return $translated;
+// Determines the real remote address
+function determineRealRemoteAddress () {
+ // Is a proxy in use?
+ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){
+ // Proxy was used
+ $address = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+ } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])){
+ // Yet, another proxy
+ $address = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
+ } else {
+ // The regular address when no proxy was used
+ $address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ }
+ // This strips out the real address from proxy output
+ if (strstr($address, ",")){
+ $addressArray = explode(",", $address);
+ $address = $addressArray[0];
+ } // END - if
+ // Return the result
+ return $address;
// "Getter" for remote IP number
function GET_REMOTE_ADDR () {
// Get remote ip from environment
- $remoteAddr = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
+ $remoteAddr = determineRealRemoteAddress();
// Is removeip installed?
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("removeip")) {
$target = constant('URL')."/cms/";
// Convert modules.php?module=...
- $test = preg_replace("/".$URL."/modules.php?module=/i", $target, $HTML);
+ $output = preg_replace("/".$URL."\\/modules.php\\?module=/i", $target, $HTML);
+ if (eregi(constant('SERVER_URL'), $output)) {
+ // Strip slashes with double-backslashes for the preg_replace() function
+ $URL = str_replace("/", "\\/", constant('SERVER_URL'));
- if (eregi(SERVER_URL, $test)) {
// Convert URLs from my server
- $test = preg_replace("/".constant('SERVER_URL')."/modules.php?module=/i", constant('SERVER_URL')."/cms/", $test);
+ $output = preg_replace("/".$URL."\\/modules.php\\?module=/i", constant('SERVER_URL')."/cms/", $output);
} // END - if
// Strip slashes as above for the main URL
$act = $target."\$1/act/";
// Convert &|&action=...
- $test = preg_replace("/".$target2."(.*)&action=/i", $act, $test);
+ $output = preg_replace("/".$target2."(.*)&action=/i", $act, $output);
// "The same procedure as last variable"... now for &what=
$wht = $target."\$1/wht/";
- $target2 = str_replace("/", "\\/", $target);
- $test = preg_replace("/".$target2."(.*)&what=/i", $wht, $test);
- if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("rallye")) && (eregi("rallye=", $test))) {
- // Replace data when rallye extension is active
- // Add more if you need more like these entries
- $REPLACE = array("rallye", "activate", "auto", "notify", "sub");
- foreach ($REPLACE as $var) {
- // This will replace "&var=" to "/var/"
- $test = preg_replace("/&".$var."=/i", "/".$var."/", $test);
- } // END - foreach
- } // END - if
- // Simple from->to replacements
- $REPLACE = array(
- 'search' => array("uid", "url", "page", "offset", "mid", "bid", "sub", "home"),
- 'replace' => array("u" , "url", "page", "offset", "m" , "b" , "s" , "h")
- );
- if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) && (eregi("admin=", $test))) {
- // Replace &admin= with "/aid/"
- $REPLACE['search'][] = "admin";
- $REPLACE['replace'][] = "aid";
- } // END - if
- // Replace all array elements through
- foreach ($REPLACE['search'] as $k => $v) {
- if (eregi("$v=", $test)) {
- // Replace &uid= with /u/
- $test = preg_replace("/&".$v."=/i", "/".$REPLACE['replace'][$k]."/", $test);
- } // END - if
- } // END - foreach
+ $output = preg_replace("/".$target2."(.*)&what=/i", $wht, $output);
// Repair missed &what=??? entries
- while (preg_match("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", $test)) {
- $test = preg_replace("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", "/wht/\$1/\$2/\$3", $test);
+ while (preg_match("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", $output)) {
+ $output = preg_replace("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", "/wht/\$1/\$2/\$3", $output);
} // END - while
// Return rewritten code
- return $test;
+ return $output;