]> git.mxchange.org Git - flightgear.git/shortlog
2009-11-26 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jmt/dialog'
2009-11-26 Tim MooreMerge branch 'ehofman/sky'
2009-11-26 Tim MooreMerge branch 'ehofman/jsbsim'
2009-11-26 Tim MooreMerge branches 'csaba/commlist' and 'csaba/recip'
2009-11-10 ehofmansun postition fixes
2009-11-09 ehofmanRemove old MSVC6.0 files that doen't work anymore
2009-11-08 Csaba HalaszFix label printing in ATCDialog
2009-11-08 Csaba HalaszDo not pollute comm list by inserting not found element...
2009-11-08 Csaba HalaszUse wider search in FGCommList::FindByPos
2009-11-07 ehofmanfirst stab at reorganizing fgUpdateSunPos() to make...
2009-11-07 ehofmanSave a costly SGVec3d::fromGeod() calculation
2009-11-07 Csaba HalaszRe-apply the reciprocal patch from cvs rev 1.3 and...
2009-11-06 torstenRon Jensen:
2009-11-06 Tim MooreMerge branches 'durk/scenery' and 'ehofman/fog'
2009-11-06 Tim MooreMerge branch 'topic/moon'
2009-11-06 Tim MooreMerge branch 'timoore/atmos'
2009-11-06 Tim MooreMerge branch 'tat/configure'
2009-11-06 Tim MooreMerge branch 'aperry/tsync'
2009-11-05 ehofmanpass the geodetic position and view orientation quat...
2009-11-04 jmtDynamic combo-boxes; read values from the property...
2009-11-02 ehofmanrocket engine and piston engine fixes
2009-10-31 Tim MooreRevert lighting "cleanup" for now.
2009-10-30 Tim Moorefix moon lighting at night
2009-10-28 ehofmansync. w. JSBSim CVS
2009-10-26 Tim MooreRemove system typedefs for MSC in net_fdm.hxx
2009-10-26 Tim Moorestdint.h or equivalent is needed for net_fdm.hxx
2009-10-26 ehofmanMSVC fix
2009-10-26 ehofmanmingw fix
2009-10-26 ehofmanSync. w. JSBSim cvs
2009-10-26 ehofmanAdjust fog color.
2009-10-26 Tim Mooremore include SGMath.hxx to keep MSVC happy
2009-10-26 durkRevoke url change detection code.
2009-10-26 Tim MooreGenerate sea level pressure from metar
2009-10-24 Tim Mooredelete char array with delete[]
2009-10-24 durkTwo patches:
2009-10-24 ehofmanSync. with JSBSim CVS
2009-10-22 torstenThis is one leftover from Tat's patch from 2009-09-16:
2009-10-19 ehofmanRemoved code from ConsumeFuel() which failed due to...
2009-10-18 Tim MooreFixes for changes in simgear/math/sg_types.hxx
2009-10-17 ehofmanJames Turner: Add autobrake functionality
2009-10-16 ehofmanChanged starting fuel flow. Fixed aborted start behavior.
2009-10-16 ehofmanThis is the looping fix.
2009-10-16 ehofmanfixed egngine feed bug
2009-10-13 ehofmansync. with JSBSim CVS again
2009-10-12 ehofmanmake it compile again
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branches 'jmt/dialog' and 'durk/scenery'
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branches 'jmt/brakes' and 'jmt/dump'
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branch 'stuart/clouds'
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branch 'torsten/axes'
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branches 'jmt/xmlauto', 'luff/kln89' and 'curt...
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jmt/positioned'
2009-10-12 Tim MooreMerge branch 'vivian/trainz'
2009-10-12 curtAlex Perry: some updates to terrasync.
2009-10-07 jmtUpdate for screen-dumps in PNG format instead of PPM.
2009-10-06 Tim MooreMerge branch 'topic/atis' into merge/master-atis
2009-10-06 jmtExtend FGPositioned API to support queries by name...
2009-10-06 jmtExtender iterative search APIs with a 'has-next' return...
2009-10-06 durkNew feature: Allow the loading of shared models that...
2009-10-04 jmtDialog support for conditional enable and visible flags...
2009-10-04 jmtFix another crash in the autobrake code, with 'aircraft...
2009-10-04 durkStuart Buchanan:
2009-10-04 jmtBugfix use of type checks in FGPositioned::findAllWithI...
2009-10-04 torstenNon platform specific:
2009-10-01 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jmt/navradio'
2009-10-01 Tim MooreMerge branches 'jmt/navradio', 'jmt/cleanup' and 'torst...
2009-09-30 curtSmooth out the time-to-intercept radial computation...
2009-09-30 Tim MooreUse boost::to_lower_copy instead of function from simgear
2009-09-30 jmtAllow airports system to function without an environmen...
2009-09-30 jmtPositioned support for adding user waypoints.
2009-09-30 Tim MooreTry to improve frame rate and reduce jitter
2009-09-28 jmtFurther extensions to FGPositioned to support ongoing...
2009-09-28 jmtExtend FGPositioned to allow mapping from a string...
2009-09-28 daveluffRemove the GPSPage base class, that only KLN89Page...
2009-09-23 jmtRefactor the XMLAuto parsing code to no longer warn...
2009-09-23 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jmt/reciprocal'
2009-09-22 torstenAlex Buzin: Fix wrong calculation of temperature and...
2009-09-22 jmtAuto-brake enhancements: support for JSBSim aircraft...
2009-09-22 torstenCatch a possible NAN at insanely low but greater than...
2009-09-21 Tim MooreUpdate MSVC project files for the autobrake files
2009-09-21 jmtDon't crash with UFO FDM, etc, or other FDMs that don...
2009-09-21 jmtDon't look for /velocities/groundspeed-kts during initi...
2009-09-21 jmtA generic, configurable autobrake system. Not fully...
2009-09-20 torstenFix the temperature computation.
2009-09-20 torstenRon Jensen:
2009-09-20 Tim MooreMerge branch 'tat/configure'
2009-09-20 jmtRemove plib/fnt.h from panel header.
2009-09-20 jmtReplace one SGD_ constant with a local one, in LaRCsim.
2009-09-20 jmtRemove <plib/sg> includes.
2009-09-19 jmtRemove use of plig/sg from render-area-2d.
2009-09-19 jmtRemove audio update from main.cxx, back to FGFX (but...
2009-09-19 jmtBreak viewmgr.hxx dependency on on viewer.hxx.
2009-09-19 Tim Mooreuse boost::tie instead of make_ref
2009-09-19 Csaba Halaszfix ATIS on 64bit machines
2009-09-19 v meazzaMSVC fixes for atis merge.
2009-09-19 jmtFGFX clean-ups, conversion of one more sgVec user.
2009-09-18 Tim MooreMerge branch 'vivian/train' into next
2009-09-18 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jmt/cleanup' into next
2009-09-18 Tim MooreMerge branch 'jd/atis' into next
2009-09-18 jmtPut back an unfortunate include, until ViewMgr can...
2009-09-18 jmtDrat, this is really needed. Yuck, yuck, yuck.