*/ require_once "include/Emailer.php"; /* because the fraking openpgp-php is in composer, require libs in composer * and then don't use autoloader to load classes... */ $path = __DIR__."/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/"; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); /* so, we don't use the autoloader and include what we need */ $path = __DIR__."/vendor/singpolyma/openpgp-php/lib"; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); require_once "openpgp.php"; require_once "openpgp_crypt_symmetric.php"; function securemail_install() { register_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_settings'); register_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_settings_post'); register_hook('emailer_send_prepare', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_emailer_send_prepare'); logger("installed securemail"); } function securemail_uninstall() { unregister_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_settings'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_settings_post'); unregister_hook('emailer_send_prepare', 'addon/securemail/securemail.php', 'securemail_emailer_send_prepare'); logger("removed securemail"); } function securemail_settings(&$a,&$s){ if(! local_user()) { return; } $enable = intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','enable')); $publickey = get_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','pkey'); $t = get_markup_template( "admin.tpl", "addon/securemail/" ); $s = replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('"Secure Mail" Settings'), '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$test' => t('Save and send test'), //NOTE: update also in 'post' '$enable' => array('securemail-enable', t('Enable Secure Mail'), $enable, ""), '$publickey' => array('securemail-pkey', t('Public key'), $publickey, t("Your public PGP key, ascii armored format"), "rows='10'") )); return; } function securemail_settings_post(&$a, &$b){ if(! local_user()) { return; } if($_POST['securemail-submit']) { set_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','pkey',trim($_POST['securemail-pkey'])); $enable = ((x($_POST,'securemail-enable')) ? 1 : 0); set_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','enable', $enable); info( t('Secure Mail Settings saved.') . EOL); if ($_POST['securemail-submit'] == t('Save and send test')) { $sitename = $a->config['sitename']; $hostname = $a->get_hostname(); if (strpos($hostname, ':')){ $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, ':')); } $sender_email = $a->config['sender_email']; if (empty($sender_email)){ $sender_email = 'noreply@'.$hostname; } $subject = "Friendica - Secure Mail - Test"; $message = "This is a test message from your Friendica Secure Mail addon.\n\nBye!"; $params = array( 'uid' => local_user(), 'fromName' => $sitename, 'fromEmail' => $sender_email, 'toEmail' => $a->user['email'], 'messageSubject' => $subject, 'htmlVersion' => "


", 'textVersion' => $message, ); // enable addon for test set_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','enable', 1); $res = Emailer::send($params); // revert to saved value set_pconfig(local_user(),'securemail','enable', $enable); if ($res) { info( t("Test email sent") . EOL); } else { notice( t("There was an error sending the test email") .EOL); } } } } function securemail_emailer_send_prepare(&$a, &$b) { if (!x($b,'uid')) { return; } $uid = $b['uid']; $enable_checked = get_pconfig($uid,'securemail','enable'); if (!$enable_checked) { return; } $public_key_ascii = get_pconfig($uid,'securemail','pkey'); preg_match('/-----BEGIN ([A-Za-z ]+)-----/', $public_key_ascii, $matches); $marker = (empty($matches[1])) ? 'MESSAGE' : $matches[1]; $public_key = OpenPGP::unarmor($public_key_ascii, $marker); $key = OpenPGP_Message::parse($public_key); $data = new OpenPGP_LiteralDataPacket($b['textVersion'], array( 'format' => 'u', 'filename' => 'encrypted.gpg' )); $encrypted = OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::encrypt($key, new OpenPGP_Message(array($data))); $armored_encrypted = wordwrap(OpenPGP::enarmor($encrypted->to_bytes(), "PGP MESSAGE"), 64, "\n", true); $b['textVersion'] = $armored_encrypted; $b['htmlVersion'] = null; } /** * add addon composer autoloader maps to system autoloader function securemail_autoloader() { $loader = require dirname(dirname(__DIR__))."/vendor/autoload.php"; $map = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->set($namespace, $path); } $map = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->setPsr4($namespace, $path); } $classMap = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php'; if ($classMap) { $loader->addClassMap($classMap); } } securemail_autoloader(); */