]> git.mxchange.org Git - mailer.git/shortlog
2008-09-27 quix0rFixes for wrong config entries
2008-09-27 rootHotfix for rallye
2008-09-27 quix0rHash code improved
2008-09-27 quix0rMore fixes for reflink and rallye extension
2008-09-27 quix0rFixes for missing secret file
2008-09-27 quix0rLink to forum added
2008-09-27 quix0rError handler activated
2008-09-27 quix0rdie() removed
2008-09-27 quix0rTemplate fixes, lesser admin data will be loaded from...
2008-09-26 quix0rSurfbar extended
2008-09-25 quix0r- Notification mode added to surfbar (dummy!)
2008-09-24 quix0r- Surfbar further extended, currently broken!
2008-09-24 quix0rMails for confirmed URL migration mail->surfbar added
2008-09-24 quix0rEntire rewrite of mail part in app! Not kidding here...
2008-09-23 quix0radd_mode in ADD_POINTS_REFSYSTEM() is now always lower...
2008-09-23 quix0rFix for installation phase (thx to AndreasJung)
2008-09-23 quix0rSurfbar continued (unfinished) and some updates:
2008-09-22 quix0rGetting late... ;)
2008-09-22 quix0rSurfbar member actions continued (good night! :))
2008-09-21 quix0rFixes for installation mode
2008-09-21 quix0rFix for empty content
2008-09-21 quix0rFix for SQL_FREERESULT()
2008-09-21 quix0rInvalid configuration mailid causes empty page
2008-09-21 rootFixes for sending pool
2008-09-21 quix0rFix for the fix... ;-)
2008-09-21 quix0rSome fixes for isBooleanConstantAndTrue()
2008-09-21 quix0rForgot it...
2008-09-21 quix0rEmail templates changed, surfbar extended (dummy) with...
2008-09-20 quix0rRandom code added which you may use for cache-busters...
2008-09-20 quix0rFixes for beg link, inactive extensions
2008-09-20 quix0rFixes for registration
2008-09-20 quix0rDisplay error fixed when active and online extensions...
2008-09-20 quix0rQueries for de-/activation and removal of extensions...
2008-09-20 quix0rFix for non-compiled to-address
2008-09-20 quix0rMissing CSS class added
2008-09-20 quix0rFix for warning in rallye
2008-09-19 quix0rFixes for warnings in loader/frametester
2008-09-18 quix0rFixes for wernis extension
2008-09-18 rootFix for not-updated admins extension
2008-09-18 quix0rAgain some missing CSS classes added
2008-09-18 quix0rSome admin fixes
2008-09-18 quix0rFix for theme extension update
2008-09-18 quix0rLoggen admin with user will now be displayed
2008-09-18 quix0rUser list templates with lesser empty lines
2008-09-18 quix0rMissing bracket added
2008-09-18 quix0rSurfbar extended (dummy), user list now displays total...
2008-09-18 quix0rBonus mail sent in no category are no longer displayed...
2008-09-17 quix0rFixed a comparison problem like string1 < string2
2008-09-17 quix0rBacklink now set in copyright_backlink template, revisi...
2008-09-17 quix0rDynamic payment added to surfbar
2008-09-17 quix0rFixes for ref-level 0
2008-09-17 quix0rSurfbar now has start/stop button
2008-09-17 quix0rFix for guest menu (opps)
2008-09-17 quix0rMagic constants removed from db layer
2008-09-17 quix0rLogin failtures for members now working
2008-09-17 quix0rCSS classes fixed/added
2008-09-16 quix0rFix for admin-edit link in header
2008-09-16 quix0rMissed...
2008-09-16 quix0rMore queries now depends on UNIX_TIMESTAMP() not on...
2008-09-16 quix0rMore queries now depends on UNIX_TIMESTAMP() SQL functi...
2008-09-16 quix0rRepair menu repaired ;)
2008-09-16 quix0rObsolete templates removed, surfbar fixed (admin add...
2008-09-16 quix0rMissing function CACHE_PURGE_ADMIN_MENU() added (stub)
2008-09-16 quix0rCaching of themes (fully supported) and admin menu...
2008-09-16 quix0rOverall performance increased
2008-09-16 quix0rFix for red page blocking all access
2008-09-16 quix0rSecurity line in all includes changed
2008-09-15 quix0rQueries improved
2008-09-15 quix0rFailture box centered
2008-09-15 quix0rFix for you-are-here navi
2008-09-15 quix0radmin_new_ext.tpl now resists in right folder, some...
2008-09-15 quix0r- Login failtures now counted and displayed after login...
2008-09-15 quix0rCache now supports multiple extension versions
2008-09-14 quix0r- Login failtures added to admin/member menu
2008-09-14 quix0r- Concept of a safe for collected points added
2008-09-14 quix0rFix for cache loader
2008-09-14 quix0rCache loader and autopurge rewritten
2008-09-14 quix0r- Major change in menu system. You need to rewrite...
2008-09-13 quix0rFix for surfbar if code length is zero
2008-09-13 quix0rNotice fixed, email navi now shown if on 2+ page
2008-09-13 quix0rEmail details and bonus mails in admin swapped out...
2008-09-13 quix0rpool delivery won't no longer work on daily reset,...
2008-09-13 quix0rMissing bonus_rates fixed to bonus_ranks
2008-09-13 quix0rFixes for unconfirmed mail list in admin
2008-09-13 quix0rMore places are now using GET_TOTAL_DATA() instead...
2008-09-13 quix0rPrimera fixed, primera/wernis extensions now use SUB_PO...
2008-09-13 quix0r- Major change in LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE(). The deprecated...
2008-09-13 quix0rMail confirmation frameset now shows subject line as...
2008-09-13 quix0rPrimera class is now backward-compatible to PHP4 (shoul...
2008-09-13 quix0rWithdraw now only allowed to sponsor in wernis/primera...
2008-09-12 quix0rbigintval() now casts to double
2008-09-12 quix0rFix for warning because of string instead of long
2008-09-12 quix0rFix for mad_counter->mad_count
2008-09-12 quix0rReset rewritten, SQL fixed, zeros are now numeric
2008-09-12 quix0rRDF cache garbage collector does no longer kill MXChang...
2008-09-12 quix0rDamn thing missed... ;)
2008-09-12 quix0rProxy support added to Wernis RSS feed
2008-09-12 quix0rDatabase columns changed in birthday, wernis news feed...
2008-09-12 quix0rGeneric lock/unlock added, surfbar only needs dynamic...
2008-09-11 quix0rCode-style applied, surfbar URLs can now be edited