* The execution time is the productive time.
* By changing parameters like the maximum number of workers we can check the effectivness.
- $dbtotal = number_format(self::$db_duration - (self::$db_duration_count + self::$db_duration_write + self::$db_duration_stat), 4);
- $dbcount = number_format(self::$db_duration_count, 4);
- $dbstat = number_format(self::$db_duration_stat, 4);
- $dbwrite = number_format(self::$db_duration_write, 4);
- $dblock = number_format(self::$lock_duration, 4);
- $rest = number_format(max(0, $up_duration - (self::$db_duration + self::$lock_duration)), 4);
- $exec = number_format($duration, 4);
+ $dbtotal = round(self::$db_duration, 2);
+ $dbread = round(self::$db_duration - (self::$db_duration_count + self::$db_duration_write + self::$db_duration_stat), 2);
+ $dbcount = round(self::$db_duration_count, 2);
+ $dbstat = round(self::$db_duration_stat, 2);
+ $dbwrite = round(self::$db_duration_write, 2);
+ $dblock = round(self::$lock_duration, 2);
+ $rest = round(max(0, $up_duration - (self::$db_duration + self::$lock_duration)), 2);
+ $exec = round($duration, 2);
- Logger::info('Performance:', ['mode' => self::$mode, 'count' => $dbcount, 'stat' => $dbstat, 'write' => $dbwrite, 'lock' => $dblock, 'total' => $dbtotal, 'rest' => $rest, 'exec' => $exec]);
- $logger->info('Performance log.', ['total' => $dbtotal, 'count' => $dbcount, 'stat' => $dbstat, 'write' => $dbwrite, 'block' => $dblock, 'rest' => $rest, 'exec' => $exec]);
++ $logger->info('Performance log.', ['mode' => self::$mode, 'count' => $dbcount, 'stat' => $dbstat, 'write' => $dbwrite, 'lock' => $dblock, 'total' => $dbtotal, 'rest' => $rest, 'exec' => $exec]);
self::$up_start = microtime(true);
self::$db_duration = 0;
self::$db_duration_stat = 0;
self::$db_duration_write = 0;
self::$lock_duration = 0;
+ self::$mode = 2;
if ($duration > 3600) {
- Logger::log("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 1 hour (".round($duration/60, 3).")", Logger::DEBUG);
+ $logger->info('Longer than 1 hour.', ['priority' => $queue["priority"], 'id' => $queue["id"], 'duration' => round($duration/60, 3)]);
} elseif ($duration > 600) {
- Logger::log("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 10 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", Logger::DEBUG);
+ $logger->info('Longer than 10 minutes.', ['priority' => $queue["priority"], 'id' => $queue["id"], 'duration' => round($duration/60, 3)]);
} elseif ($duration > 300) {
- Logger::log("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 5 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", Logger::DEBUG);
+ $logger->info('Longer than 5 minutes.', ['priority' => $queue["priority"], 'id' => $queue["id"], 'duration' => round($duration/60, 3)]);
} elseif ($duration > 120) {
- Logger::log("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 2 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", Logger::DEBUG);
+ $logger->info('Longer than 2 minutes.', ['priority' => $queue["priority"], 'id' => $queue["id"], 'duration' => round($duration/60, 3)]);
- Logger::log("Process ".$mypid." - Prio ".$queue["priority"]." - ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname." - done in ".number_format($duration, 4)." seconds. Process PID: ".$new_process_id);
+ $workerLogger->info('Process done. ', ['priority' => $queue["priority"], 'id' => $queue["id"], 'duration' => number_format($duration, 4)]);
- // Write down the performance values into the log
- if (Config::get("system", "profiler")) {
- $duration = microtime(true)-$a->performance["start"];
- $o = '';
- if (Config::get("rendertime", "callstack")) {
- if (isset($a->callstack["database"])) {
- $o .= "\nDatabase Read:\n";
- foreach ($a->callstack["database"] as $func => $time) {
- $time = round($time, 3);
- if ($time > 0) {
- $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($a->callstack["database_write"])) {
- $o .= "\nDatabase Write:\n";
- foreach ($a->callstack["database_write"] as $func => $time) {
- $time = round($time, 3);
- if ($time > 0) {
- $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($a->callstack["dache"])) {
- $o .= "\nCache Read:\n";
- foreach ($a->callstack["dache"] as $func => $time) {
- $time = round($time, 3);
- if ($time > 0) {
- $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($a->callstack["dache_write"])) {
- $o .= "\nCache Write:\n";
- foreach ($a->callstack["dache_write"] as $func => $time) {
- $time = round($time, 3);
- if ($time > 0) {
- $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($a->callstack["network"])) {
- $o .= "\nNetwork:\n";
- foreach ($a->callstack["network"] as $func => $time) {
- $time = round($time, 3);
- if ($time > 0) {
- $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Logger::log(
- "ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname.": ".sprintf(
- "DB: %s/%s, Cache: %s/%s, Net: %s, I/O: %s, Other: %s, Total: %s".$o,
- number_format($a->performance["database"] - $a->performance["database_write"], 2),
- number_format($a->performance["database_write"], 2),
- number_format($a->performance["cache"], 2),
- number_format($a->performance["cache_write"], 2),
- number_format($a->performance["network"], 2),
- number_format($a->performance["file"], 2),
- number_format($duration - ($a->performance["database"]
- + $a->performance["cache"] + $a->performance["cache_write"]
- + $a->performance["network"] + $a->performance["file"]), 2),
- number_format($duration, 2)
- ),
- Logger::DEBUG
- );
- }
+ $a->getProfiler()->saveLog($a->getLogger(), "ID " . $queue["id"] . ": " . $funcname);
$cooldown = Config::get("system", "worker_cooldown", 0);