$from) { // Do the reversed thing as in inc/libs/security_functions.php $code = str_replace($from, $SEC_CHARS['from'][$k], $code); } // But keep simple quotes for later use if ($simple) $code = str_replace("'", "{QUOT}", $code); // Return compiled code return $code; } // Load a template file and return it's content (only it's name; do not use ' or ") function get_template ($template, $return=false, $content="") { // Add more variables which you want to use in your template files global $DATA, $ACTION, $WHAT; $REFID = bigintval($_COOKIE['refid']); if ($template == "member_support_form") { // Support request of a member $ID = bigintval($_COOKIE['userid']); $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT sex, surname, family FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ID), __FILE__, __LINE__); list($sex, $surname, $family) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); $salut = TRANSLATE_SEX($sex); } // Base directory $BASE = PATH."templates/".GET_LANGUAGE()."/html/"; $MODE = ""; // Check for admin/guest/member templates if (strpos($template, "admin_") > -1) { // Admin template found $MODE = "admin/"; } elseif (strpos($template, "guest_") > -1) { // Guest template found $MODE = "guest/"; } elseif (strpos($template, "member_") > -1) { // Member template found $MODE = "member/"; } elseif (strpos($template, "install_") > -1) { // Installation template found $MODE = "install/"; } elseif (strpos($template, "mailid_") > -1) { // Mail confirmation template found $MODE = "mailid/"; } // Generate file name $file = $BASE.$MODE.$template.".tpl"; if ((!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['what'])) && ((strpos($template, "_header") > 0) || (strpos($template, "_footer") > 0)) && (($MODE == "guest/") || ($MODE == "member/") || ($MODE == "admin/"))) { // Select what depended header/footer template file for admin/guest/member area $file2 = $BASE.$MODE.$template."_".$HTTP_GET_VARS['what'].".tpl"; // Probe for it... if (file_exists($file2)) $file = $file2; // Remove variable from memory unset($file2); } // Does the special template exists? if (!file_exists($file)) { // Reset to default template $file = PATH."templates/".GET_LANGUAGE()."/html/".$template.".tpl"; } // Now does the final template exists? if (file_exists($file)) { // The local file does exists so we load it. :) $tmpl_file = implode("", file($file)); $tmpl_file = str_replace("'", "{QUOT}", $tmpl_file); // Compile and run code $ret = COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($tmpl_file), false, true); $ret = "\n".$ret."\n"; } elseif (IS_ADMIN()) { // Only admins shall see this warning $ret = "

"; } if ($return) { // Return the HTML code return $ret; } else { // Output directly $this->add_html ($ret); } } // END OF CLASS } // ?>