// draw value
- int l= abs((int)theta);
- if((l>=0) && (l<=9))
- textString (x,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
- if((l>=10) && (l<=99))
- textString (x-1.0,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
- if((l>=100) && (l<=359))
- textString (x-2.0,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
+ int l = abs((int)theta);
+ if (l) {
+ if( l<10)
+ textString (x,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
+ else if(l<100)
+ textString (x-1.0,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
+ else if( l<360 )
+ textString (x-2.0,y,TextScale,GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 );
+ }
if(pointer_type=="moving") {
if(zoom == 0) {
//Code for Moving Type Pointer included by suma.
- static float ycentre, ypoint,xpoint;
- static int range,wth;
+ float ycentre, ypoint,xpoint;
+ int range,wth;
if(cur_value > maxValue) cur_value = maxValue;
if(cur_value < minValue) cur_value = minValue;
if (minValue >= 0.0)
if(zoom == 0) {
//type-fixed & zoom=1, behaviour to be defined
// Code for Moving Type Pointer included by suma.
- static float ycentre, ypoint,xpoint;
- static int range,wth;
- if(cur_value > maxValue) cur_value = maxValue;
- if(cur_value < minValue) cur_value = minValue;
+ float ycentre, ypoint,xpoint;
+ int range,wth;
+ if(cur_value > maxValue)
+ cur_value = maxValue;
+ if(cur_value < minValue)
+ cur_value = minValue;
if (minValue >= 0.0)
ycentre = scrn_rect.top;
else if (maxValue + minValue == 0.0)
ycentre = scrn_rect.top + minValue*scrn_rect.bottom/(maxValue-minValue);
range = scrn_rect.bottom;
if (oddtype == 1)
ypoint = ycentre + ((cur_value-1.0) * range / val_span);
// draw scale or tape
- last = FloatToInt(vmax)+1;
- i = FloatToInt(vmin);
+// last = FloatToInt(vmax)+1;
+// i = FloatToInt(vmin);
+ last = (int)vmax + 1; // N
+ i = (int)vmin; // N
if(zoom ==1) {
zoomed_scale(vmin,vmax); //suma
// Block calculation artifact from drawing ticks below min coordinate.
// Calculation here accounts for text height.
- /* if(( marker_ys < (scrn_rect.top + 4)) |
+ if(( marker_ys < (scrn_rect.top + 4)) |
( marker_ys > (height - 4)))
- {
- // Magic numbers!!!
- continue;
- } */
+ {
+ // Magic numbers!!!
+ continue;
+ }
if (oddtype == 1)
k = i+1; //enable ticks at odd values
if( div_min()) {
// if( (i%div_min()) == 0) {
if( !(k%(int)div_min())) {
- /* if((( marker_ys - 5) > scrn_rect.top ) &&
- (( marker_ys + 5) < (height))){ */
+ if((( marker_ys - 5) > scrn_rect.top ) &&
+ (( marker_ys + 5) < (height))) {
//vertical/left OR vertical/right
if( huds_both(options) ) {
marker_xe - 4, marker_ys );
- } //end huds both
+ } //end huds both
+ }
} //end draw minor ticks
} //end minor ticks
if(pointer_type=="moving") {
if (zoom ==0) {
//Code for Moving Type Pointer included by suma.
- static float xcentre,xpoint,ypoint;
- static int range;
+ // static float xcentre,xpoint,ypoint;
+ // static int range;
if(cur_value > maxValue) cur_value = maxValue;
if(cur_value < minValue) cur_value = minValue;
- xcentre = mid_scr.x;
- range = scrn_rect.right;
- xpoint = xcentre + (cur_value * range / val_span);
- ypoint = scrn_rect.top - marker_offset;
+ float xcentre = mid_scr.x;
+ int range = scrn_rect.right;
+ float xpoint = xcentre + (cur_value * range / val_span);
+ float ypoint = scrn_rect.top - marker_offset;
drawOneLine(xcentre, ypoint,xpoint,ypoint);
if(pointer_type=="moving") {
if(zoom == 0) {
//Code for Moving Type Pointer included by suma.
- static float xcentre,xpoint,ypoint;
- static int range,hgt;
+ // static float xcentre,xpoint,ypoint;
+ // static int range,hgt;
if(cur_value > maxValue) cur_value = maxValue;
if(cur_value < minValue) cur_value = minValue;
- xcentre = mid_scr.x ;
- range = scrn_rect.right;
- hgt = scrn_rect.top + scrn_rect.bottom;
- xpoint = xcentre + (cur_value * range / val_span);
- ypoint = hgt + marker_offset;
+ float xcentre = mid_scr.x ;
+ int range = scrn_rect.right;
+ int hgt = scrn_rect.top + scrn_rect.bottom;
+ float xpoint = xcentre + (cur_value * range / val_span);
+ float ypoint = hgt + marker_offset;
drawOneLine(xcentre, ypoint,xpoint,ypoint);
//draw minor ticks
if( !(k%(int)div_min() )) {
// draw in ticks only if they aren't too close to the edge.
- /*if((( marker_xs - 5) > scrn_rect.left ) &&
- (( marker_xs + 5 )< (scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right))){ */ //suma
+ if((( marker_xs - 5) > scrn_rect.left ) &&
+ (( marker_xs + 5 )< (scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right))){
if( huds_both(options) ) {
if(tick_length=="variable") {
- }
+ }
+ }
} //end draw minor ticks
} //end minor ticks
//major ticks
// (int)(disp_val * data_scaling() +.5));
FloatToInt(disp_val * data_scaling()/*+.5*/));
// Draw major ticks and text only if far enough from the edge.
- /*if(( (marker_xs - 10)> scrn_rect.left ) &&
- ( (marker_xs + 10) < (scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right))){*/ //suma
+ if(( (marker_xs - 10)> scrn_rect.left ) &&
+ ( (marker_xs + 10) < (scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right))){
if( huds_both(options) ) {
// drawOneLine( marker_xs, scrn_rect.top,
// marker_xs, marker_ys);
TextScale, GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13,0 ); //suma
- }
+ }
+ }
} //end draw major ticks
} //endif major ticks
} //end condition