How to get the scenery from a rsync server

Here you will learn how to mirror (in this case) the FlightGear scenery from my server to your local hard drive. But you can easily adapt this on other rsync servers because the procedure is nearly the same.

First of all you need a lot free hard disk space before you can start. 4 gigs left might be to much but should not hurt. :) So let us start with the sync procedure, shall we?

Get a console window (unter Linux a terminal box) ready and find a place where you want to have your scenery downloaded to. In my example I asume that you want to create a new directory for your scenery. Then create the sub directories Airports, Terrain and Objects and start the rsync process in both directories.

To fast for you? Okay! Here are my commands I have entered:

mkdir fgfs-scenery
cd fgfs-scenery
rsync -a rsync:// .

Back up again and compatible with TerraSync: The service is back online again and now also with support for TerraSync. If you don't which to download all to your local hard drive, you can use my server in TerraSync (it will be updated daily) by having latest GIT and downloading this patch.

That should take a long time so you may want to setup a small script containing these commands and while download is running you may want to take out your dog for a walk. :-)

After this there is only one step left: Use the new path ~/fgfs-scenery/ as the new scenery path for FlightGear. To do so simply call fgfs with the parameter --fg-scenery=~/fgfs-scenery/.

Meet you in FGFS. :)

PS: My manually mirrored download archive for FlightGear can be found here. So take a look around. :)

Created: 2008-03-29 | Last update: 2013-02-22 | Author: Roland Häder
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