setPartDescr("Console-Tools"); // Create an unique ID $this->createUniqueID(); } /** * Aquires the IP address of this host by reading the /etc/hostname file and solving it * * @return $ip The resolved IP address */ public static function aquireSelfIPAddress () { // Local IP by default $ip = ""; // Get a new instance $helper = new ConsoleTools(); try { // Get a file pointer $io = FrameworkFileInputPointer::createFrameworkFileInputPointer("/etc/hostname"); // Read the file $hostname = trim($io->readFromFile()); $helper->getDebugInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s:] Our host name is: %s
\n", $helper->__toString(), $hostname )); // Close the file $io->closeFile(); // Resolve it $ipResolved = gethostbyname($hostname); if (($ipResolved !== false) && ($ipResolved != $hostname)) { // Okay, this works! $ip = $ipResolved; // Debug message $helper->getDebugInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s:] Resolved IP address is: %s
\n", $helper->__toString(), $ip )); } } catch (FrameworkException $e) { // Do nothing here } // Return the IP address return $ip; } } // [EOF] ?>