## Copyright 2002-2003 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
# see LICENSE.txt for license information
+"""Functions to deal with hashes (node IDs and keys)."""
from sha import sha
from os import urandom
from twisted.trial import unittest
def intify(hstr):
- """20 bit hash, big-endian -> long python integer"""
+ """Convert a hash (big-endian) to a long python integer."""
assert len(hstr) == 20
return long(hstr.encode('hex'), 16)
def stringify(num):
- """long int -> 20-character string"""
+ """Convert a long python integer to a hash."""
str = hex(num)[2:]
if str[-1] == 'L':
str = str[:-1]
return (20 - len(str)) *'\x00' + str
def distance(a, b):
- """distance between two 160-bit hashes expressed as 20-character strings"""
+ """Calculate the distance between two hashes expressed as strings."""
return intify(a) ^ intify(b)
def newID():
- """returns a new pseudorandom globally unique ID string"""
+ """Get a new pseudorandom globally unique hash string."""
h = sha()
return h.digest()
def newIDInRange(min, max):
+ """Get a new pseudorandom globally unique hash string in the range."""
return stringify(randRange(min,max))
def randRange(min, max):
+ """Get a new pseudorandom globally unique hash number in the range."""
return min + intify(newID()) % (max - min)
def newTID():
+ """Get a new pseudorandom transaction ID number."""
return randRange(-2**30, 2**30)
class TestNewID(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the newID function."""
def testLength(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(newID()), 20)
def testHundreds(self):
class TestIntify(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the intify function."""
known = [('\0' * 20, 0),
('\xff' * 20, 2L**160 - 1),
class TestDisantance(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the distance function."""
known = [
(("\0" * 20, "\xff" * 20), 2**160L -1),
((sha("foo").digest(), sha("foo").digest()), 0),
self.failUnlessEqual(distance(x,y) ^ distance(y, z), distance(x, z))
class TestRandRange(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the randRange function."""
def testOnce(self):
a = intify(newID())
b = intify(newID())