]> git.mxchange.org Git - mailer.git/shortlog
2009-10-11 quix0rConstants rewritten (internal TODO)
2009-10-11 quix0rFix for missing FULL_VERSION config
2009-10-11 quix0rShould not be loadInclude() here, we need to rewrite...
2009-10-11 quix0rSeveral more constant replaces will its real text
2009-10-11 quix0rSeveral more constants rewritten to getConfig()
2009-10-10 quix0rSome language strings rewritten to use getMessage()
2009-10-10 quix0rRef link fixed, nickname fixed, several rewrites, TODOs...
2009-10-10 quix0rA lot constants rewritten to array elements
2009-10-10 quix0rTODO added
2009-10-10 quix0rMissing bracket fixed
2009-10-08 quix0rSeveral minor rewrites, getter GET_JACKPOT_POINTS(...
2009-10-07 quix0rFix for possible non-working cache update
2009-10-07 quix0rDefault language set to 'de'
2009-10-07 quix0rPer default no admin is registered
2009-10-07 quix0rMore missing config entries added
2009-10-07 quix0rPossible fix for non-working profile update
2009-10-07 quix0rGUEST_404_ACTION is now renamed to GUEST_404_WHAT
2009-10-07 quix0rFix for SQL error
2009-10-07 quix0rMissing empty line added
2009-10-07 quix0rGerman docu added (very simple)
2009-10-07 quix0rTODOs.txt updated... :(
2009-10-07 quix0rLogin form for guests in surfbar added, some trigger_er...
2009-10-06 quix0rModules removed/added
2009-10-06 quix0rFixed for loading themes, no longer needed parameters...
2009-10-06 quix0rDeprecated include inc/language.php removed, TODOs...
2009-10-06 quix0rFunction loadLanguageFile() does now support extensions
2009-10-06 quix0rCode from inc/language.php moved to function loadLangua...
2009-10-06 quix0rSome double-quotes to single rewritten
2009-10-06 quix0rInconsistency between echo and print() fixed to OUTPUT_...
2009-10-06 quix0rThe cache should be rebuilded after purging dublicate...
2009-10-06 quix0rBug with multiple registration of filters fixed (see...
2009-10-05 quix0rBetter out, then it is automatic
2009-10-05 quix0rScrollbar enabled for url frame...
2009-10-05 quix0rSQL in login welcome screen fixed
2009-10-05 quix0relse-block removed
2009-10-05 quix0rDefault refid is always fallback now, or 0 if sql_patch...
2009-10-05 quix0rTOTAL_REFS removed/rewritten to TOTAL_REFERRALS
2009-10-05 quix0rDebug line commented out
2009-10-05 quix0rMore misc fixes and rewrites (sorry, lame description)
2009-10-05 quix0rMore debugging and typo in comment fixed
2009-10-05 quix0rAgain TODOs.txt updated... :(
2009-10-05 quix0rHuge rewrite:
2009-10-04 quix0rComment added
2009-10-04 quix0rOpps, fatal error...
2009-10-04 quix0rDetermination of username moved to filter FILTER_DETERM...
2009-10-04 quix0rMore getModule() used, some SQL rewrites, constant...
2009-09-22 quix0rTODOs.txt updated
2009-09-22 quix0rWe should not auto-init sub-systems. Instead we should...
2009-09-22 quix0rFix for parser error
2009-09-22 quix0rHeavy rewrite:
2009-09-20 quix0rPossible further fix for #128
2009-09-19 quix0rPossible fix and rewrite for ticket #128
2009-09-02 quix0rNow we make sure 'filter_name' is there which prevents...
2009-09-02 quix0rFilters should be executed even when sql_patches is...
2009-08-27 quix0rdebug_report_bug() was to 'hard' here.
2009-08-26 quix0rTODOs.txt updated, language string fixed
2009-08-26 quix0rCaching of filters added (should work now)
2009-08-26 quix0rMany rewrites to get rid of dublicate modreg inserts...
2009-08-26 quix0rbigintval() made to much trouble, uberwach wont be...
2009-08-17 quix0rRemoved
2009-08-17 quix0rVariable from (blind) code move fixed
2009-08-17 quix0rRewritten to use NICKNAME_IS_ACTIVE()
2009-08-17 quix0rRewrite to save queries
2009-08-17 quix0rAnother try... :(
2009-08-17 quix0rNext try to fix nickname login :(
2009-08-17 quix0rNickname login should work now
2009-08-14 quix0rtrim() added
2009-08-14 quix0rHandling of unexpected errors from API rewritten
2009-07-31 quix0rFixes for extension problems while installing/removing...
2009-07-31 quix0rNow no longer in admin area
2009-07-31 quix0rMissing properties added
2009-07-31 quix0rScript extended with JavaScript templates and ext-uberw...
2009-07-29 quix0rFix for wrong mask fill-in
2009-07-29 quix0rSeveral double->single convertions, fix for missing...
2009-07-29 quix0rDouble->single converted and fixed a display bug when...
2009-07-29 quix0rMore double->single convertions
2009-07-29 quix0rFix for if session has expired and user is still in...
2009-07-29 quix0rFixed bug in surfbar member list
2009-07-29 quix0rCSS classes rewritten to ids to let JavaScript insert...
2009-07-29 quix0rFixed content disappearence in member menu
2009-07-29 quix0rNew wrapper functions enableBlockMode() and isBlockMode...
2009-07-29 quix0rFixes for chk_login when no ext-theme is installed
2009-07-28 quix0rSame fix for isActionSet()
2009-07-28 quix0rTODOs.txt updated, TODO added for SUB_POINTS(), some...
2009-07-28 quix0rA lot bugfixes for ext-cache and deprecated files removed:
2009-07-28 quix0r is now located in ['config']
2009-07-28 quix0rTODOs.txt updated. :(
2009-07-28 quix0r'what','action','module' and 'output_mode' wrapped...
2009-07-28 quix0rPossible fix for #125, applied fixes from profi-concept...
2009-07-27 quix0rTODOs.txt updated, we really need a hook here, how...
2009-07-27 quix0rMore fixes for missing variables, array elements and...
2009-07-27 quix0rFixed 'last' array, TODOs.txt updated
2009-07-27 quix0rOld naming convention fixed
2009-07-27 quix0rA lot code refactured to newly introduces wrapper funct...
2009-07-27 quix0rWorks better with null
2009-07-27 quix0rCode cleanup:
2009-07-27 quix0rDeprecated action=login (admin area) removed
2009-07-26 quix0rFix for the fix... :(
2009-07-26 quix0r(Possible) fixes for illegal array indexes
2009-07-26 quix0rif-block rewrittten, some TODOs/default added