--- /dev/null
+# """
+# Name: 'YASim (.xml)'
+# Blender: 245
+# Group: 'Import'
+# Tooltip: 'Loads and visualizes a YASim FDM geometry'
+# """
+__author__ = "Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at >"
+__url__ = ["http://www.flightgear.org/", "http://cvs.flightgear.org/viewvc/source/utils/Modeller/yasim_import.py"]
+__version__ = "0.1"
+__bpydoc__ = """\
+yasim_import.py loads and visualizes a YASim FDM geometry
+It is recommended to load the model superimposed over a greyed out and immutable copy of the aircraft model:
+ (1) load or import aircraft model (menu -> "File" -> "Import" -> "AC3D (.ac) ...")
+ (2) create new *empty* scene (menu -> arrow button left of "SCE:scene1" combobox -> "ADD NEW" -> "empty")
+ (3) rename scene to yasim (not required)
+ (4) link to scene1 (F10 -> "Output" tab -> arrow button left of text entry "No Set Scene" -> "scene1")
+ (5) now load the YASim config file (menu -> "File" -> "Import" -> "YASim (.xml) ...")
+This is good enough for simple checks. But if you are working on the YASim configuration, then you need a
+quick and convenient way to reload the file. In that case continue after (4):
+ (5) switch the button area on the bottom of the blender screen to "Scripts Window" mode (green python snake icon)
+ (6) load the YASim config file (menu -> "Scripts" -> "Import" -> "YASim (.xml) ...")
+ (7) make the "Scripts Window" area as small as possible by dragging the area separator down
+ (8) optionally split the "3D View" area and switch the right part to the "Outliner"
+ (9) press the "Reload YASim" button in the script area to reload the file
+If the 3D model is displaced with respect to the FDM model, then the <offsets> values from the
+model animation XML file should be added as comment to the YASim config file, as a line all by
+itself, with no spaces surrounding the equal signs. Spaces elsewhere are allowed. For example:
+ <!-- offsets: x=3.45 y=0.4 p=5 -->
+Possible variables are:
+ x ... <x-m>
+ y ... <y-m>
+ z ... <z-m>
+ h ... <heading-deg>
+ p ... <pitch-deg>
+ r ... <roll-deg>
+Of course, absolute FDM coordinates can then no longer directly be read from Blender's 3D view.
+The cursor coordinates display in the script area, however, shows the coordinates in YASim space.
+Note that object names don't contain XML indices but element numbers. YASim_hstab#2 is the third
+hstab in the whole file, not necessarily in its parent XML group. A floating point part in the
+object name (e.g. YASim_hstab#2.004) only means that the geometry has been reloaded that often.
+It's an unavoidable consequence of how Blender deals with meshes.
+Elements are displayed as follows:
+ cockpit -> monkey head
+ fuselage -> blue "tube" (with only 12 sides for less clutter)
+ vstab -> red with yellow flaps
+ wing/mstab/hstab -> green with yellow flaps/spoilers/slats (always 20 cm deep);
+ symmetric surfaces are only displayed on the left side
+ thrusters (jet/propeller/thruster) -> dashed line from center to actionpt;
+ arrow from actionpt along thrust vector (always 1 m long);
+ propeller circle
+ rotor -> radius and rel_len_blade_start circly, direction arrow,
+ normal and forward vector, one blade at phi0
+ gear -> contact point and compression vector (no arrow head)
+ tank -> cube (10 cm side length)
+ weight -> inverted cone
+ ballast -> cylinder
+ hitch -> circle (10 cm diameter)
+ hook -> dashed line for up angle, T-line for down angle
+ launchbar -> dashed line for up angles, T-line for down angles
+Cursor coordinates displayed in GUI and terminal are in YASim coordinates and consider an
+XML embedded displacement matrix as described above.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at >
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import Blender, BPyMessages, string, math
+from Blender.Mathutils import *
+from xml.sax import handler, make_parser
+YASIM_MATRIX = Matrix([-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])
+ORIGIN = Vector(0, 0, 0)
+X = Vector(1, 0, 0)
+Y = Vector(0, 1, 0)
+Z = Vector(0, 0, 1)
+DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180
+RAD2DEG = 180 / math.pi
+class Global:
+ path = ""
+ matrix = None
+ cursor = ORIGIN
+ last_cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos())
+class Abort(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+def log(msg):
+ #print(msg) # uncomment to get verbose log messages
+ pass
+def error(msg):
+ print("\033[31;1mError: %s\033[m" % msg)
+ Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|" + msg)
+def getfloat(attrs, key, default):
+ if attrs.has_key(key):
+ return float(attrs[key])
+ return default
+def draw_dashed_line(mesh, start, end):
+ w = 0.04
+ step = w * (end - start).normalize()
+ n = len(mesh.verts)
+ for i in range(int(1 + 0.5 * (end - start).length / w)):
+ a = start + 2 * i * step
+ b = start + (2 * i + 1) * step
+ if (b - end).length < step.length:
+ b = end
+ mesh.verts.extend([a, b])
+ mesh.edges.extend([n + 2 * i, n + 2 * i + 1])
+def draw_arrow(mesh, start, end):
+ v = end - start
+ m = v.toTrackQuat('x', 'z').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(start)
+ v = v.length * X
+ n = len(mesh.verts)
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN * m , v * m, (v - 0.05 * X + 0.05 * Y) * m, (v - 0.05 * X - 0.05 * Y) * m]) # head
+ mesh.verts.extend([(ORIGIN + 0.05 * Y) * m, (ORIGIN - 0.05 * Y) * m]) # base
+ mesh.edges.extend([[n, n + 1], [n + 1, n + 2], [n + 1, n + 3], [n + 4, n + 5]])
+def draw_circle(mesh, numpoints, radius, matrix):
+ n = len(mesh.verts)
+ for i in range(numpoints):
+ angle = 2.0 * math.pi * i / numpoints
+ v = Vector(radius * math.cos(angle), radius * math.sin(angle), 0)
+ mesh.verts.extend([v * matrix])
+ for i in range(numpoints):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % numpoints
+ mesh.edges.extend([[n + i, n + i1]])
+class Item:
+ scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
+ def make_twosided(self, mesh):
+ mesh.faceUV = True
+ for f in mesh.faces:
+ f.mode |= Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE | Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.OBCOL
+ def set_color(self, mesh, name, color):
+ mat = Blender.Material.New(name)
+ mat.setRGBCol(color[0], color[1], color[2])
+ mat.setAlpha(color[3])
+ mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.ZTRANSP | Blender.Material.Modes.TRANSPSHADOW
+ mesh.materials += [mat]
+class Cockpit(Item):
+ def __init__(self, center):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Monkey()
+ mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.13, 4) * Euler(90, 0, 90).toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(Vector(-0.1, 0, -0.032)))
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, "YASim_cockpit")
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Tank(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cube()
+ mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4))
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Ballast(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cylinder()
+ mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4))
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Weight(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cone()
+ mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4))
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Gear(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, compression):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, compression])
+ mesh.edges.extend([0, 1])
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Hook(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, length, up_angle, dn_angle):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ up = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z
+ dn = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, dn, dn + 0.05 * Y, dn - 0.05 * Y])
+ mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, up)
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, dn)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Launchbar(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, lb, lb_length, hb, hb_length, up_angle, dn_angle):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ hb = hb - lb
+ lb_tip = ORIGIN + lb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z
+ hb_tip = hb - hb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z
+ mesh.verts.extend([lb_tip, ORIGIN, hb, hb_tip, lb_tip + 0.05 * Y, lb_tip - 0.05 * Y, hb_tip + 0.05 * Y, hb_tip - 0.05 * Y])
+ mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]])
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, lb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z)
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, hb, hb - hb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(lb) * Global.matrix)
+class Hitch(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center):
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Circle(8, 0.1)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(RotationMatrix(90, 4, "x") * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Thrust:
+ def set_actionpt(self, p):
+ self.actionpt = p
+ def set_dir(self, d):
+ self.thrustvector = d
+class Thruster(Thrust, Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, thrustvector):
+ (self.name, self.center, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, center, thrustvector)
+ def __del__(self):
+ a = self.actionpt - self.center
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a)
+ draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize())
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
+class Propeller(Thrust, Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, radius):
+ (self.name, self.center, self.radius, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, radius, center, -X)
+ def __del__(self):
+ a = self.actionpt - self.center
+ cross = -X.cross(self.thrustvector)
+ angle = AngleBetweenVecs(-X, self.thrustvector)
+ matrix = RotationMatrix(angle, 4, "r", cross) * TranslationMatrix(a)
+ matrix = self.thrustvector.toTrackQuat('z', 'x').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(a)
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN * matrix, (ORIGIN + self.radius * X) * matrix])
+ mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1]])
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a)
+ draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize())
+ draw_circle(mesh, 128, self.radius, matrix)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
+class Jet(Thrust, Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, rotate):
+ (self.name, self.center, self.actionpt) = (name, center, center)
+ self.thrustvector = -X * RotationMatrix(rotate, 4, "y")
+ def __del__(self):
+ a = self.actionpt - self.center
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a)
+ draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize())
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name)
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
+class Fuselage(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, a, b, width, taper, midpoint):
+ numvert = 12
+ angle = []
+ for i in range(numvert):
+ alpha = i * 2 * math.pi / float(numvert)
+ angle.append([math.cos(alpha), math.sin(alpha)])
+ axis = b - a
+ length = axis.length
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ for i in range(numvert):
+ mesh.verts.extend([[0, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1]]])
+ for i in range(numvert):
+ mesh.verts.extend([[midpoint * length, 0.5 * width * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * angle[i][1]]])
+ for i in range(numvert):
+ mesh.verts.extend([[length, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1]]])
+ for i in range(numvert):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % numvert
+ mesh.faces.extend([[i, i1, i1 + numvert, i + numvert]])
+ mesh.faces.extend([[i + numvert, i1 + numvert, i1 + 2 * numvert, i + 2 * numvert]])
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, length * X])
+ self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0, 0, 0.5, 0.4])
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.transp = True
+ obj.setMatrix(axis.toTrackQuat('x', 'y').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(a) * Global.matrix)
+class Rotor(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, center, up, fwd, numblades, radius, chord, twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw):
+ matrix = RotationMatrix(phi0, 4, "z") * up.toTrackQuat('z', 'x').toMatrix().resize4x4()
+ invert = matrix.copy().invert()
+ direction = [-1, 1][ccw]
+ twist *= DEG2RAD
+ a = ORIGIN + rel_len_blade_start * radius * X
+ b = ORIGIN + radius * X
+ tw = 0.5 * chord * taper * math.cos(twist) * Y + 0.5 * direction * chord * taper * math.sin(twist) * Z
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, a, b, a + 0.5 * chord * Y, a - 0.5 * chord * Y, b + tw, b - tw])
+ mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [3, 5], [4, 6], [5, 6]])
+ draw_circle(mesh, 64, rel_len_blade_start * radius, Matrix())
+ draw_circle(mesh, 128, radius, Matrix())
+ draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, up * invert)
+ draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, fwd * invert)
+ b += 0.1 * X + direction * chord * Y
+ draw_arrow(mesh, b, b + 0.5 * radius * direction * Y)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.setMatrix(matrix * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
+class Wing(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral):
+ # <1--0--2
+ # \ | /
+ # 4-3-5
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, ORIGIN + 0.5 * chord * X, ORIGIN - 0.5 * chord * X])
+ tip = ORIGIN + math.cos(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * Y - math.sin(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * X
+ tipfore = tip + 0.5 * taper * chord * math.cos(twist * DEG2RAD) * X + 0.5 * taper * chord * math.sin(twist * DEG2RAD) * Z
+ tipaft = tip + tip - tipfore
+ mesh.verts.extend([tip, tipfore, tipaft])
+ mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 4, 3], [2, 0, 3, 5]])
+ self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [[0, 0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5]][name.startswith("YASim_vstab")])
+ self.make_twosided(mesh)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.transp = True
+ m = Euler(dihedral, -incidence, 0).toMatrix().resize4x4()
+ m *= TranslationMatrix(root)
+ obj.setMatrix(m * Global.matrix)
+ (self.obj, self.mesh) = (obj, mesh)
+ def add_flap(self, name, start, end):
+ a = Vector(self.mesh.verts[2].co)
+ b = Vector(self.mesh.verts[5].co)
+ c = 0.2 * (Vector(self.mesh.verts[0].co - a)).normalize()
+ m = self.obj.getMatrix()
+ mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
+ i0 = a + start * (b - a)
+ i1 = a + end * (b - a)
+ mesh.verts.extend([i0, i1, i0 + c, i1 + c])
+ mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 3, 2]])
+ self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0.8, 0.8, 0, 0.9])
+ self.make_twosided(mesh)
+ obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
+ obj.transp = True
+ obj.setMatrix(m)
+class import_yasim(handler.ContentHandler):
+ ignored = ["cruise", "approach", "control-input", "control-output", "control-speed", \
+ "control-setting", "stall", "airplane", "piston-engine", "turbine-engine", \
+ "rotorgear", "tow", "winch", "solve-weight"]
+ # err_handler
+ def error(self, exception):
+ raise Abort(str(exception))
+ def fatalError(self, exception):
+ raise Abort(str(exception))
+ def warning(self, exception):
+ print "WARNING: " + str(exception)
+ # doc_handler
+ def setDocumentLocator(self, whatever):
+ pass
+ def startDocument(self):
+ self.tags = []
+ self.counter = {}
+ self.items = [None]
+ pass
+ def endDocument(self):
+ for o in Item.scene.objects:
+ o.sel = True
+ def characters(self, data):
+ pass
+ def ignorableWhitespace(self, data, start, length):
+ pass
+ def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ pass
+ def startElement(self, tag, attrs):
+ if len(self.tags) == 0 and tag != "airplane":
+ raise Abort("this isn't a YASim config file")
+ self.tags.append(tag)
+ path = string.join(self.tags, '/')
+ item = Item()
+ parent = self.items[-1]
+ if self.counter.has_key(tag):
+ self.counter[tag] += 1
+ else:
+ self.counter[tag] = 0
+ if tag == "cockpit":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\033[31mcockpit x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ item = Cockpit(c)
+ elif tag == "fuselage":
+ a = Vector(float(attrs["ax"]), float(attrs["ay"]), float(attrs["az"]))
+ b = Vector(float(attrs["bx"]), float(attrs["by"]), float(attrs["bz"]))
+ width = float(attrs["width"])
+ taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1)
+ midpoint = getfloat(attrs, "midpoint", 0.5)
+ log("\033[32mfuselage ax=%f ay=%f az=%f bx=%f by=%f bz=%f width=%f taper=%f midpoint=%f\033[m" % \
+ (a[0], a[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], b[2], width, taper, midpoint))
+ item = Fuselage("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), a, b, width, taper, midpoint)
+ elif tag == "gear":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ compression = getfloat(attrs, "compression", 1)
+ up = Z * compression
+ if attrs.has_key("upx"):
+ up = Vector(float(attrs["upx"]), float(attrs["upy"]), float(attrs["upz"])).normalize() * compression
+ log("\033[35;1mgear x=%f y=%f z=%f compression=%f upx=%f upy=%f upz=%f\033[m" \
+ % (c[0], c[1], c[2], compression, up[0], up[1], up[2]))
+ item = Gear("YASim_gear#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, up)
+ elif tag == "jet":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ rotate = getfloat(attrs, "rotate", 0.0)
+ log("\033[36;1mjet x=%f y=%f z=%f rotate=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], rotate))
+ item = Jet("YASim_jet#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, rotate)
+ elif tag == "propeller":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ radius = float(attrs["radius"])
+ log("\033[36;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f radius=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], radius))
+ item = Propeller("YASim_propeller#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, radius)
+ elif tag == "thruster":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ v = Vector(float(attrs["vx"]), float(attrs["vy"]), float(attrs["vz"]))
+ log("\033[36;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f vx=%f vy=%f vz=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], v[0], v[1], v[2]))
+ item = Thruster("YASim_thruster#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, v)
+ elif tag == "actionpt":
+ if not isinstance(parent, Thrust):
+ raise Abort("%s is not part of a propeller or jet" % path)
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\t\033[36mactionpt x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ parent.set_actionpt(c)
+ elif tag == "dir":
+ if not isinstance(parent, Thrust):
+ raise Abort("%s is not part of a propeller or jet" % path)
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\t\033[36mdir x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ parent.set_dir(c)
+ elif tag == "tank":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\033[34;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ item = Tank("YASim_tank#%d" % self.counter[tag], c)
+ elif tag == "ballast":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\033[34m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ item = Ballast("YASim_ballast#%d" % self.counter[tag], c)
+ elif tag == "weight":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\033[34m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ item = Weight("YASim_weight#%d" % self.counter[tag], c)
+ elif tag == "hook":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ length = getfloat(attrs, "length", 1.0)
+ up_angle = getfloat(attrs, "up-angle", 0.0)
+ down_angle = getfloat(attrs, "down-angle", 70.0)
+ log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f up-angle=%f down-angle=%f\033[m" \
+ % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], length, up_angle, down_angle))
+ item = Hook("YASim_hook#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, length, up_angle, down_angle)
+ elif tag == "hitch":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
+ item = Hitch("YASim_hitch#%d" % self.counter[tag], c)
+ elif tag == "launchbar":
+ c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ length = getfloat(attrs, "length", 1.0)
+ up_angle = getfloat(attrs, "up-angle", -45.0)
+ down_angle = getfloat(attrs, "down-angle", 45.0)
+ holdback = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "holdback-x", c[0]), getfloat(attrs, "holdback-y", c[1]), getfloat(attrs, "holdback-z", c[2]))
+ holdback_length = getfloat(attrs, "holdback-length", 2.0)
+ log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f down-angle=%f up-angle=%f holdback-x=%f holdback-y=%f holdback-z+%f holdback-length=%f\033[m" \
+ % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], length, down_angle, up_angle, \
+ holdback[0], holdback[1], holdback[2], holdback_length))
+ item = Launchbar("YASim_launchbar#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, length, holdback, holdback_length, up_angle, down_angle)
+ elif tag == "wing" or tag == "hstab" or tag == "vstab" or tag == "mstab":
+ root = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"]))
+ length = float(attrs["length"])
+ chord = float(attrs["chord"])
+ incidence = getfloat(attrs, "incidence", 0.0)
+ twist = getfloat(attrs, "twist", 0.0)
+ taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1.0)
+ sweep = getfloat(attrs, "sweep", 0.0)
+ dihedral = getfloat(attrs, "dihedral", [0.0, 90.0][tag == "vstab"])
+ log("\033[33;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f chord=%f incidence=%f twist=%f taper=%f sweep=%f dihedral=%f\033[m" \
+ % (tag, root[0], root[1], root[2], length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral))
+ item = Wing("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral)
+ elif tag == "flap0" or tag == "flap1" or tag == "slat" or tag == "spoiler":
+ if not isinstance(parent, Wing):
+ raise Abort("%s is not part of a wing or stab" % path)
+ start = float(attrs["start"])
+ end = float(attrs["end"])
+ log("\t\033[33m%s start=%f end=%f\033[m" % (tag, start, end))
+ parent.add_flap("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), start, end)
+ elif tag == "rotor":
+ c = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "x", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "y", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "z", 0.0))
+ norm = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "nx", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "ny", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "nz", 1.0))
+ fwd = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "fx", 1.0), getfloat(attrs, "fy", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "fz", 0.0))
+ diameter = getfloat(attrs, "diameter", 10.2)
+ numblades = int(getfloat(attrs, "numblades", 4))
+ chord = getfloat(attrs, "chord", 0.3)
+ twist = getfloat(attrs, "twist", 0.0)
+ taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1.0)
+ rel_len_blade_start = getfloat(attrs, "rel-len-blade-start", 0.0)
+ phi0 = getfloat(attrs, "phi0", 0)
+ ccw = not not getfloat(attrs, "ccw", 0)
+ log(("\033[36;1mrotor x=%f y=%f z=%f nx=%f ny=%f nz=%f fx=%f fy=%f fz=%f numblades=%d diameter=%f " \
+ + "chord=%f twist=%f taper=%f rel_len_blade_start=%f phi0=%f ccw=%d\033[m") \
+ % (c[0], c[1], c[2], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], fwd[0], fwd[1], fwd[2], numblades, \
+ diameter, chord, twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw))
+ item = Rotor("YASim_rotor#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, norm, fwd, numblades, 0.5 * diameter, chord, \
+ twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw)
+ elif tag not in self.ignored:
+ log("\033[30;1m%s\033[m" % path)
+ self.items.append(item)
+ def endElement(self, tag):
+ self.tags.pop()
+ self.items.pop()
+def extract_matrix(path, tag):
+ v = { 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0, 'h': 0.0, 'p': 0.0, 'r': 0.0 }
+ hasmatrix = False
+ f = open(path)
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ line = string.strip(line)
+ if not line.startswith("<!--") or not line.endswith("-->"):
+ continue
+ line = string.strip(line[4:-3])
+ if not string.lower(line).startswith("%s:" % tag):
+ continue
+ line = string.strip(line[8:])
+ for assignment in string.split(line):
+ (key, value) = string.split(assignment, '=', 2)
+ v[string.strip(key)] = float(string.strip(value))
+ hasmatrix = True
+ f.close()
+ matrix = None
+ if hasmatrix:
+ matrix = Euler(v['r'], v['p'], v['h']).toMatrix().resize4x4()
+ matrix *= TranslationMatrix(Vector(v['x'], v['y'], v['z']))
+ return matrix
+def run_parser(path):
+ if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(path):
+ return
+ editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
+ if editmode:
+ Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
+ Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1)
+ try:
+ for o in Item.scene.objects:
+ if o.name.startswith("YASim_"):
+ Item.scene.objects.unlink(o)
+ print("\033[1mloading '%s'\033[m" % path)
+ Global.matrix = YASIM_MATRIX
+ matrix = extract_matrix(path, "offsets")
+ if matrix:
+ Global.matrix *= matrix.invert()
+ yasim = make_parser()
+ yasim.setContentHandler(import_yasim())
+ yasim.setErrorHandler(import_yasim())
+ yasim.parse(path)
+ Blender.Registry.SetKey("FGYASimImportExport", { "path": path }, False)
+ Global.path = path
+ except Abort, e:
+ print "Error:", e.msg, " -> aborting ...\n"
+ Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|" + e.msg)
+ Blender.Window.RedrawAll()
+ Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0)
+ if editmode:
+ Blender.Window.EditMode(1)
+def draw():
+ from Blender import BGL, Draw
+ (width, height) = Blender.Window.GetAreaSize()
+ BGL.glClearColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.45, 1)
+ Draw.PushButton("Reload YASim", 0, 5, 5, 100, 28)
+ Draw.PushButton("Update Cursor", 1, width - 650, 5, 100, 28)
+ BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
+ BGL.glRasterPos2f(120, 15)
+ Draw.Text(Global.path)
+ BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530 + Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Distance from last") - Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Current"), 24)
+ Draw.Text("Current cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f" % tuple(Global.cursor))
+ c = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor
+ BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530, 7)
+ Draw.Text("Distance from last cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f length = %.3f" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c.length))
+def event(ev, value):
+ if ev == Blender.Draw.ESCKEY:
+ Blender.Draw.Exit()
+def button(n):
+ if n == 0:
+ run_parser(Global.path)
+ elif n == 1:
+ Global.last_cursor = Global.cursor
+ Global.cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()) * Global.matrix.invert()
+ d = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor
+ print("cursor: x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f length=%f" \
+ % (Global.cursor[0], Global.cursor[1], Global.cursor[2], d[0], d[1], d[2], d.length))
+ Blender.Draw.Redraw(1)
+def main():
+ registry = Blender.Registry.GetKey("FGYASimImportExport", False)
+ if registry and "path" in registry and Blender.sys.exists(Blender.sys.expandpath(registry["path"])):
+ path = registry["path"]
+ else:
+ path = ""
+ log(6 * "\n")
+ if Blender.Window.GetScreenInfo(Blender.Window.Types.SCRIPT):
+ Blender.Draw.Register(draw, event, button)
+ Blender.Window.FileSelector(run_parser, "Import YASim Configuration File", path)