//$$$ End - added, Neetha, 28 Nov 2k
-int global_day_night_switch = DAY;
+static int global_day_night_switch = DAY;
void HUD_masterswitch( bool incr )
if ( global_day_night_switch == DAY ) {
global_day_night_switch = NIGHT;
} else {
- fgSetBool("/sim/hud/visiblity", false);
+ fgSetBool("/sim/hud/visibility", false);
} else {
fgSetBool("/sim/hud/visibility", true);
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "External.hxx"
#include "flight.hxx"
// Destructor
FGInterface::~FGInterface() {
+// unbind(); // FIXME: should be called explicitly
+FGInterface::init ()
+ init(1.0 / fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz"));
+FGInterface::bind ()
+ // Aircraft position
+ fgTie("/position/latitude", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Latitude_deg),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Latitude_deg));
+ fgTie("/position/longitude", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Longitude_deg),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Longitude_deg));
+ fgTie("/position/altitude", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Altitude),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Altitude));
+ fgTie("/position/altitude-agl", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Altitude_AGL)); // read-only
+ // Orientation
+ fgTie("/orientation/roll", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Phi_deg),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Phi_deg));
+ fgTie("/orientation/pitch", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Theta_deg),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Theta_deg));
+ fgTie("/orientation/heading", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Psi_deg),
+ &(FGInterface::set_Psi_deg));
+ // Calibrated airspeed
+ fgTie("/velocities/airspeed", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_V_calibrated_kts),
+ &(FGInterface::set_V_calibrated_kts));
+ // Local velocities
+ fgTie("/velocities/speed-north", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_V_north));
+ fgTie("/velocities/speed-east", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_V_east),
+ &(FGInterface::set_V_east));
+ fgTie("/velocities/speed-down", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_V_down),
+ &(FGInterface::set_V_down));
+ // Relative wind
+ fgTie("/velocities/uBody", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_uBody),
+ &(FGInterface::set_uBody));
+ fgTie("/velocities/vBody", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_vBody),
+ &(FGInterface::set_vBody));
+ fgTie("/velocities/wBody", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_wBody),
+ &(FGInterface::set_wBody));
+ // Climb and slip (read-only)
+ fgTie("/velocities/vertical-speed", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Climb_Rate)); // read-only
+ fgTie("/velocities/side-slip", this,
+ &(FGInterface::get_Beta)); // read-only
+FGInterface::unbind ()
+ fgUntie("/position/latitude");
+ fgUntie("/position/longitude");
+ fgUntie("/position/altitude");
+ fgUntie("/position/heading");
+ fgUntie("/position/pitch");
+ fgUntie("/position/roll");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/airspeed");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/speed-north");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/speed-east");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/speed-down");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/uBody");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/vBody");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/wBody");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/vertical-speed");
+ fgUntie("/velocities/side-slip");
+FGInterface::update ()
+ update(1);
#include <vector>
#include <string>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx>
+#include <Main/fgfs.hxx>
// This is based heavily on LaRCsim/ls_generic.h
-class FGInterface {
+class FGInterface : public FGSubsystem {
SGTimeStamp next_stamp; // time this record is valid
+ virtual bool init( double dt );
void _busdump(void);
void _updatePosition( double lat_geoc, double lon, double alt );
void _updateWeather( void );
virtual ~FGInterface();
- virtual bool init( double dt );
+ virtual void init ();
+ virtual void bind ();
+ virtual void unbind ();
+ virtual void update ();
virtual bool update( int multi_loop );
// Define the various supported flight models (many not yet implemented)
virtual void set_Longitude(double lon);
virtual void set_Altitude(double alt); // triggers re-calc of AGL altitude
virtual void set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl); // and vice-versa
+ virtual void set_Latitude_deg (double lat) {
+ set_Latitude(lat * DEG_TO_RAD);
+ }
+ virtual void set_Longitude_deg (double lon) {
+ set_Longitude(lon * DEG_TO_RAD);
+ }
// Speeds -- setting any of these will trigger a re-calc of the rest
virtual void set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc);
virtual void set_Mach_number(double mach);
virtual void set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down );
+ inline void set_V_north (double north) { v_local_v[0] = north; }
+ inline void set_V_east (double east) { v_local_v[1] = east; }
+ inline void set_V_down (double down) { v_local_v[2] = down; }
virtual void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w);
+ virtual void set_uBody (double uBody) { v_wind_body_v[0] = uBody; }
+ virtual void set_vBody (double vBody) { v_wind_body_v[1] = vBody; }
+ virtual void set_wBody (double wBody) { v_wind_body_v[2] = wBody; }
// Euler angles
virtual void set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi );
+ virtual void set_Phi (double phi) {
+ set_Euler_Angles(phi, get_Theta(), get_Psi());
+ }
+ virtual void set_Theta (double theta) {
+ set_Euler_Angles(get_Phi(), theta, get_Psi());
+ }
+ virtual void set_Psi (double psi) {
+ set_Euler_Angles(get_Phi(), get_Theta(), psi);
+ }
+ virtual void set_Phi_deg (double phi) { set_Phi(phi * DEG_TO_RAD); }
+ virtual void set_Theta_deg (double theta) {
+ set_Theta(theta * DEG_TO_RAD);
+ }
+ virtual void set_Psi_deg (double psi) { set_Psi(psi * DEG_TO_RAD); }
// Flight Path
virtual void set_Climb_Rate( double roc);
inline double get_V_north() const { return v_local_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_east() const { return v_local_v[1]; }
inline double get_V_down() const { return v_local_v[2]; }
+ inline double get_uBody () const { return v_wind_body_v[0]; }
+ inline double get_vBody () const { return v_wind_body_v[1]; }
+ inline double get_wBody () const { return v_wind_body_v[2]; }
// inline double * get_V_local_rel_ground_v() {
// return v_local_rel_ground_v;
inline double get_Latitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[0]; }
inline double get_Longitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[1]; }
inline double get_Altitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[2]; }
- inline double get_Altitude_AGL(void) { return altitude_agl; }
+ inline double get_Altitude_AGL(void) const { return altitude_agl; }
+ inline double get_Latitude_deg () const {
+ return get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ }
+ inline double get_Longitude_deg () const {
+ return get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ }
// inline double * get_Euler_angles_v() { return euler_angles_v; }
inline double get_Phi() const { return euler_angles_v[0]; }
inline double get_Theta() const { return euler_angles_v[1]; }
inline double get_Psi() const { return euler_angles_v[2]; }
+ inline double get_Phi_deg () const { return get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG; }
+ inline double get_Theta_deg () const { return get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG; }
+ inline double get_Psi_deg () const { return get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG; }
// ========== Miscellaneous quantities ==========
fgTie("/sim/time/gmt-string", getGMTString);
// Position
- fgTie("/position/latitude", getLatitude, setLatitude);
- fgTie("/position/longitude", getLongitude, setLongitude);
- fgTie("/position/altitude", getAltitude, setAltitude);
- fgTie("/position/altitude-agl", getAGL);
+// fgTie("/position/latitude", getLatitude, setLatitude);
+// fgTie("/position/longitude", getLongitude, setLongitude);
+// fgTie("/position/altitude", getAltitude, setAltitude);
+// fgTie("/position/altitude-agl", getAGL);
// Orientation
- fgTie("/orientation/heading", getHeading, setHeading);
+// fgTie("/orientation/heading", getHeading, setHeading);
fgTie("/orientation/heading-magnetic", getHeadingMag);
- fgTie("/orientation/pitch", getPitch, setPitch);
- fgTie("/orientation/roll", getRoll, setRoll);
+// fgTie("/orientation/pitch", getPitch, setPitch);
+// fgTie("/orientation/roll", getRoll, setRoll);
// Engine
fgTie("/engines/engine0/rpm", getRPM);
fgTie("/engines/engine0/mp", getMP);
// Velocities
- fgTie("/velocities/airspeed", getAirspeed, setAirspeed);
- fgTie("/velocities/side-slip", getSideSlip);
- fgTie("/velocities/vertical-speed", getVerticalSpeed);
- fgTie("/velocities/speed-north", getSpeedNorth);
- fgTie("/velocities/speed-east", getSpeedEast);
- fgTie("/velocities/speed-down", getSpeedDown);
+// fgTie("/velocities/airspeed", getAirspeed, setAirspeed);
+// fgTie("/velocities/side-slip", getSideSlip);
+// fgTie("/velocities/vertical-speed", getVerticalSpeed);
+// fgTie("/velocities/speed-north", getSpeedNorth);
+// fgTie("/velocities/speed-east", getSpeedEast);
+// fgTie("/velocities/speed-down", getSpeedDown);
// Autopilot
fgTie("/autopilot/locks/altitude", getAPAltitudeLock, setAPAltitudeLock);
// static void setSpeedDown (double speed);
-#if 0
- // Controls
- static double getThrottle (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setThrottle (double throttle); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getMixture (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setMixture (double mixture); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getPropAdvance (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setPropAdvance (double pitch); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getFlaps (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setFlaps (double flaps); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getAileron (); // -1.0:1.0
- static void setAileron (double aileron); // -1.0:1.0
- static double getRudder (); // -1.0:1.0
- static void setRudder (double rudder); // -1.0:1.0
- static double getElevator (); // -1.0:1.0
- static void setElevator (double elevator); // -1.0:1.0
- static double getElevatorTrim (); // -1.0:1.0
- static void setElevatorTrim (double trim); // -1.0:1.0
- static double getBrakes (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setBrakes (double brake); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getLeftBrake (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setLeftBrake (double brake); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getRightBrake (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setRightBrake (double brake); // 0.0:1.0
- static double getCenterBrake (); // 0.0:1.0
- static void setCenterBrake (double brake); // 0.0:1.0
// Autopilot
static bool getAPAltitudeLock ();
static void setAPAltitudeLock (bool lock);
// Initial Orientation
- cur_fdm_state->
- set_Euler_Angles( fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll") * DEG_TO_RAD,
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch") * DEG_TO_RAD,
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading") * DEG_TO_RAD );
+// cur_fdm_state->
+// set_Euler_Angles( fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll") * DEG_TO_RAD,
+// fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch") * DEG_TO_RAD,
+// fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading") * DEG_TO_RAD );
// Initialize the event manager
// Initialize the flight model subsystem data structures base on
// above values
- if ( cur_fdm_state->init( 1.0 / fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz") ) ) {
- // fdm init successful
- } else {
- FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_ALERT, "FDM init() failed! Cannot continue." );
- exit(-1);
- }
+ cur_fdm_state->init();
+ cur_fdm_state->bind();
+// if ( cur_fdm_state->init( 1.0 / fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz") ) ) {
+// // fdm init successful
+// } else {
+// FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_ALERT, "FDM init() failed! Cannot continue." );
+// exit(-1);
+// }
// *ABCD* I'm just sticking this here for now, it should probably
// move eventually
// Initial Orientation
- cur_fdm_state->
- set_Euler_Angles( fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll") * DEG_TO_RAD,
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch") * DEG_TO_RAD,
- fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading") * DEG_TO_RAD );
+// cur_fdm_state->
+// set_Euler_Angles( fgGetDouble("/orientation/roll") * DEG_TO_RAD,
+// fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch") * DEG_TO_RAD,
+// fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading") * DEG_TO_RAD );
// Initialize view parameters
FGViewerRPH *pilot_view =
FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_DEBUG, " abs_view_pos = "
<< globals->get_current_view()->get_abs_view_pos());
- cur_fdm_state->init( 1.0 / fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz") );
+ cur_fdm_state->init();
+ cur_fdm_state->bind();
+// cur_fdm_state->init( 1.0 / fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz") );
scenery.cur_elev = cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() * FEET_TO_METER;