TARGET = libMath.a
-CFILES = MAT3geom.c MAT3inv.c MAT3mat.c MAT3vec.c
-HFILES = mat3.h mat3defs.h mat3err.h
+CFILES = MAT3geom.c MAT3inv.c MAT3mat.c MAT3vec.c polar.c
OFILES = $(CFILES:.c=.o)
# Primary Targets
$(AR) rv $(TARGET) $(OFILES)
all: $(TARGET)
include depend
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c polar.c
# $Log$
+# Revision 1.8 1997/07/07 20:59:48 curt
+# Working on scenery transformations to enable us to fly fluidly over the
+# poles with no discontinuity/distortion in scenery.
# Revision 1.7 1997/07/05 20:43:31 curt
# renamed mat3 directory to Math so we could add other math related routines.
MAT3inv.o: MAT3inv.c mat3defs.h mat3.h
MAT3mat.o: MAT3mat.c mat3defs.h mat3.h
MAT3vec.o: MAT3vec.c mat3.h
+polar.o: polar.c polar.h ../types.h ../constants.h