"; if ((strlen($pass) == 32) && ($pass == md5($password))) { // Generate new hash $pass = generateHash($password); if (($ret == "pass") && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.3.6")) $ret = "done"; } elseif ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.3.6") || (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") == "")) { // Old hashing way return $ret; } // Generate salt of password define('__SALT', substr($pass, 0, -40)); $salt = __SALT; // Check if password is same if (($ret == "pass") && ($pass == generateHash($password, $salt)) && (!empty($salt))) { // Update password $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins SET password='%s' WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1", array($pass, $admin_login), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Shall I remove the cache file? if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) && ($CACHE != false)) { if ($CACHE->cache_file("admins", true)) $CACHE->cache_destroy(); } // Password matches! $ret = "done"; } elseif ((empty($salt)) && ($ret == "pass")) { // Something bad went wrong $ret = "failed"; } return $ret; } // Only be executed on cookie checking function CHECK_ADMIN_COOKIES ($admin_login, $password) { global $ADMINS, $CONFIG; $ret = "404"; $pass = ""; if (!empty($ADMINS['aid'][$admin_login])) { // Get password from cache $pass = $ADMINS['password'][$admin_login]; $ret = "pass"; $CONFIG['cache_hits']++; } else { // Get password from DB $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT password FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1", array($admin_login), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { $ret = "pass"; list($pass) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); } } //* DEBUG: */ echo "*".$pass."/".$password."
"; // Check if password matches if (($ret == "pass") && ((generatePassString($pass) == $password) || ($pass == $password))) { // Passwords matches! $ret = "done"; } return $ret; } // function admin_WriteData ($FILE, $COMMENT, $PREFIX, $SUFFIX, $DATA, $SEEK=0) { $DONE = false; $SEEK++; $found = false; if (file_exists($FILE)) { $SEARCH = "CFG: ".$COMMENT; $TMP = $FILE.".tmp"; $fp = fopen($FILE, 'r') or OUTPUT_HTML ("READ: ".$FILE."
"); if ($fp) { $fp_tmp = fopen($TMP, 'w') or OUTPUT_HTML ("WRITE: ".$TMP."
"); if ($fp_tmp) { while (! feof($fp)) { $line = fgets ($fp, 1024); if (strpos($line, $SEARCH) > -1) { $next = 0; $found = true; } if ($next > -1) { if ($next == $SEEK) { $next = -1; $line = $PREFIX.$DATA.$SUFFIX."\n"; } else { $next++; } } fputs($fp_tmp, $line); } fclose($fp_tmp); // Finished writing tmp file $DONE = true; } fclose($fp); if (($DONE) && ($found)) { // Copy back tmp file and delete tmp :-) @copy($TMP, $FILE); @unlink($TMP); define ('_FATAL', false); } elseif (!$found) { OUTPUT_HTML ("CHANGE: 404!"); define ('_FATAL', true); } else { OUTPUT_HTML ("TMP: UNDONE!"); define ('_FATAL', true); } } } else { OUTPUT_HTML ("404: ".$FILE."
"); } } // function ADMIN_DO_ACTION($wht) { global $menuDesription, $MTITLE, $CONFIG, $EXTENSIONS, $link, $DATA; //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$wht."/".$GLOBALS['module']."/".$GLOBALS['action']."/".$GLOBALS['what']."*
\n"; if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) { // Include cache instance global $CACHE; } // Remove any spaces from variable if (empty($wht)) { // Default admin action is the overview page $wht = "overview"; } else { // Compile out some chars $wht = COMPILE_CODE($wht, false, false, false); } // Get action value $act = GET_ACTION($GLOBALS['module'], $wht); // Define admin login name and ID number define('__ADMIN_LOGIN', SQL_ESCAPE($_COOKIE['admin_login'])); define('__ADMIN_ID' , GET_ADMIN_ID($_COOKIE['admin_login'])); // Preload templates if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) { define('__ADMIN_WELCOME', LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_welcome_admins", true)); } else { define('__ADMIN_WELCOME', LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_welcome", true)); } define('__ADMIN_FOOTER' , LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_footer" , true)); define('__ADMIN_MENU' , ADD_ADMIN_MENU($act, $wht, true)); // Tableset header LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_main_header"); // Check if action/what pair is valid $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu WHERE action='%s' AND ((what='%s' AND what != 'overview') OR (what='' AND '%s'='overview')) LIMIT 1", array($act, $wht, $wht), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Is valid but does the inlcude file exists? $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/action-%s.php", $act); if ((file_exists($INC)) && (is_readable($INC)) && (VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION("admin", $act, $wht)) && (__ACL_ALLOW == true)) { // Ok, we finally load the admin action module include($INC); } elseif (__ACL_ALLOW == false) { // Access denied LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_menu_failed", false, ADMINS_ACCESS_DENIED); ADD_FATAL(ADMINS_ACCESS_DENIED); } else { // Include file not found! :-( LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_menu_failed", false, ADMIN_404_ACTION); ADD_FATAL(ADMIN_404_ACTION_1.$act.ADMIN_404_ACTION_2); } } else { // Invalid action/what pair found! LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_menu_failed", false, ADMIN_INVALID_ACTION); ADD_FATAL(ADMIN_INVALID_ACTION_1.$act."/".$wht.ADMIN_INVALID_ACTION_2); } // Tableset footer LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_main_footer"); } // function ADD_ADMIN_MENU($act, $wht,$return=false) { global $_GET, $menuDesription, $MTITLE, $link; $SUB = false; // Menu descriptions $menuDesription = array(); $MTITLE = array(); // Build main menu $result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT action, title, descr FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu WHERE what='' ORDER BY sort, id DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__); $OUT = ""; if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > 0) { $OUT = "\n"; while (list($menu, $title, $descr) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_main)) { if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") > "0.2")) { $ACL = ADMINS_CHECK_ACL($menu, ""); } else { // ACL is "allow"... hmmm $ACL = true; } if ($ACL) { if (!$SUB) { // Insert compiled menu title and description $MTITLE[$menu] = $title; $menuDesription[$menu] = $descr; } $OUT .= "\n"; $result_what = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT what, title, descr FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu WHERE action='%s' AND what != '' ORDER BY sort, id DESC", array($menu), __FILE__, __LINE__); if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_what) > 0) && ($act == $menu)) { $menuDesription = array(); $MTITLE = array(); $SUB = true; $OUT .= "\n"; } $OUT .= "\n"; } } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_main); $OUT .= "
 · "; if (($menu == $act) && (empty($wht))) { $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= "[ "; } $OUT .= $title; if (($menu == $act) && (empty($wht))) { $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= " ]"; } $OUT .= "
  \n"; while (list($wht_sub, $title_what, $desc_what) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_what)) { // Filename $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $wht_sub); if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") > "0.2")) { $ACL = ADMINS_CHECK_ACL("", $wht_sub); } else { // ACL is "allow"... hmmm $ACL = true; } $readable = ((file_exists($INC)) && (is_readable($INC))); if ($ACL) { // Insert compiled title and description $MTITLE[$wht_sub] = $title_what; $menuDesription[$wht_sub] = $desc_what; $OUT .= "\n"; } } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_what); $OUT .= "
 --> "; if ($readable) { if ($wht == $wht_sub) { $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= "[ "; } } else { $OUT .= ""; } $OUT .= $title_what; if ($readable) { if ($wht == $wht_sub) { $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= " ]"; } } else { $OUT .= ""; } $OUT .= "
\n"; } // Compile and run the code here. This inserts all constants into the // HTML output. Costs me some time to figure this out... *sigh* Quix0r $eval = "\$OUT = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($OUT))."\";"; eval($eval); // Return or output content? if ($return) { return $OUT; } else { OUTPUT_HTML ($OUT); } } // function ADD_MEMBER_SELECTION_BOX($add_all = false, $return = false, $none = false, $def = "0") { global $_GET; // Output selection form with all confirmed user accounts listed $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT userid, surname, family FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data ORDER BY userid", __FILE__, __LINE__); $OUT = ""; // USe this only for adding points (e.g. adding refs really makes no sence ;-) ) if ($add_all) $OUT = " \n"; elseif ($none) $OUT = " \n"; while (list($id, $sname, $fname) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { $OUT .= "