'vimeo.com' => 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json',
protected static $functionMap = array(
- 'twitpic.com' => 'oEmbedHelper::twitPic',
return $data;
- /**
- * Using a local function for twitpic lookups, as oohembed's adapter
- * doesn't return a valid result:
- * http://code.google.com/p/oohembed/issues/detail?id=19
- *
- * This code fetches metadata from Twitpic's own API, and attempts
- * to guess proper thumbnail size from the original's size.
- *
- * @todo respect maxwidth and maxheight params
- *
- * @param string $url
- * @param array $params
- * @return object
- */
- static function twitPic($url, $params=array())
- {
- $matches = array();
- if (preg_match('!twitpic\.com/(\w+)!', $url, $matches)) {
- $id = $matches[1];
- } else {
- throw new Exception("Invalid twitpic URL");
- }
- // Grab metadata from twitpic's API...
- // http://dev.twitpic.com/docs/2/media_show
- $data = self::json('http://api.twitpic.com/2/media/show.json',
- array('id' => $id));
- $oembed = (object)array('type' => 'photo',
- 'url' => 'http://twitpic.com/show/full/' . $data->short_id,
- 'width' => $data->width,
- 'height' => $data->height);
- if (!empty($data->message)) {
- $oembed->title = $data->message;
- }
- // Thumbnail is cropped and scaled to 150x150 box:
- // http://dev.twitpic.com/docs/thumbnails/
- $thumbSize = 150;
- $oembed->thumbnail_url = 'http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/' . $data->short_id;
- $oembed->thumbnail_width = $thumbSize;
- $oembed->thumbnail_height = $thumbSize;
- return $oembed;
- }
* Fetch some URL and return JSON data.
static public function knownSources()
$sources = array(
- array('http://www.flickr.com/photos/brionv/5172500179/', 'photo'),
- array('http://yfrog.com/fy42747177j', 'photo'),
- array('http://twitpic.com/36adw6', 'photo'),
+ array('https://www.flickr.com/photos/brionv/5172500179/', 'photo'),
return $sources;