// Set content type for e.g. search engines
-// No hash provided by default
-$URL = 'modules.php?module=index';
+// No hash provided then we redirect to the right page
+$URL = 'modules.php?module=index&what=confirm';
// Is the hash there?
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('hash')) {
- // We have an refid here. So we simply add it
- $URL = 'modules.php?module=index&what=confirm&hash=' . getRequestParameter('hash');
+ // We have a hash here. So we simply add it
+ $URL .= '&hash=' . getRequestParameter('hash');
} // END - if
// Load the URL
// Generates an FQFN for template cache from the given template name
-function generateCacheFqfn ($template) {
+function generateCacheFqfn ($template, $mode = 'html') {
// Is this cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template])) {
// Generate the FQFN
- $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template] = sprintf("%s_compiled/html/%s.tpl.cache", getConfig('CACHE_PATH'), $template);
+ $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template] = sprintf(
+ "%s_compiled/%s/%s.tpl.cache",
+ getConfig('CACHE_PATH'),
+ $mode,
+ $template
+ );
} // END - if
// Return it