]> git.mxchange.org Git - flightgear.git/commitdiff
Add Melchior FRANZ's metar class. It is not yet used anywhere (but in the resulting...
authorehofman <ehofman>
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 10:38:39 +0000 (10:38 +0000)
committerehofman <ehofman>
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 10:38:39 +0000 (10:38 +0000)
src/Environment/metar-main.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Environment/metar.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Environment/metar.hxx [new file with mode: 0644]

index 9efb9d7bdc9f60716cfce643c82c37f9749400e2..fb760791903b66e1360792c6aa0cd52f280be7d9 100644 (file)
@@ -4,8 +4,19 @@
 noinst_LIBRARIES = libEnvironment.a
-libEnvironment_a_SOURCES = environment.cxx environment.hxx \
-                          environment_mgr.cxx environment_mgr.hxx \
-                           environment_ctrl.cxx environment_ctrl.hxx
+libEnvironment_a_SOURCES = \
+       environment.cxx environment.hxx \
+       environment_mgr.cxx environment_mgr.hxx \
+       environment_ctrl.cxx environment_ctrl.hxx \
+       metar.cxx metar.hxx
+bin_PROGRAMS = metar
+metar_SOURCES = metar-main.cxx metar.cxx metar.hxx
+metar_LDADD = \
+       -lsgio -lsgbucket -lsgmisc -lsgstructure -lsgdebug \
+       -lplibnet -lplibul \
+       -lz $(base_LIBS)
 INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
diff --git a/src/Environment/metar-main.cxx b/src/Environment/metar-main.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2733205
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// metar interface class demo
+// Written by Melchior FRANZ, started December 2003.
+// Copyright (C) 2003  Melchior FRANZ - mfranz@aon.at
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+// $Id$
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
+#include "metar.hxx"
+using std::ostringstream;
+// text color
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined( __sun__ ) ||defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined( __FreeBSD__ )
+#      define R "\033[31;1m"           // red
+#      define G "\033[32;1m"           // green
+#      define Y "\033[33;1m"           // yellow
+#      define B "\033[34;1m"           // blue
+#      define M "\033[35;1m"           // magenta
+#      define C "\033[36;1m"           // cyan
+#      define W "\033[37;1m"           // white
+#      define N "\033[m"               // normal
+#      define R ""
+#      define G ""
+#      define Y ""
+#      define B ""
+#      define M ""
+#      define C ""
+#      define W ""
+#      define N ""
+const char *azimuthName(double d);
+double rnd(double number, int digits);
+void printReport(Metar *m);
+void printVisibility(FGMetarVisibility *v);
+void printArgs(Metar *m, double airport_elevation);
+const char *azimuthName(double d)
+       const char *dir[] = {
+               "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE",
+               "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE",
+               "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW",
+               "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"
+       };
+       d += 11.25;
+       while (d < 0)
+               d += 360;
+       while (d >= 360)
+               d -= 360;
+       return dir[int(d / 22.5)];
+// round double to 10^g
+double rnd(double r, int g = 0)
+       double f = pow(10.0, g);
+       return f * rint(r / f);
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, FGMetarVisibility& v)
+       ostringstream buf;
+       int m = v.getModifier();
+       const char *mod;
+       if (m == FGMetarVisibility::GREATER_THAN)
+               mod = ">=";
+       else if (m == FGMetarVisibility::LESS_THAN)
+               mod = "<";
+       else
+               mod = "";
+       buf << mod;
+       double dist = rnd(v.getVisibility_m(), 1);
+       if (dist < 1000.0)
+               buf << rnd(dist, 1) << " m";
+       else
+               buf << rnd(dist / 1000.0, -1) << " km";
+       const char *dir = "";
+       int i;
+       if ((i = v.getDirection()) != -1) {
+               dir = azimuthName(i);
+               buf << " " << dir;
+       }
+       buf << "\t\t\t\t\t" << mod << rnd(v.getVisibility_sm(), -1) << " US-miles " << dir;
+       return s << buf.str();
+void printReport(Metar *m)
+#define NaN FGMetarNaN
+       const char *s;
+       char buf[256];
+       double d;
+       int i, lineno;
+       if ((i = m->getReportType()) == Metar::AUTO)
+               s = "\t\t(automatically generated)";
+       else if (i == Metar::COR)
+               s = "\t\t(manually corrected)";
+       else if (i == Metar::RTD)
+               s = "\t\t(routine delayed)";
+       else
+               s = "";
+       cout << "METAR Report" << s << endl;
+       cout << "============" << endl;
+       cout << "Airport-Id:\t\t" << m->getId() << endl;
+       // date/time
+       int year = m->getYear();
+       int month = m->getMonth();
+       cout << "Report time:\t\t";
+       if (year != -1 && month != -1)
+               cout << year << '/' << month << '/' << m->getDay();
+       cout << ' ' << m->getHour() << ':';
+       cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m->getMinute() << " UTC" << endl;
+       // visibility
+       FGMetarVisibility minvis = m->getMinVisibility();
+       FGMetarVisibility maxvis = m->getMaxVisibility();
+       double min = minvis.getVisibility_m();
+       double max = maxvis.getVisibility_m();
+       if (min != NaN) {
+               if (max != NaN) {
+                       cout << "min. Visibility:\t" << minvis << endl;
+                       cout << "max. Visibility:\t" << maxvis << endl;
+               } else
+                       cout << "Visibility:\t\t" << minvis << endl;
+       }
+       // directed visibility
+       FGMetarVisibility *dirvis = m->getDirVisibility();
+       for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, dirvis++)
+               if (dirvis->getVisibility_m() != NaN)
+                       cout << "\t\t\t" << *dirvis << endl;
+       // vertical visibility
+       FGMetarVisibility vertvis = m->getVertVisibility();
+       if ((d = vertvis.getVisibility_ft()) != NaN)
+               cout << "Vert. visibility:\t" << vertvis << endl;
+       else if (vertvis.getModifier() == FGMetarVisibility::NOGO)
+               cout << "Vert. visibility:\timpossible to determine" << endl;
+       // wind
+       d = m->getWindSpeed_kmh();
+       cout << "Wind:\t\t\t";
+       if (d < .1)
+               cout << "none" << endl;
+       else {
+               if ((i = m->getWindDir()) == -1)
+                       cout << "from variable directions";
+               else
+                       cout << "from the " << azimuthName(i) << " (" << i << "°)";
+               cout << " at " << rnd(d, -1) << " km/h";
+               cout << "\t\t" << rnd(m->getWindSpeed_kt(), -1) << " kt";
+               cout << " = " << rnd(m->getWindSpeed_mph(), -1) << " mph";
+               cout << " = " << rnd(m->getWindSpeed_mps(), -1) << " m/s";
+               cout << endl;
+               if ((d = m->getGustSpeed_kmh()) != NaN) {
+                       cout << "\t\t\twith gusts at " << rnd(d, -1) << " km/h";
+                       cout << "\t\t\t" << rnd(m->getGustSpeed_kt(), -1) << " kt";
+                       cout << " = " << rnd(m->getGustSpeed_mph(), -1) << " mph";
+                       cout << " = " << rnd(m->getGustSpeed_mps(), -1) << " m/s";
+                       cout << endl;
+               }
+               int from = m->getWindRangeFrom();
+               int to = m->getWindRangeTo();
+               if (from != to) {
+                       cout << "\t\t\tvariable from " << azimuthName(from);
+                       cout << " to " << azimuthName(to);
+                       cout << " (" << from << "°--" << to << "°)" << endl;
+               }
+       }
+       // temperature/humidity/air pressure
+       if ((d = m->getTemperature_C()) != NaN) {
+               cout << "Temperature:\t\t" << d << "°C\t\t\t\t\t";
+               cout << rnd(m->getTemperature_F(), -1) << "°F" << endl;
+               if ((d = m->getDewpoint_C()) != NaN) {
+                       cout << "Dewpoint:\t\t" << d << "°C\t\t\t\t\t";
+                       cout << rnd(m->getDewpoint_F(), -1) << "°F"  << endl;
+                       cout << "Rel. Humidity:\t\t" << rnd(m->getRelHumidity()) << "%" << endl;
+               }
+       }
+       if ((d = m->getPressure_hPa()) != NaN) {
+               cout << "Pressure:\t\t" << rnd(d) << " hPa\t\t\t\t";
+               cout << rnd(m->getPressure_inHg(), -2) << " in. Hg" << endl;
+       }
+       // weather phenomena
+       vector<string> wv = m->getWeather();
+       vector<string>::iterator weather;
+       for (i = 0, weather = wv.begin(); weather != wv.end(); weather++, i++) {
+               cout << (i ? ", " : "Weather:\t\t") << weather->c_str();
+       }
+       if (i)
+               cout << endl;
+       // cloud layers
+       const char *coverage_string[5] = {
+               "clear skies", "few clouds", "scattered clouds", "broken clouds", "sky overcast"
+       };
+       vector<FGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
+       vector<FGMetarCloud>::iterator cloud;
+       for (lineno = 0, cloud = cv.begin(); cloud != cv.end(); cloud++, lineno++) {
+               cout << (lineno ? "\t\t\t" : "Sky condition:\t\t");
+               if ((i = cloud->getCoverage()) != -1)
+                       cout << coverage_string[i];
+               if ((d = cloud->getAltitude_ft()) != NaN)
+                       cout << " at " << rnd(d, 1) << " ft";
+               if ((s = cloud->getTypeLongString()))
+                       cout << " (" << s << ')';
+               if (d != NaN)
+                       cout << "\t\t\t" << rnd(cloud->getAltitude_m(), 1) << " m";
+               cout << endl;
+       }
+       // runways
+       map<string, FGMetarRunway> rm = m->getRunways();
+       map<string, FGMetarRunway>::iterator runway;
+       for (runway = rm.begin(); runway != rm.end(); runway++) {
+               lineno = 0;
+               if (!strcmp(runway->first.c_str(), "ALL"))
+                       cout << "All runways:\t\t";
+               else
+                       cout << "Runway " << runway->first << ":\t\t";
+               FGMetarRunway rwy = runway->second;
+               // assemble surface string
+               vector<string> surface;
+               if ((s = rwy.getDeposit()) && strlen(s))
+                       surface.push_back(s);
+               if ((s = rwy.getExtentString()) && strlen(s))
+                       surface.push_back(s);
+               if ((d = rwy.getDepth()) != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(buf, "%.0lf mm", d * 1000.0);
+                       surface.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if ((s = rwy.getFrictionString()) && strlen(s))
+                       surface.push_back(s);
+               if ((d = rwy.getFriction()) != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(buf, "friction: %.2lf", d);
+                       surface.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (surface.size()) {
+                       vector<string>::iterator rwysurf = surface.begin();
+                       for (i = 0; rwysurf != surface.end(); rwysurf++, i++) {
+                               if (i)
+                                       cout << ", ";
+                               cout << *rwysurf;
+                       }
+                       lineno++;
+               }
+               // assemble visibility string
+               FGMetarVisibility minvis = rwy.getMinVisibility();
+               FGMetarVisibility maxvis = rwy.getMaxVisibility();
+               if ((d = minvis.getVisibility_m()) != NaN) {
+                       if (lineno++)
+                               cout << endl << "\t\t\t";
+                       cout << minvis;
+               }
+               if (maxvis.getVisibility_m() != d) {
+                       cout << endl << "\t\t\t" << maxvis << endl;
+                       lineno++;
+               }
+               if (rwy.getWindShear()) {
+                       if (lineno++)
+                               cout << endl << "\t\t\t";
+                       cout << "critical wind shear" << endl;
+               }
+               cout << endl;
+       }
+       cout << endl;
+#undef NaN
+void printArgs(Metar *m, double airport_elevation)
+#define NaN FGMetarNaN
+       vector<string> args;
+       char buf[256];
+       int i;
+       // ICAO id
+       sprintf(buf, "--airport=%s ", m->getId());
+       args.push_back(buf);
+       // report time
+       sprintf(buf, "--start-date-gmt=%4d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:00 ",
+                       m->getYear(), m->getMonth(), m->getDay(),
+                       m->getHour(), m->getMinute());
+       args.push_back(buf);
+       // cloud layers
+       const char *coverage_string[5] = {
+               "clear", "few", "scattered", "broken", "overcast"
+       };
+       vector<FGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
+       vector<FGMetarCloud>::iterator cloud;
+       for (i = 0, cloud = cv.begin(); i < 5; i++) {
+               int coverage = 0;
+               double altitude = -99999;
+               if (cloud != cv.end()) {
+                       coverage = cloud->getCoverage();
+                       altitude = coverage ? cloud->getAltitude_ft() + airport_elevation : -99999;
+                       cloud++;
+               }
+               sprintf(buf, "--prop:/environment/clouds/layer[%d]/coverage=%s ", i, coverage_string[coverage]);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+               sprintf(buf, "--prop:/environment/clouds/layer[%d]/elevation-ft=%.0lf ", i, altitude);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+               sprintf(buf, "--prop:/environment/clouds/layer[%d]/thickness-ft=500 ", i);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+       }
+       // environment (temperature, dewpoint, visibility, pressure)
+       // metar sets don't provide aloft information; we have to
+       // set the same values for all boundary levels
+       int wind_dir = m->getWindDir();
+       double visibility = m->getMinVisibility().getVisibility_m();
+       double dewpoint = m->getDewpoint_C();
+       double temperature = m->getTemperature_C();
+       double pressure = m->getPressure_inHg();
+       double wind_speed = m->getWindSpeed_kt();
+       double elevation = -100;
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, elevation += 2000.0) {
+               sprintf(buf, "--prop:/environment/config/boundary/entry[%d]/", i);
+               int pos = strlen(buf);
+               sprintf(&buf[pos], "elevation-ft=%.0lf", elevation);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+               sprintf(&buf[pos], "turbulence-norm=%.0lf", 0.0);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+               if (visibility != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "visibility-m=%.0lf", visibility);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (temperature != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "temperature-degc=%.0lf", temperature);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (dewpoint != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "dewpoint-degc=%.0lf", dewpoint);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (pressure != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "pressure-sea-level-inhg=%.0lf", pressure);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (wind_dir != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "wind-from-heading-deg=%d", wind_dir);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+               if (wind_speed != NaN) {
+                       sprintf(&buf[pos], "wind-speed-kt=%.0lf", wind_speed);
+                       args.push_back(buf);
+               }
+       }
+       // wind dir@speed
+       int range_from = m->getWindRangeFrom();
+       int range_to = m->getWindRangeTo();
+       double gust_speed = m->getGustSpeed_kt();
+       if (wind_speed != NaN && wind_dir != -1) {
+               strcpy(buf, "--wind=");
+               if (range_from != -1 && range_to != -1)
+                       sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "%d:%d", range_from, range_to);
+               else
+                       sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "%d", wind_dir);
+               sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "@%.0lf", wind_speed);
+               if (gust_speed != NaN)
+                       sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], ":%.0lf", gust_speed);
+               args.push_back(buf);
+       }
+       // output everything
+       cout << "fgfs" << endl;
+       vector<string>::iterator arg;
+       for (i = 0, arg = args.begin(); arg != args.end(); i++, arg++) {
+               cout << "\t" << *arg << endl;
+       }
+       cout << endl;
+#undef NaN
+const char *metar_list[] = {
+       "LOWW", "VHHH", "ULLI", "EHTW", "EFHK", "CYXU", 0, // note the trailing zero
+       "CYGK", "CYOW", "CYQY", "CYTZ", "CYXU", "EBBR", "EDDB", "EDDK", "EDVE", "EFHF",
+       "EFHK", "EGLC", "EGLL", "EHTW", "EIDW", "ENGM", "GMMN", "KART", "KBFI", "KBOS",
+       "KCCR", "KCEZ", "KCOF", "KDAL", "KDEN", "KDSM", "KEDW", "KEMT", "KENW", "KHON",
+       "KIGM", "KJFK", "KLAX", "KMCI", "KMKE", "KMLB", "KMSY", "KNBC", "KOAK", "KORD",
+       "KPNE", "KSAC", "KSAN", "KSEA", "KSFO", "KSJC", "KSMF", "KSMO", "KSNS", "KSQL",
+       "KSUN", "LBSF", "LEMD", "LFPG", "LFPO", "LGAT", "LHBP", "LIPQ", "LIRA", "LKPR",
+       "LLJR", "LOWG", "LOWI", "LOWK", "LOWL", "LOWS", "LOWW", "LOWZ", "LOXA", "LOXT",
+       "LOXZ", "LSZH", "LYBE", "NZWP", "ORBS", "PHNL", "ULLI", "VHHH", "WMKB", "YSSY",
+       0
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+       const char **src = metar_list;
+       if (argc > 1)
+               src = (const char **)&argv[1];
+       for (int i = 0; src[i]; i++) {
+               const char *icao = src[i];
+               try {
+                       Metar *m = new Metar(icao);
+                       //Metar *m = new Metar("2004/01/11 01:20\nLOWG 110120Z AUTO VRB01KT 0050 1600N R35/0600 FG M06/M06 Q1019 88//////\n");
+                       printf(G"INPUT: %s\n"N, m->getData());
+                       const char *unused = m->getUnusedData();
+                       if (*unused)
+                               printf(R"UNUSED: %s\n"N, unused);
+                       printReport(m);
+                       //printArgs(m, 0.0);
+                       delete m;
+               } catch (const sg_io_exception& e) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, R"ERROR: %s\n\n"N, e.getFormattedMessage().c_str());
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/Environment/metar.cxx b/src/Environment/metar.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c99157f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+// metar interface class
+// Written by Melchior FRANZ, started December 2003.
+// Copyright (C) 2003  Melchior FRANZ - mfranz@aon.at
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+// $Id$
+ * @file metar.cxx
+ * Interface for encoded Metar aviation weather data.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <simgear/io/sg_socket.hxx>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
+#include "metar.hxx"
+#define NaN FGMetarNaN
+ * The constructor takes a Metar string, or a four-letter ICAO code. In the
+ * latter case the metar string is downloaded from
+ * http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/.
+ * The constructor throws sg_io_exceptions on failure. The "METAR"
+ * keyword has no effect (apart from incrementing the group counter
+ * @a grpcount) and can be left away. A keyword "SPECI" is
+ * likewise accepted.
+ *
+ * @par Examples:
+ * @code
+ * Metar *m = new Metar("METAR KSFO 061656Z 19004KT 9SM SCT100 OVC200 08/03 A3013");
+ * double t = m->getTemperature();
+ * delete m;
+ *
+ * Metar n("KSFO");
+ * double d = n.getDewpoint_C();
+ * @endcode
+ */
+Metar::Metar(const char *m) :
+       _grpcount(0),
+       _year(-1),
+       _month(-1),
+       _day(-1),
+       _hour(-1),
+       _minute(-1),
+       _report_type(-1),
+       _wind_dir(-1),
+       _wind_speed(NaN),
+       _gust_speed(NaN),
+       _wind_range_from(-1),
+       _wind_range_to(-1),
+       _temp(NaN),
+       _dewp(NaN),
+       _pressure(NaN)
+       int i;
+       if (isalpha(m[0]) && isalpha(m[1]) && isalpha(m[2]) && isalpha(m[3]) && !m[4]) {
+               for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                       _icao[i] = toupper(m[i]);
+               _icao[4] = '\0';
+               _data = loadData(_icao);
+       } else {
+               _data = new char[strlen(m) + 1];
+               strcpy(_data, m);
+       }
+       normalizeData();
+       _m = _data;
+       _icao[0] = '\0';
+       // NOAA preample
+       scanPreambleDate();
+       scanPreambleTime();
+       // METAR header
+       scanType();
+       if (!scanId() || !scanDate())
+               throw sg_io_exception("metar data incomplete");
+       scanModifier();
+       // base set
+       scanWind();
+       scanVariability();
+       while (scanVisibility()) ;
+       while (scanRwyVisRange()) ;
+       while (scanWeather()) ;
+       while (scanSkyCondition()) ;
+       scanTemperature();
+       scanPressure();
+       while (scanSkyCondition()) ;
+       while (scanRunwayReport()) ;
+       scanWindShear();
+       // appendix
+       while (scanColorState()) ;
+       scanTrendForecast();
+       while (scanRunwayReport()) ;
+       scanRemainder();
+       scanRemark();
+       if (_grpcount < 4)
+               throw sg_io_exception("metar data invalid");
+  * Clears lists and maps to discourage access after destruction.
+  */
+       _clouds.clear();
+       _runways.clear();
+       _weather.clear();
+       delete[] _data;
+  * If called with "KSFO" loads data from
+  * @code
+  * http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/KSFO.TXT.
+  * @endcode
+  * Throws sg_io_exception on failure. Gives up after waiting longer than 10 seconds.
+  *
+  * @param id four-letter ICAO Metar station code, e.g. "KSFO".
+  * @return pointer to Metar data string, allocated by new char[].
+  */
+char *Metar::loadData(const char *id)
+       string host = "weather.noaa.gov";
+       string path = "/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/";
+       path += string(id) + ".TXT";
+       string get = string("GET ") + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
+       SGSocket *sock = new SGSocket(host, "80", "tcp");
+       sock->set_timeout(10000);
+       if (!sock->open(SG_IO_OUT)) {
+               delete sock;
+               string err = "failed to load metar data from http://" + host + path;
+               throw sg_io_exception(err);
+       }
+       sock->writestring(get.c_str());
+       int i;
+       const int buflen = 512;
+       char buf[2 * buflen];
+       // skip HTTP header
+       while ((i = sock->readline(buf, buflen)))
+               if (i <= 2 && isspace(buf[0]) && (!buf[1] || isspace(buf[1])))
+                       break;
+       if (i) {
+               i = sock->readline(buf, buflen);
+               if (i)
+                       sock->readline(&buf[i], buflen);
+       }
+       sock->close();
+       delete sock;
+       char *metar = new char[strlen(buf) + 1];
+       strcpy(metar, buf);
+       return metar;
+  * Replace any number of subsequent spaces by just one space.
+  * This makes scanning for things like "ALL RWY" easier.
+  */
+void Metar::normalizeData()
+       char *src, *dest;
+       for (src = dest = _data; (*dest++ = *src++); )
+               while (*src == ' ' && src[1] == ' ')
+                       src++;
+// \d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d
+bool Metar::scanPreambleDate()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int year, month, day;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &year, 4))
+               return false;
+       if (*m++ != '/')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &month, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (*m++ != '/')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &day, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _year = year;
+       _month = month;
+       _day = day;
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+// \d\d:\d\d
+bool Metar::scanPreambleTime()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int hour, minute;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &hour, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (*m++ != ':')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &minute, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _hour = hour;
+       _minute = minute;
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanType()
+       if (strncmp(_m, "METAR ", 6) && strncmp(_m, "SPECI ", 6))
+               return false;
+       _m += 6;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// [A-Z]{4}
+bool Metar::scanId()
+       char *m = _m;
+       if (!(isupper(*m++) && isupper(*m++) && isupper(*m++) && isupper(*m++)))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       strncpy(_icao, _m, 4);
+       _icao[4] = '\0';
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// \d{6}Z
+bool Metar::scanDate()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int day, hour, minute;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &day, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &hour, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &minute, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (*m++ != 'Z')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _day = day;
+       _hour = hour;
+       _minute = minute;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanModifier()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int type;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "NIL", 3)) {
+               _m += strlen(_m);
+               return true;
+       }
+       if (!strncmp(m, "AUTO", 4))                     // automatically generated
+               m += 4, type = AUTO;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "COR", 3))                 // manually corrected
+               m += 3, type = COR;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "RTD", 3))                 // routine delayed
+               m += 3, type = RTD;
+       else
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _report_type = type;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// (\d{3}|VRB)\d{1,3}(G\d{2,3})?(KT|KMH|MPS)
+bool Metar::scanWind()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int dir;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "VRB", 3))
+               m += 3, dir = -1;
+       else if (!scanNumber(&m, &dir, 3))
+               return false;
+       int i;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2, 3))
+               return false;
+       double speed = i;
+       double gust = NaN;
+       if (*m == 'G') {
+               m++;
+               if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2, 3))
+                       return false;
+               gust = i;
+       }
+       double factor;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "KT", 2))
+               m += 2, factor = SG_KT_TO_MPS;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "KMH", 3))
+               m += 3, factor = SG_KMH_TO_MPS;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "KPH", 3))         // ??
+               m += 3, factor = SG_KMH_TO_MPS;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "MPS", 3))
+               m += 3, factor = 1.0;
+       else
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       _wind_dir = dir;
+       _wind_speed = speed * factor;
+       if (gust != NaN)
+               _gust_speed = gust * factor;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return false;
+// \d{3}V\d{3}
+bool Metar::scanVariability()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int from, to;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &from, 3))
+               return false;
+       if (*m++ != 'V')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &to, 3))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       _wind_range_from = from;
+       _wind_range_to = to;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanVisibility()
+// TODO: if only directed vis are given, do still set min/max
+       char *m = _m;
+       double distance;
+       int i, dir = -1;
+       int modifier = FGMetarVisibility::EQUALS;
+// \d{4}(N|NE|E|SE|S|SW|W|NW)?
+       if (scanNumber(&m, &i, 4)) {
+               if (*m == 'E')
+                       m++, dir = 90;
+               else if (*m == 'W')
+                       m++, dir = 270;
+               else if (*m == 'N') {
+                       m++;
+                       if (*m == 'E')
+                               m++, dir = 45;
+                       else if (*m == 'W')
+                               m++, dir = 315;
+                       else
+                               dir = 0;
+               } else if (*m == 'S') {
+                       m++;
+                       if (*m == 'E')
+                               m++, dir = 135;
+                       else if (*m == 'W')
+                               m++, dir = 225;
+                       else
+                               dir = 180;
+               }
+               if (i == 0)
+                       i = 50, modifier = FGMetarVisibility::LESS_THAN;
+               else if (i == 9999)
+                       i++, modifier = FGMetarVisibility::GREATER_THAN;
+               distance = i;
+       } else {
+// M?(\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}|\d{1,2} \d{1,2}/\d{1,2})(SM|KM)
+               modifier = 0;
+               if (*m == 'M')
+                       m++, modifier = FGMetarVisibility::LESS_THAN;
+               if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 1, 2))
+                       return false;
+               distance = i;
+               if (*m == '/') {
+                       m++;
+                       if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 1, 2))
+                               return false;
+                       distance /= i;
+               } else if (*m == ' ') {
+                       m++;
+                       int denom;
+                       if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 1, 2))
+                               return false;
+                       if (*m++ != '/')
+                               return false;
+                       if (!scanNumber(&m, &denom, 1, 2))
+                               return false;
+                       distance += (double)i / denom;
+               }
+               if (!strncmp(m, "SM", 2))
+                       distance *= SG_SM_TO_METER, m += 2;
+               else if (!strncmp(m, "KM", 2))
+                       distance *= 1000, m += 2;
+               else
+                       return false;
+       }
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       FGMetarVisibility *v;
+       if (dir != -1)
+               v = &_dir_visibility[dir / 45];
+       else if (_min_visibility._distance == NaN)
+               v = &_min_visibility;
+       else
+               v = &_max_visibility;
+       v->_distance = distance;
+       v->_modifier = modifier;
+       v->_direction = dir;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// R\d\d[LCR]?/([PM]?\d{4}V)?[PM]?\d{4}(FT)?[DNU]?
+bool Metar::scanRwyVisRange()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int i;
+       FGMetarRunway r;
+       if (*m++ != 'R')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (*m == 'L' || *m == 'C' || *m == 'R')
+               m++;
+       char id[4];
+       strncpy(id, _m + 1, i = m - _m - 1);
+       id[i] = '\0';
+       if (*m++ != '/')
+               return false;
+       int from, to;
+       if (*m == 'P')
+               m++, r._min_visibility._modifier = FGMetarVisibility::GREATER_THAN;
+       else if (*m == 'M')
+               m++, r._min_visibility._modifier = FGMetarVisibility::LESS_THAN;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &from, 4))
+               return false;
+       if (*m == 'V') {
+               m++;
+               if (*m == 'P')
+                       m++, r._max_visibility._modifier = FGMetarVisibility::GREATER_THAN;
+               else if (*m == 'M')
+                       m++, r._max_visibility._modifier = FGMetarVisibility::LESS_THAN;
+               if (!scanNumber(&m, &to, 4))
+                       return false;
+       } else
+               to = from;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "FT", 2)) {
+               from = int(from * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+               to = int(to * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+               m += 2;
+       }
+       r._min_visibility._distance = from;
+       r._max_visibility._distance = to;
+       if (*m == '/')                                  // this is not in the spec!
+               *m++;
+       if (*m == 'D')
+               m++, r._min_visibility._tendency = FGMetarVisibility::DECREASING;
+       else if (*m == 'N')
+               m++, r._min_visibility._tendency = FGMetarVisibility::STABLE;
+       else if (*m == 'U')
+               m++, r._min_visibility._tendency = FGMetarVisibility::INCREASING;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       _runways[id]._min_visibility = r._min_visibility;
+       _runways[id]._max_visibility = r._max_visibility;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+static const struct Token special[] = {
+       "NSW",  "no significant weather",
+       "VCSH", "showers in the vicinity",
+       "VCTS", "thunderstorm in the vicinity",
+       0, 0
+static const struct Token description[] = {
+       "SH",   "showers of",
+       "TS",   "thunderstorm with",
+       "BC",   "patches of",
+       "BL",   "blowing",
+       "DR",   "low drifting",
+       "FZ",   "freezing",
+       "MI",   "shallow",
+       "PR",   "partial",
+       0, 0
+static const struct Token phenomenon[] = {
+       "DZ",   "drizzle",
+       "GR",   "hail",
+       "GS",   "small hail and/or snow pellets",
+       "IC",   "ice crystals",
+       "PE",   "ice pellets",
+       "RA",   "rain",
+       "SG",   "snow grains",
+       "SN",   "snow",
+       "UP",   "unknown precipitation",
+       "BR",   "mist",
+       "DU",   "widespread dust",
+       "FG",   "fog",
+       "FGBR", "fog bank",
+       "FU",   "smoke",
+       "HZ",   "haze",
+       "PY",   "spray",
+       "SA",   "sand",
+       "VA",   "volcanic ash",
+       "DS",   "duststorm",
+       "FC",   "funnel cloud/tornado waterspout",
+       "PO",   "well-developed dust/sand whirls",
+       "SQ",   "squalls",
+       "SS",   "sandstorm",
+       "UP",   "unknown",      // ... due to failed automatic acquisition
+       0, 0
+bool Metar::scanWeather()
+       char *m = _m;
+       string weather;
+       const struct Token *a;
+       if ((a = scanToken(&m, special))) {
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               _weather.push_back(a->text);
+               _m = m;
+               return true;
+       }
+       string pre, post;
+       if (*m == '-')
+               m++, pre = "light ";
+       else if (*m == '+')
+               m++, pre = "heavy ";
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "VC", 2))
+               m += 2, post = "in the vicinity ";
+       else
+               pre = "moderate ";
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+               if (!(a = scanToken(&m, description)))
+                       break;
+               weather += string(a->text) + " ";
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+               if (!(a = scanToken(&m, phenomenon)))
+                       break;
+               weather += string(a->text) + " ";
+       }
+       if (!weather.length())
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       weather = pre + weather + post;
+       weather.erase(weather.length() - 1);
+       _weather.push_back(weather);
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+static const struct Token cloud_types[] = {
+       "AC",    "altocumulus",
+       "ACC",   "altocumulus castellanus",
+       "ACSL",  "altocumulus standing lenticular",
+       "AS",    "altostratus",
+       "CB",    "cumulonimbus",
+       "CBMAM", "cumulonimbus mammatus",
+       "CC",    "cirrocumulus",
+       "CCSL",  "cirrocumulus standing lenticular",
+       "CI",    "cirrus",
+       "CS",    "cirrostratus",
+       "CU",    "cumulus",
+       "CUFRA", "cumulus fractus",
+       "NS",    "nimbostratus",
+       "SAC",   "stratoaltocumulus",           // guessed
+       "SC",    "stratocumulus",
+       "SCSL",  "stratocumulus standing lenticular",
+       "ST",    "stratus",
+       "STFRA", "stratus fractus",
+       "TCU",   "towering cumulus",
+       0, 0
+// (FEW|SCT|BKN|OVC|SKC|CLR|CAVOK|VV)([0-9]{3}|///)?[:cloud_type:]?
+bool Metar::scanSkyCondition()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int i;
+       FGMetarCloud cl;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "CLR", i = 3)                           // clear
+                       || !strncmp(m, "SKC", i = 3)            // sky clear
+                       || !strncmp(m, "NSC", i = 3)            // no significant clouds
+                       || !strncmp(m, "CAVOK", i = 5)) {       // ceiling and visibility OK (implies 9999)
+               m += i;
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               cl._coverage = 0;
+               _clouds.push_back(cl);
+               _m = m;
+               return true;
+       }
+       if (!strncmp(m, "VV", i = 2))                           // vertical visibility
+               ;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "FEW", i = 3))
+               cl._coverage = 1;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "SCT", i = 3))
+               cl._coverage = 2;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "BKN", i = 3))
+               cl._coverage = 3;
+       else if (!strncmp(m, "OVC", i = 3))
+               cl._coverage = 4;
+       else
+               return false;
+       m += i;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "///", 3))      // vis not measurable (e.g. because of heavy snowing)
+               m += 3, i = -1;
+       else if (scanBoundary(&m)) {
+               _m = m;
+               return true;                            // ignore single OVC/BKN/...
+       } else if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 3))
+               i = -1;
+       if (cl._coverage == -1) {
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               if (i == -1)                    // 'VV///'
+                       _vert_visibility._modifier = FGMetarVisibility::NOGO;
+               else
+                       _vert_visibility._distance = i * 100 * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+               _m = m;
+               return true;
+       }
+       if (i != -1)
+               cl._altitude = i * 100 * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+       const struct Token *a;
+       if ((a = scanToken(&m, cloud_types))) {
+               cl._type = a->id;
+               cl._type_long = a->text;
+       }
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _clouds.push_back(cl);
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// M?[0-9]{2}/(M?[0-9]{2})?            (spec)
+// (M?[0-9]{2}|XX)/(M?[0-9]{2}|XX)?    (Namibia)
+bool Metar::scanTemperature()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int sign = 1, temp, dew;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "XX/XX", 5)) {          // not spec compliant!
+               _m += 5;
+               return scanBoundary(&_m);
+       }
+       if (*m == 'M')
+               m++, sign = -1;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &temp, 2))
+               return false;
+       temp *= sign;
+       if (*m++ != '/')
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m)) {
+               if (!strncmp(m, "XX", 2))       // not spec compliant!
+                       m += 2, sign = 0;
+               else {
+                       sign = 1;
+                       if (*m == 'M')
+                               m++, sign = -1;
+                       if (!scanNumber(&m, &dew, 2))
+                               return false;
+               }
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               if (sign)
+                       _dewp = sign * dew;
+       }
+       _temp = temp;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+double Metar::getRelHumidity() const
+       if (_temp == NaN || _dewp == NaN)
+               return NaN;
+       double dewp = pow(10, 7.5 * _dewp / (237.7 + _dewp));
+       double temp = pow(10, 7.5 * _temp / (237.7 + _temp));
+       return dewp * 100 / temp;
+// [AQ]\d{4}             (spec)
+// [AQ]\d{2}(\d{2}|//)   (Namibia)
+bool Metar::scanPressure()
+       char *m = _m;
+       double factor;
+       int press, i;
+       if (*m == 'A')
+               factor = SG_INHG_TO_PA / 100;
+       else if (*m == 'Q')
+               factor = 100;
+       else
+               return false;
+       m++;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &press, 2))
+               return false;
+       press *= 100;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "//", 2))       // not spec compliant!
+               m += 2;
+       else if (scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+               press += i;
+       else
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _pressure = press * factor;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+static const char *runway_deposit[] = {
+       "clear and dry",
+       "damp",
+       "wet or puddles",
+       "frost",
+       "dry snow",
+       "wet snow",
+       "slush",
+       "ice",
+       "compacted snow",
+       "frozen ridges"
+static const char *runway_deposit_extent[] = {
+       0, "1-10%", "11-25%", 0, 0, "26-50%", 0, 0, 0, "51-100%"
+static const char *runway_friction[] = {
+       0,
+       "poor braking action",
+       "poor/medium braking action",
+       "medium braking action",
+       "medium/good braking action",
+       "good braking action",
+       0, 0, 0,
+       "friction: unreliable measurement"
+// \d\d(CLRD|[\d/]{4})(\d\d|//)
+bool Metar::scanRunwayReport()
+       char *m = _m;
+       int i;
+       char id[4];
+       FGMetarRunway r;
+       if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (i == 88)
+               strcpy(id, "ALL");
+       else if (i == 99)
+               strcpy(id, "REP");              // repetition of previous report
+       else if (i >= 50) {
+               i -= 50;
+               id[0] = i / 10 + '0', id[1] = i % 10 + '0', id[2] = 'R', id[3] = '\0';
+       } else
+               id[0] = i / 10 + '0', id[1] = i % 10 + '0', id[2] = '\0';
+       if (!strncmp(m, "CLRD", 4)) {
+               m += 4;                                                 // runway cleared
+               r._deposit = "cleared";
+       } else {
+               if (scanNumber(&m, &i, 1)) {
+                       r._deposit = runway_deposit[i];
+               } else if (*m == '/')
+                       m++;
+               else
+                       return false;
+               if (*m == '1' || *m == '2' || *m == '5' || *m == '9') { // extent of deposit
+                       r._extent = *m - '0';
+                       r._extent_string = runway_deposit_extent[*m - '0'];
+               } else if (*m != '/')
+                       return false;
+               m++;
+               i = -1;
+               if (!strncmp(m, "//", 2))
+                       m += 2;
+               else if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+                       return false;
+               if (i == 0)
+                       r._depth = 0.5;                                 // < 1 mm deep (let's say 0.5 :-)
+               else if (i > 0 && i <= 90)
+                       r._depth = i / 1000.0;                          // i mm deep
+               else if (i >= 92 && i <= 98)
+                       r._depth = (i - 90) / 20.0;
+               else if (i == 99)
+                       r._comment = "runway not in use";
+               else if (i == -1)                                       // no depth given ("//")
+                       ;
+               else
+                       return false;
+       }
+       i = -1;
+       if (m[0] == '/' && m[1] == '/')
+               m += 2;
+       else if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+               return false;
+       if (i >= 1 && i < 90) {
+               r._friction = i / 100.0;
+       } else if ((i >= 91 && i <= 95) || i == 99) {
+               r._friction_string = runway_friction[i - 90];
+       }
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _runways[id]._deposit = r._deposit;
+       _runways[id]._extent = r._extent;
+       _runways[id]._extent_string = r._extent_string;
+       _runways[id]._depth = r._depth;
+       _runways[id]._friction = r._friction;
+       _runways[id]._friction_string = r._friction_string;
+       _runways[id]._comment = r._comment;
+       _m = m;
+       _grpcount++;
+       return true;
+// WS (ALL RWYS?|RWY ?\d\d[LCR]?)?
+bool Metar::scanWindShear()
+       char *m = _m;
+       if (strncmp(m, "WS", 2))
+               return false;
+       m += 2;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       if (!strncmp(m, "ALL", 3)) {
+               m += 3;
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               if (strncmp(m, "RWY", 3))
+                       return false;
+               m += 3;
+               if (*m == 'S')
+                       m++;
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               _runways["ALL"]._wind_shear = true;
+               _m = m;
+               return true;
+       }
+       char id[4], *mm;
+       int i, cnt;
+       for (cnt = 0;; cnt++) {                 // ??
+               if (strncmp(m, "RWY", 3))
+                       break;
+               m += 3;
+               scanBoundary(&m);
+               mm = m;
+               if (!scanNumber(&m, &i, 2))
+                       return false;
+               if (*m == 'L' || *m == 'C' || *m == 'R')
+                       m++;
+               strncpy(id, mm, i = m - mm);
+               id[i] = '\0';
+               if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+                       return false;
+               _runways[id]._wind_shear = true;
+       }
+       if (!cnt)
+               _runways["ALL"]._wind_shear = true;
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanTrendForecast()
+       char *m = _m;
+       if (strncmp(m, "NOSIG", 5))
+               return false;
+       m += 5;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+static const struct Token colors[] = {
+       "BLU", "Blue",          // 2500 ft,  8.0 km
+       "WHT", "White",         // 1500 ft,  5.0 km
+       "GRN", "Green",         //  700 ft,  3.7 km
+       "YLO", "Yellow",        //  300 ft,  1.6 km
+       "AMB", "Amber",         //  200 ft,  0.8 km
+       "RED", "Red",           // <200 ft, <0.8 km
+       0, 0
+bool Metar::scanColorState()
+       char *m = _m;
+       const struct Token *a;
+       if (!(a = scanToken(&m, colors)))
+               return false;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       //printf(Y"Code %s\n"N, a->text);
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanRemark()
+       if (strncmp(_m, "RMK", 3))
+               return false;
+       _m += 3;
+       if (!scanBoundary(&_m))
+               return false;
+       while (*_m) {
+               if (!scanRunwayReport()) {
+                       while (*_m && !isspace(*_m))
+                               _m++;
+                       scanBoundary(&_m);
+               }
+       }
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanRemainder()
+       char *m = _m;
+       if (!(strncmp(m, "NOSIG", 5))) {
+               m += 5;
+               if (scanBoundary(&m))
+                       _m = m; //_comment.push_back("No significant tendency");
+       }
+       if (!scanBoundary(&m))
+               return false;
+       _m = m;
+       return true;
+bool Metar::scanBoundary(char **s)
+       if (**s && !isspace(**s))
+               return false;
+       while (isspace(**s))
+               (*s)++;
+       return true;
+int Metar::scanNumber(char **src, int *num, int min, int max)
+       int i;
+       char *s = *src;
+       *num = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < min; i++) {
+               if (!isdigit(*s))
+                       return 0;
+               else
+                       *num = *num * 10 + *s++ - '0';
+       }
+       for (; i < max && isdigit(*s); i++)
+               *num = *num * 10 + *s++ - '0';
+       *src = s;
+       return i;
+// find longest match of str in list
+const struct Token *Metar::scanToken(char **str, const struct Token *list)
+       const struct Token *longest = 0;
+       int maxlen = 0, len;
+       char *s;
+       for (int i = 0; (s = list[i].id); i++) {
+               len = strlen(s);
+               if (!strncmp(s, *str, len) && len > maxlen) {
+                       maxlen = len;
+                       longest = &list[i];
+               }
+       }
+       *str += maxlen;
+       return longest;
+#undef NaN
diff --git a/src/Environment/metar.hxx b/src/Environment/metar.hxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8dcb557
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// metar interface class
+// Written by Melchior FRANZ, started December 2003.
+// Copyright (C) 2003  Melchior FRANZ - mfranz@aon.at
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+// $Id$
+#ifndef _METAR_HXX
+#define _METAR_HXX
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
+const double FGMetarNaN = -1E20;
+#define NaN FGMetarNaN
+struct Token {
+       char    *id;
+       char    *text;
+class Metar;
+class FGMetarVisibility {
+       friend class Metar;
+       FGMetarVisibility() :
+               _distance(NaN),
+               _direction(-1),
+               _modifier(EQUALS),
+               _tendency(NONE) {}
+       enum Modifier {
+               NOGO,
+               EQUALS,
+               LESS_THAN,
+               GREATER_THAN
+       };
+       enum Tendency {
+               NONE,
+               STABLE,
+               INCREASING,
+               DECREASING
+       };
+       inline double   getVisibility_m()       const { return _distance; }
+       inline double   getVisibility_ft()      const { return _distance == NaN ? NaN : _distance * SG_METER_TO_FEET; }
+       inline double   getVisibility_sm()      const { return _distance == NaN ? NaN : _distance * SG_METER_TO_SM; }
+       inline int      getDirection()          const { return _direction; }
+       inline int      getModifier()           const { return _modifier; }
+       inline int      getTendency()           const { return _tendency; }
+       double  _distance;
+       int     _direction;
+       int     _modifier;
+       int     _tendency;
+// runway condition (surface and visibility)
+class FGMetarRunway {
+       friend class Metar;
+       FGMetarRunway() :
+               _deposit(0),
+               _extent(-1),
+               _extent_string(0),
+               _depth(NaN),
+               _friction(NaN),
+               _friction_string(0),
+               _comment(0),
+               _wind_shear(false) {}
+       inline const char               *getDeposit()           const { return _deposit; }
+       inline double                   getExtent()             const { return _extent; }
+       inline const char               *getExtentString()      const { return _extent_string; }
+       inline double                   getDepth()              const { return _depth; }
+       inline double                   getFriction()           const { return _friction; }
+       inline const char               *getFrictionString()    const { return _friction_string; }
+       inline const char               *getComment()           const { return _comment; }
+       inline const bool               getWindShear()          const { return _wind_shear; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility        getMinVisibility()      const { return _min_visibility; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility        getMaxVisibility()      const { return _max_visibility; }
+       FGMetarVisibility _min_visibility;
+       FGMetarVisibility _max_visibility;
+       const char      *_deposit;
+       int             _extent;
+       const char      *_extent_string;
+       double          _depth;
+       double          _friction;
+       const char      *_friction_string;
+       const char      *_comment;
+       bool            _wind_shear;
+// cloud layer
+class FGMetarCloud {
+       friend class Metar;
+       FGMetarCloud() :
+               _coverage(-1),
+               _altitude(NaN),
+               _type(0),
+               _type_long(0) {}
+       inline int      getCoverage()           const { return _coverage; }
+       inline double   getAltitude_m()         const { return _altitude; }
+       inline double   getAltitude_ft()        const { return _altitude == NaN ? NaN : _altitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET; }
+       inline char     *getTypeString()        const { return _type; }
+       inline char     *getTypeLongString()    const { return _type_long; }
+       int     _coverage;              // quarters: 0 -> clear ... 4 -> overcast
+       double  _altitude;              // 1000 m
+       char    *_type;                 // CU
+       char    *_type_long;            // cumulus
+class Metar {
+       Metar(const char *m);
+       Metar(const string m) { Metar(m.c_str()); }
+       ~Metar();
+       enum ReportType {
+               NONE,
+               AUTO,
+               COR,
+               RTD
+       };
+       inline const char *getData()            const { return _data; }
+       inline const char *getUnusedData()      const { return _m; }
+       inline const char *getId()              const { return _icao; }
+       inline int      getYear()               const { return _year; }
+       inline int      getMonth()              const { return _month; }
+       inline int      getDay()                const { return _day; }
+       inline int      getHour()               const { return _hour; }
+       inline int      getMinute()             const { return _minute; }
+       inline int      getReportType()         const { return _report_type; }
+       inline int      getWindDir()            const { return _wind_dir; }
+       inline double   getWindSpeed_mps()      const { return _wind_speed; }
+       inline double   getWindSpeed_kmh()      const { return _wind_speed == NaN ? NaN : _wind_speed * 3.6; }
+       inline double   getWindSpeed_kt()       const { return _wind_speed == NaN ? NaN : _wind_speed * SG_MPS_TO_KT; }
+       inline double   getWindSpeed_mph()      const { return _wind_speed == NaN ? NaN : _wind_speed * SG_MPS_TO_MPH; }
+       inline double   getGustSpeed_mps()      const { return _gust_speed; }
+       inline double   getGustSpeed_kmh()      const { return _gust_speed == NaN ? NaN : _gust_speed * 3.6; }
+       inline double   getGustSpeed_kt()       const { return _gust_speed == NaN ? NaN : _gust_speed * SG_MPS_TO_KT; }
+       inline double   getGustSpeed_mph()      const { return _gust_speed == NaN ? NaN : _gust_speed * SG_MPS_TO_MPH; }
+       inline int      getWindRangeFrom()      const { return _wind_range_from; }
+       inline int      getWindRangeTo()        const { return _wind_range_to; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility& getMinVisibility()    { return _min_visibility; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility& getMaxVisibility()    { return _max_visibility; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility& getVertVisibility()   { return _vert_visibility; }
+       inline FGMetarVisibility *getDirVisibility()    { return _dir_visibility; }
+       inline double   getTemperature_C()      const { return _temp; }
+       inline double   getTemperature_F()      const { return _temp == NaN ? NaN : 1.8 * _temp + 32; }
+       inline double   getDewpoint_C()         const { return _dewp; }
+       inline double   getDewpoint_F()         const { return _dewp == NaN ? NaN : 1.8 * _dewp + 32; }
+       inline double   getPressure_hPa()       const { return _pressure == NaN ? NaN : _pressure / 100; }
+       inline double   getPressure_inHg()      const { return _pressure == NaN ? NaN : _pressure * SG_PA_TO_INHG; }
+       double          getRelHumidity()        const;
+       inline vector<FGMetarCloud>& getClouds()        { return _clouds; }
+       inline map<string, FGMetarRunway>& getRunways() { return _runways; }
+       inline vector<string>& getWeather()             { return _weather; }
+       int     _grpcount;
+       char    *_data;
+       char    *_m;
+       char    _icao[5];
+       int     _year;
+       int     _month;
+       int     _day;
+       int     _hour;
+       int     _minute;
+       int     _report_type;
+       int     _wind_dir;
+       double  _wind_speed;
+       double  _gust_speed;
+       int     _wind_range_from;
+       int     _wind_range_to;
+       double  _temp;
+       double  _dewp;
+       double  _pressure;
+       FGMetarVisibility               _min_visibility;
+       FGMetarVisibility               _max_visibility;
+       FGMetarVisibility               _vert_visibility;
+       FGMetarVisibility               _dir_visibility[8];
+       vector<FGMetarCloud>            _clouds;
+       map<string, FGMetarRunway>      _runways;
+       vector<string>                  _weather;
+       bool    scanPreambleDate();
+       bool    scanPreambleTime();
+       bool    scanType();
+       bool    scanId();
+       bool    scanDate();
+       bool    scanModifier();
+       bool    scanWind();
+       bool    scanVariability();
+       bool    scanVisibility();
+       bool    scanRwyVisRange();
+       bool    scanSkyCondition();
+       bool    scanWeather();
+       bool    scanTemperature();
+       bool    scanPressure();
+       bool    scanRunwayReport();
+       bool    scanWindShear();
+       bool    scanTrendForecast();
+       bool    scanColorState();
+       bool    scanRemark();
+       bool    scanRemainder();
+       int     scanNumber(char **str, int *num, int min, int max = 0);
+       bool    scanBoundary(char **str);
+       const struct Token *scanToken(char **str, const struct Token *list);
+       char    *loadData(const char *id);
+       void    normalizeData();
+#undef NaN
+#endif // _METAR_HXX