#include <Main/fg_init.hxx>
#include <Main/views.hxx>
#include <Misc/fgpath.hxx>
-#include <Network/network.h>
+#include <NetworkOLK/network.h>
#include <Screen/screen-dump.hxx>
#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
// "Program exiting normally at user request." );
cout << "Program exiting normally at user request." << endl;
+ if ( net_is_registered == 0 ) fgd_send_com( "8", FGFS_host);
// if(gps_bug)
// fclose(gps_bug);
static char NewNetId[16];
static char NewNetIdLabel[] = "Enter New Callsign";
+extern char *fgd_callsign;
static puOneShot *NetIdDialogOkButton = 0;
static puOneShot *NetIdDialogCancelButton = 0;
NetIdDialog_Cancel( NULL );
current_options.set_net_id( NetId.c_str() );
+ strcpy( fgd_callsign, net_callsign);
+// strcpy( fgd_callsign, current_options.get_net_id().c_str());
/* Entering a callsign indicates : user wants Net HUD Info */
net_hud_display = 1;
void NewCallSign(puObject *cb)
sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", current_options.get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
NetIdDialogInput->setValue( NewNetId );
static void NewNetIdInit(void)
sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", current_options.get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
int len = 150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
NewNetIdLabel ) / 2;
printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
-static void net_blaster_toggle( puObject *cb)
+static void net_register( puObject *cb)
+ fgd_send_com( "1", FGFS_host );
+ net_is_registered = 0;
+ printf("Registering to deamon\n");
+static void net_unregister( puObject *cb)
+ fgd_send_com( "8", FGFS_host );
+ net_is_registered = -1;
+ printf("Unregistering from deamon\n");
+/*************** Deamon communication **********/
+// These statics should disapear when this is a class
+static puDialogBox *NetFGDDialog = 0;
+static puFrame *NetFGDDialogFrame = 0;
+static puText *NetFGDDialogMessage = 0;
+//static puInput *NetFGDDialogInput = 0;
+//static char NewNetId[16];
+static char NewNetFGDLabel[] = "Scan for deamon ";
+static char NewFGDHost[64] = "olk.mcp.de";
+static int NewFGDPortLo = 10000;
+static int NewFGDPortHi = 10001;
+//extern char *fgd_callsign;
+extern u_short base_port, end_port;
+extern int fgd_ip, verbose, current_port;
+extern char *fgd_host;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogOkButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogCancelButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogScanButton = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDHostDialogInput = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = 0;
+void NetFGDDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
+void NetFGDDialog_OK (puObject *)
+ char *NetFGD;
+ FGTime *t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
+ int PauseMode = t->getPause();
+ if(!PauseMode) t->togglePauseMode();
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
+ strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
+ NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+ if( PauseMode != t->getPause() )
+ t->togglePauseMode();
+void NetFGDDialog_SCAN (puObject *)
+ char *NetFGD;
+ int fgd_port;
+ FGTime *t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
+ int PauseMode = t->getPause();
+ if(!PauseMode) t->togglePauseMode();
+// printf("Vor getvalue %s\n");
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
+// printf("Vor strcpy %s\n", (char *) NetFGD);
+ strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
+ printf("FGD: %s Port-Start: %d Port-End: %d\n", fgd_host,
+ base_port, end_port);
+ net_resolv_fgd(fgd_host);
+ printf("Resolve : %d\n", net_r);
+ if( PauseMode != t->getPause() ) t->togglePauseMode();
+ if ( net_r == 0 ) {
+ fgd_port = 10000;
+ strcpy( fgd_name, "");
+ for( current_port = base_port; ( current_port <= end_port); current_port++) {
+ fgd_send_com("0" , FGFS_host);
+ sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Scanning for deamon Port: %d", current_port);
+ printf("FGD: searching %s\n", fgd_name);
+ if ( strcmp( fgd_name, "") != 0 ) {
+ sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Found %s at Port: %d",
+ fgd_name, current_port);
+ fgd_port = current_port;
+ current_port = end_port+1;
+ }
+ }
+ current_port = end_port = base_port = fgd_port;
+ }
+ NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+void net_fgd_scan(puObject *cb)
+ NewFGDPortLo = base_port;
+ NewFGDPortHi = end_port;
+ strcpy( NewFGDHost, fgd_host);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortLo );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortHi );
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDHost );
+static void NewNetFGDInit(void)
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", current_options.get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
+ int len = 170 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
+ NewNetFGDLabel ) / 2;
+ NetFGDDialog = new puDialogBox (310, 30);
+ {
+ NetFGDDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,320, 170);
+ NetFGDDialogMessage = new puText (len, 140);
+ NetFGDDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewNetFGDLabel);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 127, 100);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortLo);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = new puInput (199, 70, 275, 100);
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortHi);
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput = new puInput (50, 100, 275, 130);
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDHost);
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton = new puOneShot (130, 10, 200, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setLegend ("Scan");
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_SCAN);
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> makeReturnDefault(FALSE);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 120, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_OK);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (210, 10, 280, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_Cancel);
+ }
+static void net_display_toggle( puObject *cb)
- net_blast_toggle = (net_blast_toggle) ? 0 : -1;
- printf("Toggle net_blast : %d\n", net_blast_toggle);
+ net_hud_display = (net_hud_display) ? 0 : 1;
+ printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
/*************** End Networking **************/
char *networkSubmenu [] = {
- /* "Unregister from FGD ", "Send MSG to All", "Send MSG", "Show Pilots", */
- /* "Register to FGD", */
- /* "Scan for Deamons", */ "Enter Callsign", /* "Display Netinfos", */
- "Toggle Display",
- "Hyper Blast", NULL
+ "Unregister from FGD ", /* "Send MSG to All", "Send MSG", "Show Pilots", */
+ "Register to FGD",
+ "Scan for Deamons", "Enter Callsign", /* "Display Netinfos", */
+ "Toggle Display", NULL
puCallback networkSubmenuCb [] = {
- /* notCb, notCb, notCb, notCb, notCb, notCb, */ NewCallSign, /* notCb, */
- net_display_toggle, net_blaster_toggle, NULL
+ /* notCb, notCb, notCb, notCb, */
+ net_unregister,
+ net_register,
+ net_fgd_scan, NewCallSign,
+ net_display_toggle, NULL
+ NewNetFGDInit();