* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 by Core Developer Team * @license See LICENSE (public-domain) */ // Is the check point there? if (is_readable(CHECKPOINT_FILE)) { // Load it loadCheckpointFile(); } else { // Create nonce (very small) initNonce(); } /* * Calculate "genesis" hashes, please note that these "genesis strings" are now * known to the public as you can read them here in source code and therefore I * will not use them for the real genesis hashes. */ $gensisHashes = array( // A famous quote from Deus Ex 2 - Invisible War multiplehashString('"Informations must be free." - AI Helios from Deus Ex'), // My name + URL of my GNUSocial instance multipleHashString('Roland Haeder, https://social.mxchange.org'), // A famous quote from Linus Torwalds multipleHashString('"Software is like sex. Its better when its free." - Linus Torwalds'), // Well ... multipleHashString('September 11 is a big lie.'), // GNU is not Uni* multipleHashString('GNU is Not Uni*.'), // WINE is not an emulator multipleHashString('WINE Is Not an Emulator.'), // FlightGear - Fly free! multipleHashString('FlightGear - Fly free!'), // Quote from Linus Torwalds multipleHashString('Your code is shit. Your argument is shit.'), ); // Calculate first "block" $genesisBlock = array( hashString($gensisHashes[0] . $gensisHashes[3]), hashString($gensisHashes[1] . $gensisHashes[2]), hashString($gensisHashes[4] . $gensisHashes[7]), hashString($gensisHashes[5] . $gensisHashes[6]), ); // Calulcate final "genesis" hash $genesisHash = hashString( $genesisBlock[3] . $genesisBlock[0] . $genesisBlock[2] . $genesisBlock[1] ); // Get all elements to get the last part out $elements = explode('$', $genesisHash); // This is also the "genesis" hash and first root hash $GLOBALS['current_hash'] = $genesisHash; $GLOBALS['root_hash'] = $genesisHash; $GLOBALS['sum_genesis'] = sumHash($elements[4]); // Output results print ('hashes=' . print_r($gensisHashes, true)); // Total reward + hashes $GLOBALS['total_reward'] = 0; $GLOBALS['total_hashes'] = 0; $GLOBALS['total_found'] = 0; $GLOBALS['total_blocks'] = 0; $GLOBALS['found_time'] = microtime(true); // Output again print ('nonce=' . $GLOBALS['nonce'] . PHP_EOL); print ('found=' . count($GLOBALS['found_hashes'][$GLOBALS['total_blocks']]) . PHP_EOL); print ('salt=' . $GLOBALS['salt'] . PHP_EOL); print ('difficulty=' . $GLOBALS['difficulty'] . PHP_EOL); // Start "mining" while (true) { // Init hash-per-block counter and hashrate $GLOBALS['hashes_block'] = 0; $hashRate = 1; // Wait for block_size iterations (= found hashes). This is one block $timeBlock = microtime(true); $timeDisplay = $timeBlock; $GLOBALS['time_flush'] = $timeBlock; // Time waited for a good block again (no iteration) $timeBadHashes = 0; while (count($GLOBALS['found_hashes'][$GLOBALS['total_blocks']]) <= $GLOBALS['block_size']) { // Create hash from modulaHash ("genesis hash") and nonce $nonceHash = multipleHashString($GLOBALS['nonce'] . $GLOBALS['current_hash']); // Calculate sums $sumNonce = calculateSumFromHash($nonceHash); // Init counter $GLOBALS['iteration'] = 0; $GLOBALS['iteration_second'] = 0; // Now start the "mining" ... $timeHash = microtime(true); while ($sumNonce < $GLOBALS['sum_genesis']) { // Calculate new nonce calculateNonce(); // And hash again $nonceHash = multipleHashString($GLOBALS['nonce'] . $GLOBALS['current_hash']); // Calculate sums $sumNonce = calculateSumFromHash($nonceHash); // Time spend in loop $testTime = abs(microtime(true) - $timeDisplay); // Calculate hashrate/sec $hashRate = 1 / $testTime * $GLOBALS['iteration_second'] * $GLOBALS['hash_cycles']; // Only every second if ($testTime >= 1) { // Display hash rate print ('hashrate=' . round($hashRate) . ' hashes/sec,iterSecond=' . $GLOBALS['iteration_second'] . ' iterations/sec,difficulty=' . $GLOBALS['difficulty'] . PHP_EOL); // Reset timer $timeDisplay = microtime(true); $GLOBALS['iteration_second'] = 0; } // END - if // Time spend from last flush $testTime = abs(microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['time_flush']); // Only once per 10 seconds if ($testTime >= $GLOBALS['flush_file_time']) { // Flush check-point file flushCheckPointFile($GLOBALS['current_hash']); } // END - if // Time spend from last found block $testTime = abs(microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['found_time']); // Is the last found time to far away? if ($testTime >= $GLOBALS['restart_search_time']) { // Count up restart and reduce difficulty, but never below 2 $GLOBALS['total_restarts']++; $GLOBALS['difficulty'] = max(2, ($GLOBALS['difficulty'] / 2)); // Output message print('total_restarts=' . $GLOBALS['total_restarts'] . ' - Restarting ...'); // Count all root (genesis) hashes $rootHashes = []; foreach ($GLOBALS['found_hashes'] as $block) { // "Walk" through all blocks foreach ($block as $hash) { if (!isset($hash['root_hash'])) { // Bad file die('INCONSISTENCY: hash=' . print_r($hash, true)); } // END - if if (isset($rootHashes[$hash['root_hash']])) { // Count up $rootHashes[$hash['root_hash']]++; } else { // First entry found $rootHashes[$hash['root_hash']] = 1; } } // END - foreach } // END - foreach // Find best root hash $bestRootHash = ''; $bestRootCount = 0; foreach ($rootHashes as $hash => $count) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print ('hash=' . $hash . ',count=' . $count . ',bestRootHash=' . $bestRootHash . ',bestRootCount=' . $bestRootCount . PHP_EOL); // Is a better one found? if ($count > $bestRootCount) { // Remember it $bestRootHash = $hash; $bestRootCount = $count; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Output message print ('bestRootHash=' . $bestRootHash . ',bestRootCount=' . $bestRootCount . PHP_EOL); // Search for latest best root hash foreach ($GLOBALS['found_hashes'] as $block) { // "Walk" through whole block and search for first appearance of best root hash foreach ($block as $idx => $hash) { // Is the root hash there? if ($hash['root_hash'] == $bestRootHash) { // Set found modula hash as new root and current modula hash $GLOBALS['root_hash'] = $hash['nonce_hash']; setModulaHash($hash['nonce_hash']); print ('idx=' . $idx . ',modulaHash=' . $GLOBALS['root_hash'] . ' - Is now new root hash!' . PHP_EOL); // Reset "found time" (when a hash was found) $GLOBALS['found_time'] = microtime(true); // Re-initialize nonce initNonce(); // Abort search break; } // END - if } // END - for } // END - foreach } // END - if // Next round $GLOBALS['iteration']++; $GLOBALS['iteration_second']++; //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print('nonce=' . $GLOBALS['nonce'] . ',iteration=' . $GLOBALS['iteration'] . PHP_EOL); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print('nonceHash=' . $nonceHash . PHP_EOL); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print('sumNonce=' . $sumNonce . PHP_EOL); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print('sumGenesis=' . $GLOBALS['sum_genesis'] . PHP_EOL); } // END - while // If the iteration is zero, then no hash is found if ($GLOBALS['iteration'] == 0) { // Bad hash found $timeBadHashes += abs(microtime(true) - $timeHash); // And next round //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ print('BAD:nonce=' . $GLOBALS['nonce'] . PHP_EOL); // Nothing found, so calculate new nonce calculateNonce(); continue; } // END - if // Add amount of hashes per block (multiple-hash) $GLOBALS['hashes_block'] += $GLOBALS['iteration'] * $GLOBALS['hash_cycles'] + $GLOBALS['hash_cycles']; // Push found hash addFoundHash($nonceHash); } // END - while // Time taken for one $timeBlock = abs(microtime(true) - $timeBlock); // Calculate reward $reward = abs($timeBlock - $timeBadHashes) / max(1, $hashRate) * $GLOBALS['hashes_block'] / max(1, $GLOBALS['block_size']) * 1000; print('timeBlock=' . $timeBlock . ',timeBadHashes=' . $timeBadHashes . ',hashesPerBlock=' . $GLOBALS['hashes_block'] .',reward=' . $reward . PHP_EOL); // Double difficulty $GLOBALS['difficulty'] = $GLOBALS['difficulty'] * 2; // Block completed $GLOBALS['total_hashes'] += $GLOBALS['hashes_block']; $GLOBALS['total_blocks']++; $GLOBALS['hashes_block'] = 0; // Init next block $GLOBALS['found_hashes'][$GLOBALS['total_blocks']] = []; // Calculate new nonce calculateNonce(); // Add reward to total $GLOBALS['total_reward'] += $reward; // Calculate average block value $blockValue = $GLOBALS['total_reward'] / $GLOBALS['total_blocks'] * $GLOBALS['total_hashes'] / ($GLOBALS['block_size'] * $GLOBALS['total_blocks']); // Calculate reward per hour (= 3600 seconds) $rewardPerHour = $GLOBALS['total_reward'] / abs(microtime(true) - START_TIME) * 3600; print ('totalReward=' . $GLOBALS['total_reward'] . ',blockValue=' . $blockValue . ',rewardPerHour=' . $rewardPerHour . PHP_EOL); } // END - while