LayoutWidget::setDefaultFont() wants puFont* /and/ pointsize as extra
parameters, when puFont knows its pointsize anyway. Didn't want to change
that yet, though.) Now the HELVETICA_10 font makes actually sense. :-)
// Let the layout widget work in the same property subtree.
LayoutWidget wid(props);
+ puFont *fnt = _gui->getDefaultFont();
+ wid.setDefaultFont(fnt, fnt->getPointSize());
int pw=0, ph=0;
if(!userw || !userh)
wid.calcPrefSize(&pw, &ph);
virtual FGDialog * getActiveDialog ();
- const FGColor& getColor (const char * which) { return _colors[which]; }
- const FGColor& getColor (string which) { return _colors[which.c_str()]; }
+ virtual const FGColor& getColor (const char * which) { return _colors[which]; }
+ virtual const FGColor& getColor (string which) { return _colors[which.c_str()]; }
+ virtual puFont *getDefaultFont() { return &_font; }