ret = 'failed'; // Remeber path // Check if path exists if (isDirectory(getConfig('CACHE_PATH'))) { // Is there a .htaccess file? if (isFileReadable(getConfig('CACHE_PATH') . '.htaccess')) { // All done! $this->ret = $this->statusDone; } else { // Stop! Set a .htaccess file first $this->ret = 'htaccess'; } } // END - if } // Checks validity of cache file and if content is given function loadCacheFile ($cacheName) { // Remember cache file $this->name = $cacheName; // Construct FQFN (full qualified file name) $this->fqfn = getConfig('CACHE_PATH') . $cacheName . $this->extension; // Check if file exists and if version matches if (!isset($this->status[$cacheName])) { // Pre-fetch cache here if found if ($this->isCacheReadable()) $this->getArrayFromCache(); //* DEBUG: */ print($cacheName.'='.intval($this->isCacheReadable()).'/'.intval(is_writeable($this->fqfn)).'/'.intval($this->extensionVersionMatches('cache')).'
'); $this->status[$cacheName] = ($this->isCacheReadable() && (is_writeable($this->fqfn)) && ($this->extensionVersionMatches('cache'))); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ print($cacheName.'='.intval($this->status[$cacheName]).'
'); // Return status return $this->status[$cacheName]; } // Initializes the cache file function init () { // This will destory an existing cache file! if ($this->ret == $this->statusDone) { // Reset read status $this->resetCacheReadStatus(); // Create file if ($this->isCacheReadable()) changeMode($this->fqfn, 0666); $this->pointer = fopen($this->fqfn, 'w') or app_die(__METHOD__, __LINE__, "Cannot write to cache ".$this->fqfn." !"); // Add open PHP tag fwrite($this->pointer, "' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } // Reset the read status function resetCacheReadStatus () { unset($this->readable[$this->name]); unset($GLOBALS['file_readable'][$this->fqfn]); unset($this->status[$this->name]); } function addRow ($data) { // Is the pointe rvalid? if (is_resource($this->pointer)) { // Write every array element to cache file foreach ($data as $k => $v) { // Write global cache array for immediate access if ((substr($k, 0, 4) == 'ext_') && (isset($data['ext_name'])) && (isset($data['ext_id']))) { if ($k == 'ext_name') { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'][$k][$data['ext_id']] = $v; } else { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'][$k][$data['ext_name']] = $v; } if (($k == 'ext_keep') && ($v == 'Y')) { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['always_active'][$data['ext_name']] = $v; } // END - if } elseif ($this->name == 'config') { // Configuration $GLOBALS['cache_array']['config'][$data['config']][$k] = $v; } elseif ($this->name == 'filter') { // Filter $GLOBALS['cache_array']['filter']['chains'][$data['filter_name']][$data['filter_function']] = $data['filter_active']; $GLOBALS['cache_array']['filter']['counter'][$data['filter_name']][$data['filter_function']] = $data['filter_counter']; $GLOBALS['cache_array']['filter']['loaded'][$data['filter_name']][$data['filter_function']] = true; } elseif ($this->name == 'modules') { // Modules $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules'][$k][$data['module']] = $v; } elseif ($this->name == 'admin') { // Modules if ($k == 'login') { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin'][$k][$data['admin_id']] = $v; } else { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin'][$k][$data['login']] = $v; } } elseif ($this->name == 'refdepths') { // Referal levels $GLOBALS['cache_array']['refdepths'][$k][$data['id']] = $v; } elseif ($this->name == 'refsystem') { // Referal system $GLOBALS['cache_array']['refsystem'][$k][$data['id']] = $v; } elseif ($this->name == 'revision') { // Revision data $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$k][0] = $v; } elseif ($this->name == 'themes') { // Themes if ($k == 'theme_path') { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['themes'][$k][$data['id']] = $v; } else { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['themes'][$k][$data['theme_path']] = $v; } } elseif ($this->name == 'imprint') { // Imprint $GLOBALS['cache_array']['imprint'][$k][$data['imprint_id']] = $v; } elseif (is_array($v)) { // Serialize and BASE64-encode the array $v = base64_encode(serialize($v)); } else { // Finialize the cache and close it $this->finalize(); // Remove cache $this->removeCacheFile(true); // Unsupported cache found! debug_report_bug('Unsupported cache ' . $this->name . ' detected.'); } // Write cache line to file fwrite($this->pointer, $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v)); } // END - foreach } else { // Cannot create file addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } function finalize () { // Quit function when no pointer is set if (is_resource($this->pointer)) { // Add default depency $this->storeExtensionVersion('cache'); // Write footer fwrite($this->pointer, "?>\n"); // Close file add destroy handler fclose($this->pointer); // Reset readable status $this->resetCacheReadStatus(); // Set rights if ($this->isCacheReadable()) changeMode($this->fqfn, 0666); // Remove pointer and status unset($this->status[$this->name]); $this->pointer = false; //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__METHOD__ . '(' . __LINE__."): {$this->name} - FINALIZED!
"); } // END - if } function getArrayFromCache () { // Is the cache already loaded? if (isset($this->data[$this->name])) { // Return it's content! return $this->data[$this->name]; } // END - if // Is the cache file there? if ($this->isCacheReadable()) { // Load cache file include($this->fqfn); // Is there an array? if (isset($this->data[$this->name])) { // Cache version found? if (isset($this->version[$this->name])) { // Check it here if cache matches ext-cache version if (!$this->extensionVersionMatches('cache')) { // Invalid logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Invalid cache data ' . $this->name . ' detected.'); $this->removeCacheFile(); } // END - if } // END - if // Return cache if detected if (isset($this->data[$this->name])) { return $this->data[$this->name]; } else { // Damaged! logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Possible damaged cache ' . $this->name . ' detected.'); $this->removeCacheFile(); } } // END - if } else { // Cache file not found or not readable debug_report_bug($this->name); addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMaskedMessage('CACHE_CANNOT_LOAD', $this->fqfn)); // Try to remove it $this->removeCacheFile(); } // Always return an empty array if we have trouble or no data return array(); } // Destroy an existing cache file function removeCacheFile ($force = false) { // Reset read status $this->resetCacheReadStatus(); // Debug message /* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, sprintf("%s should be removed.", $this->name)); // Is the cache file not yet rebuilt? if ((!isset($this->rebuilt[$this->name])) && ($this->isCacheReadable())) { // Only run in regular output mode if ((getOutputMode() != 0) && ($force === false)) { // Debug message if allowed if (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Debug message logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Not removing cache ' . $this->name . ' in output_mode=' . getOutputMode()); } // END - if // Abort here return; } // END - if // Close cache $this->finalize(); // Debug-mode enabled? if (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Log removal of cache logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, 'removing cache: ' . $this->name); } // END - if // Remove cache file from system removeFile($this->fqfn); // Reset read status $this->resetCacheReadStatus(); // Is the file there? if (!$this->isCacheReadable()) { // The cache does no longer exist so kill the content unset($this->data[$this->name]); unset($this->version[$this->name]); $this->rebuilt[$this->name] = true; } else { // Not removed! addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMaskedMessage('CACHE_CANNOT_UNLINK', $this->fqfn)); } } // END - if } // Unused method: function removeEntry ($search, $data, $array) { if ($this->status[$this->name] == $this->statusDone) { // Load cache into dummy array $dummy = $this->getArrayFromCache(); // Search for key in array $key = array_search($data, $dummy[$search]); if (!empty($key)) { // Key (hopefully) found? foreach ($array as $a) { // So we can remove all elements as requested unset($dummy[$a][$key]); } // END - foreach // Flush array to cache file $this->init(); // Write array out $this->writeArray($dummy); // Close cache file $this->finalize(); } } else { // Cannot write to cache! addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } function writeArray ($array) { if (is_resource($this->pointer)) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { // Multi line(s) found $LINE = ''; foreach($v as $k2 => $v2) { // Put every array element in a row... $LINE .= $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v2); } } else { // Single line found $LINE = $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v); } // Write line(s) fwrite($this->pointer, $LINE); } // END - foreach } else { // Cannot write array! addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } // Unused method function replaceEntry ($search, $replace, $search_key, $array) { if ($this->status[$this->name] == $this->statusDone) { // Load cache into dummy array $dummy = $this->getArrayFromCache(); // Check if $dummy is valid (prevents some errors) if ((is_array($dummy)) && (isset($dummy[$search])) && (is_array($dummy[$search]))) { // Search for key in array $key_found = array_key_exists($search_key, $dummy[$search]); if ($key_found == true) { $key = $search_key; // Key (hopefully) found? foreach ($dummy as $a => $v) { // So we can update all entries if ($a == $search) { // Update now... $dummy[$a][$search_key] = $replace; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Flush array to cache file $this->init(); // Write array out $this->writeArray($dummy); // Close cache file $this->finalize(); } // END - if } // END - if } else { // Cannot write to cache! addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } // Writes the version of given extension to the cache file function storeExtensionVersion ($ext_name) { // Valid cache pointer? if (is_resource($this->pointer)) { // Write only if extension is installed if (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Get extension version $ext_ver = getExtensionVersion($ext_name); // Add the extension version to object (DO NOT REMOVE IT! Endless loop...) $this->version[$this->name][$ext_name] = $ext_ver; // Write cache line to file fwrite($this->pointer, $this->rewriteEntry($ext_name, $ext_ver, 'version', true)); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__METHOD__ . '(' . __LINE__."): {$this->name} - {$ext_name}={$ext_ver}
"); } else { // Cannot create file addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED')); } } // Checks wether versions from cache and extension matches function extensionVersionMatches ($ext_name) { // Default is not matching $matches = false; // Compare only if installed if (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Get extension version $ext_ver = getExtensionVersion($ext_name); // Debug messages if (isset($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name])) { // Does it match? $matches = ((isset($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name])) && ($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name] == $ext_ver)); } elseif ($this->isCacheReadable()) { // No cache version found! logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, "Cache {$this->name} has missing version entry for extension {$ext_name}! Purging cache..."); // Remove the cache file $this->removeCacheFile(true); } } else { // Not installed, does always match $matches = true; } // Compare both return $matches; } // Rewrit the entry so it can be stored in cache file // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block function rewriteEntry ($key, $value, $prefix = 'data', $single = false) { // Default is not single entry $extender = '[]'; // Add only for single array entry? if ($single === true) $extender = ''; // Init line $line = ''; // String or non-string? ;-) if (is_string($value)) { // String... $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = '" . escapeQuotes($value) . "';\n"; } elseif (is_null($value)) { // Null $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = null;\n"; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { // Boolean value if ($value === true) { // True $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = true;\n"; } else { // False $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = false;\n"; } } elseif (isset($value[0])) { // These lines needs fixing debug_report_bug('Invalid entry with [0] found. key=' . $key); } else { // Non-string $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = " . $value . ";\n"; } // Return line return $line; } // Getter for cache status function getStatus () { return $this->ret; } // Checks wether the current cache file is readable function isCacheReadable () { // Array entry found? if (!isset($this->readable[$this->name])) { // Not found, so create it $this->readable[$this->name] = isFileReadable($this->fqfn); } // END - if // Return result return $this->readable[$this->name]; } } // END - class // [EOF] ?>