];
+ case "photo": $Bphoto = $atts['href'];
+ }
- }
- $A = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Alink) . ']' . $Aname . '[/url]';
- $B = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . ']' . $Bname . '[/url]';
- if ($Bphoto != "") {
- $Bphoto = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . '][img=80x80]' . $Bphoto . '[/img][/url]';
- }
- /*
- * we can't have a translation string with three positions but no distinguishable text
- * So here is the translate string.
- */
- $txt = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s poked %2$s');
- // now translate the verb
- $poked_t = trim(sprintf($txt, "", ""));
- $txt = str_replace($poked_t, DI::l10n()->t($verb), $txt);
+ $A = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Alink) . ']' . $Aname . '[/url]';
+ $B = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . ']' . $Bname . '[/url]';
+ if ($Bphoto != "") {
+ $Bphoto = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . '][img=80x80]' . $Bphoto . '[/img][/url]';
+ }
- // then do the sprintf on the translation string
+ /*
+ * we can't have a translation string with three positions but no distinguishable text
+ * So here is the translate string.
+ */
+ $txt = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s poked %2$s');
- $item['body'] = sprintf($txt, $A, $B). "\n\n\n" . $Bphoto;
+ // now translate the verb
+ $poked_t = trim(sprintf($txt, "", ""));
+ $txt = str_replace($poked_t, DI::l10n()->t($verb), $txt);
- }
+ // then do the sprintf on the translation string
- if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::TAG)) {
- $fields = ['author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-network',
- 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink'];
- $obj = Item::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $item['parent-uri']]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($obj)) {
- return;
- }
+ $item['body'] = sprintf($txt, $A, $B). "\n\n\n" . $Bphoto;
- $author_arr = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $item['author-id'],
- 'network' => $item['author-network'], 'url' => $item['author-link']];
- $author = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $item['author-name'] . '[/url]';
- $author_arr = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $obj['author-id'],
- 'network' => $obj['author-network'], 'url' => $obj['author-link']];
- $objauthor = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $obj['author-name'] . '[/url]';
- switch ($obj['verb']) {
- case Activity::POST:
- switch ($obj['object-type']) {
- case Activity\ObjectType::EVENT:
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('event');
- break;
- default:
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ($obj['resource-id']) {
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('photo');
- $m=[]; preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m);
- $rr['plink'] = $m[1];
- } else {
- $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
- }
- // Let's break everthing ... ;-)
- break;
- $plink = '[url=' . $obj['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]';
- $parsedobj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
+ if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::TAG)) {
+ $fields = ['author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-network',
+ 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink'];
+ $obj = Item::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $item['parent-uri']]);
+ if (!DBA::isResult($obj)) {
+ return;
+ }
- $tag = sprintf('#[url=%s]%s[/url]', $parsedobj->id, $parsedobj->content);
- $item['body'] = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s tagged %2$s\'s %3$s with %4$s', $author, $objauthor, $plink, $tag);
- }
+ $author_arr = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $item['author-id'],
+ 'network' => $item['author-network'], 'url' => $item['author-link']];
+ $author = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $item['author-name'] . '[/url]';
+ $author_arr = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $obj['author-id'],
+ 'network' => $obj['author-network'], 'url' => $obj['author-link']];
+ $objauthor = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $obj['author-name'] . '[/url]';
+ switch ($obj['verb']) {
+ case Activity::POST:
+ switch ($obj['object-type']) {
+ case Activity\ObjectType::EVENT:
+ $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('event');
+ break;
+ default:
+ $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ($obj['resource-id']) {
+ $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('photo');
+ $m=[]; preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m);
+ $rr['plink'] = $m[1];
+ } else {
+ $post_type = DI::l10n()->t('status');
+ }
+ // Let's break everthing ... ;-)
+ break;
+ }
+ $plink = '[url=' . $obj['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]';
- if ($activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::FAVORITE)) {
- if ($item['object-type'] == "") {
- return;
- }
+ $parsedobj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
- $Aname = $item['author-name'];
- $Alink = $item['author-link'];
- $xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
- $obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
- if (strlen($obj->id)) {
- $fields = ['author-link', 'author-name', 'plink'];
- $target = Item::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $obj->id, 'uid' => $item['uid']]);
- if (DBA::isResult($target) && $target['plink']) {
- $Bname = $target['author-name'];
- $Blink = $target['author-link'];
- $A = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Alink) . ']' . $Aname . '[/url]';
- $B = '[url=' . Contact::magicLink($Blink) . ']' . $Bname . '[/url]';
- $P = '[url=' . $target['plink'] . ']' . DI::l10n()->t('post/item') . '[/url]';
- $item['body'] = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s marked %2$s\'s %3$s as favorite', $A, $B, $P)."\n";
- }
+ $tag = sprintf('#[url=%s]%s[/url]', $parsedobj->id, $parsedobj->content);
+ $item['body'] = DI::l10n()->t('%1$s tagged %2$s\'s %3$s with %4$s', $author, $objauthor, $plink, $tag);
$matches = null;
if (preg_match_all('/@\[url=(.*?)\]/is', $item['body'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $mtch) {