if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'no_count', false)) {
/// @todo This query needs to be renewed. It is really slow
// At this time we just store the data in the cache
- $albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
+ $albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`, MIN(`created`) AS `created`
FROM `photo`
WHERE `uid` = ? AND `photo-type` IN (?, ?, ?) $sql_extra
GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
} else {
// This query doesn't do the count and is much faster
- $albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT DISTINCT(`album`), '' AS `total`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
+ $albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT '' AS `total`, `album`, MIN(`created`) AS `created`
FROM `photo` USE INDEX (`uid_album_scale_created`)
- WHERE `uid` = ? AND `photo-type` IN (?, ?, ?) $sql_extra",
+ WHERE `uid` = ? AND `photo-type` IN (?, ?, ?) $sql_extra
+ GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC",