]> git.mxchange.org Git - quix0rs-apt-p2p.git/summary
descriptionThis repository hosts the whole main script. If you would like to clone this repository please always do this: $ git remote add --track master camrdale git://git.camrdale.org/git/apt-p2p.git $ git pull camrdale master This will make sure you track Cameron Dale's repository. This repository is now tracked on OpenHub: https://www.openhub.net/p/apt-p2p
ownerRoland Häder
last changeSat, 13 Feb 2016 20:53:45 +0000 (21:53 +0100)
2016-02-13 Roland HaederAdded .gitattributes master
2014-02-09 Roland HaederIgnore build directory
2014-02-09 Roland HaederNew package location.
2013-07-13 Roland HaederFixed package loading (which let apt-p2p launch again...
2011-09-17 Cameron DaleUpdate the standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes)
2011-09-17 Cameron DaleFix some Lintian warnings
2011-09-17 Cameron DaleChange the module location of the apt OpProgress class...
2010-03-21 Cameron DaleFix some of the packages used in the tests.
2010-03-21 Cameron DaleUse python-debian's new debian package instead of debia...
2010-03-21 Cameron DaleUpdate for python-apt 0.8 API transition (Closes: ...
2010-03-21 Cameron DaleAdd an enable variable to the /etc/default file (Closes...
2010-03-21 Cameron DaleFix various documentation issues (Closes: #518590,...
2010-03-21 Cameron Dale* Fix a lot of lintian warnings and errors
2009-04-22 Cameron DaleFinal version of presentation
2009-04-17 Cameron DaleWIP on INFOCOM presentation
2009-01-21 Cameron DaleFinal version of INFOCOM paper.
9 years ago master