quick example:
-import khashmir, thread
-k = khashmir.Khashmir('', 4444)
-thread.start_new_thread(k.dispatcher.run, ())
-k.addContact('', 8080) # right now we don't do gethostbyname
+>>> import khashmir
+>>> k = khashmir.test_one(4444) # choose any port
+If you want to make another peer in the same session, use peer = khashmir.Khashmir(host, port) then do peer.app.run() to register with the already running thread.
+>>> k.addContact('', 8080) # locate another peer
+>>> k.findCloseNodes() # query the network to bootstrap our table
+Keys are always 20-character strings (sha1 hashes)
+>>> k.storeKeyForValue(key, value) # no callback right now
+>>> k.valueForKey(key, callback)
-alternatively, you can call k.dispatcher.runOnce() periodically from whatever thread you choose
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