- $statusUri = ''
- . $status->user->screen_name
- . '/status/'
- . $status->id;
+ $statusUri = $this->makeStatusURI($status->user->screen_name, $status->id);
// check to see if we've already imported the status
$notice->source = 'twitter';
$notice->reply_to = null;
+ if (!empty($status->in_reply_to_status_id)) {
+ $replyUri = $this->makeStatusURI($status->in_reply_to_screen_name, $status->in_reply_to_status_id);
+ $reply = Notice::staticGet('uri', $replyUri);
+ if (!empty($reply)) {
+ $notice->reply_to = $reply->id;
+ $notice->conversation = $reply->conversation;
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($notice->conversation)) {
+ $conv = Conversation::create();
+ $notice->conversation = $conv->id;
+ }
$notice->is_local = Notice::GATEWAY;
$notice->content = common_shorten_links($status->text);
Event::handle('EndNoticeSave', array($notice));
- $orig = clone($notice);
- $conv = Conversation::create();
- $notice->conversation = $conv->id;
- if (!$notice->update($orig)) {
- common_log_db_error($notice, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
- common_log(LOG_ERR, $this->name() .
- ' - Problem saving notice.');
- }
Inbox::insertNotice($flink->user_id, $notice->id);
return $notice;
+ /**
+ * Make an URI for a status.
+ *
+ * @param object $status status object
+ *
+ * @return string URI
+ */
+ function makeStatusURI($username, $id)
+ {
+ return ''
+ . $username
+ . '/status/'
+ . $id;
+ }
* Look up a Profile by profileurl field. Profile::staticGet() was
* not working consistently.