OptionValueVec::const_iterator it = values.begin();
for (; it != values.end(); ++it) {
+ if (!it->desc) {
+ continue; // ignore markers
+ }
if (it->desc->option == key) {
return it;
int processOption(OptionDesc* desc, const string& arg_value)
+ if (!desc) {
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK; // tolerate marker options
+ }
switch ( desc->type & 0xffff ) {
fgSetBool( desc->property, desc->b_param );
+ /**
+ * insert a marker value into the values vector. This is necessary
+ * when processing options, to ensure the correct ordering, where we scan
+ * for marker values in reverse, and then forwards within each group.
+ */
+ void insertGroupMarker()
+ {
+ values.push_back(OptionValue(NULL, "-"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * given a current iterator into the values, find the preceeding group marker,
+ * or return the beginning of the value vector.
+ */
+ OptionValueVec::const_iterator rfindGroup(OptionValueVec::const_iterator pos) const
+ {
+ while (--pos != values.begin()) {
+ if (pos->desc == NULL) {
+ return pos; // found a marker, we're done
+ }
+ }
+ return pos;
+ }
bool showHelp,
OptionDescDict options;
OptionValueVec values;
simgear::PathList propertyFiles;
} // of arguments iteration
+ p->insertGroupMarker(); // command line is one group
// then config files
SGPath config;
in >> skipcomment;
+ p->insertGroupMarker(); // each config file is a group
int Options::parseOption(const string& s)
OptionDesc* desc = p->findOption(key);
if (!desc) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "unknown option:" << key);
string_list result;
OptionValueVec::const_iterator it = p->values.begin();
for (; it != p->values.end(); ++it) {
+ if (!it->desc) {
+ continue; // ignore marker values
+ }
if (it->desc->option == key) {
- // proces options in LIFO order, so earlier (first in) options are processed
- // after, and hence override, later specified options.
- OptionValueVec::const_reverse_iterator it = p->values.rbegin();
- for (; it != p->values.rend(); ++it) {
- int result = p->processOption(it->desc, it->value);
- if (result == FG_OPTIONS_ERROR) {
- showUsage();
- exit(-1);
+ // processing order is complicated. We must process groups LIFO, but the
+ // values *within* each group in FIFO order, to retain consistency with
+ // older versions of FG, and existing user configs.
+ // in practice this means system.fgfsrc must be *processed* before
+ // .fgfsrc, which must be processed before the command line args, and so on.
+ OptionValueVec::const_iterator groupEnd = p->values.end();
+ while (groupEnd != p->values.begin()) {
+ OptionValueVec::const_iterator groupBegin = p->rfindGroup(groupEnd);
+ // run over the group in FIFO order
+ OptionValueVec::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = groupBegin; it != groupEnd; ++it) {
+ int result = p->processOption(it->desc, it->value);
+ if (result == FG_OPTIONS_ERROR) {
+ showUsage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ groupEnd = groupBegin;
BOOST_FOREACH(const SGPath& file, p->propertyFiles) {
if (!file.exists()) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "config file not found:" << file.str());