]> git.mxchange.org Git - mailer.git/shortlog
2009-03-09 quix0rEven more variables renamed and login procedure prepare...
2009-03-09 quix0rA lot variables renamed from all upper-case to hungaria...
2009-03-09 quix0rUser tables are now moved to ext-user
2009-03-09 quix0rSome dublicated braces removed, some fixed (broken...
2009-03-09 quix0rTODOs.txt updated (opps, I need a hook here)
2009-03-09 quix0rSome global variables rewritten, a lot more language...
2009-03-07 quix0rProperties set
2009-03-07 quix0rFull rewrite of extension updates (multiple updates...
2009-03-07 quix0rMore fixes
2009-03-07 quix0rFixed a version problem which causes admin logins to...
2009-03-07 quix0rLIMIT removed
2009-03-07 quix0rRemoved all LIMIT x statements from extension removal...
2009-03-07 quix0rRemaining debug lines commented out
2009-03-07 quix0rTasks are now registered again
2009-03-07 quix0rFinal fixes for SQL_ALTER_TABLE() wrapper, INSERT INTO...
2009-03-07 quix0rProperties set
2009-03-07 quix0rMissing cache loader added from stelzi's branch
2009-03-07 quix0rThis files should remain as 3d-party
2009-03-07 quix0rDamn typo fixed... ;-)
2009-03-07 quix0rdummy.php ignored (TODO: Needs to be removed safely)
2009-03-07 quix0rNew function isDirectory() introduced, fixed GET_DIR_AS...
2009-03-07 quix0rFix for getActualVersion()
2009-03-07 quix0rIs now safely ignored
2009-03-07 quix0rInternal TODO added
2009-03-07 quix0rSome unneccessary parts removed because we have isInsta...
2009-03-07 quix0rEmpty now
2009-03-07 quix0rSQL fixed
2009-03-07 quix0rRe-added, now the right ones
2009-03-07 quix0rRemoved again
2009-03-07 quix0rMore XHTML-fied and extended header added to templates
2009-03-06 quix0rFatal error fixed. :(
2009-03-06 quix0r'userid' rewritten to functions
2009-03-06 quix0rMyAutoInstaller-Community is *sadly* history...
2009-03-06 quix0rChecking for 'cache' in it's own filters is obsolete...
2009-03-06 quix0rStatus codes rewritten to GLOBALS
2009-03-06 quix0rSome typos fixed
2009-03-06 quix0rFor profi-concept... :)
2009-03-06 quix0rFixed logfile writing in installation phase, .revision...
2009-03-06 quix0rReverted... :(
2009-03-06 quix0rSERVER_URL should be set before getActualVersion()...
2009-03-06 quix0rBug fixed. See #106
2009-03-06 quix0rRevBomb patch applied (thanks to profi-concept)
2009-03-06 quix0rObsolete action=login removed from URLs
2009-03-06 quix0rRevision number removed from general copyright templates
2009-03-06 quix0rFix for 'array-to-string-conversion' bug in request...
2009-03-06 quix0r... again
2009-03-06 quix0rFix for 'no admin assigned' bug. Resolves #108
2009-03-06 quix0rWe need a solution for this...
2009-03-06 quix0rRemoved unneccessary eval() command in overview-inc...
2009-03-06 quix0rFix for installation
2009-03-06 quix0rHeadURL added to svn:keyword
2009-03-06 quix0rA lot while() conditions rewritten to SQL_FETCHARRAY...
2009-03-04 quix0rMore fixes in reg page
2009-03-04 quix0r->['month_descr'], fix in registration page
2009-03-04 quix0r moved into
2009-03-04 quix0rAll 'online' table queries should be placed in ext...
2009-03-04 quix0r_TABLE_TYPE is now replaced
2009-03-04 quix0rArea 'modify' added to all extensions, some fixes for...
2009-03-04 quix0rconfig.php *must* now be extended
2009-03-04 quix0rMyISAM/InnoDB support added
2009-03-04 quix0rPrefix in SQLs fixed, fixes for first startup and weekl...
2009-03-04 quix0rFixes/rewrites for 'dublicate entry' bug
2009-03-04 quix0rDie auch...
2009-03-04 quix0rSeveral markup fixes
2009-03-04 quix0rPHPMailer updated to 2.0.3
2009-03-04 quix0rExtensions sql_patches<->user now need each other
2009-03-04 quix0rEven more fixes, loading session was on wrong page...
2009-03-04 quix0rFixed typo in function name
2009-03-04 quix0rRewrites of more constants
2009-03-04 quix0rMore constant rewrites
2009-03-04 quix0rTypos fixed, function IS_SQLS_INITIALIZED() added
2009-03-02 quix0rTypo and SVN revision fixed
2009-03-02 quix0rprefix now safely replaced
2009-03-02 quix0rSeveral rewrites/renames, fixes for installation. Resol...
2009-03-01 quix0rFix for broken index and maybe more
2009-03-01 quix0rWieder out-of-sync
2009-03-01 quix0rSome variable rewrites
2009-03-01 quix0r rewritten to new functions, some parts rewritten to...
2009-03-01 quix0r__ACL_ALLOW rewritten to and @TODO finished
2009-03-01 quix0rTODO updated
2009-03-01 quix0rMore fixes for what/action deprecation in modules.php
2009-03-01 quix0rDidn't work here
2009-03-01 quix0rA lot fixes to templates and missing functions added...
2009-03-01 quix0rFixes for MT_WORD vs. install vs. installed
2009-03-01 quix0rMore rewrites of constants and fix for loading mass...
2009-03-01 quix0r rewritten, variable errors fixed
2009-03-01 quix0rsql_patches/cache must now load
2009-03-01 quix0rSome rewrites
2009-03-01 quix0rDebug code commented out
2009-03-01 quix0rFixes for stripped HTML tags, and false warnings in...
2009-03-01 quix0rNew else-block added, some rewrites
2009-03-01 quix0rSafer init...
2009-03-01 quix0rFix for it...
2009-03-01 quix0rNow throws an error for debugging
2009-03-01 quix0rRewritten
2009-03-01 quix0rFixed missing array element 'last'
2009-03-01 quix0rRewritten to fix double-init of session
2009-02-28 quix0rDebug lines removed, type rewritten
2009-02-28 quix0rInitial values changed
2009-02-28 quix0rDebug lines added