* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright(c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, this is free software * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.ship-simu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Load the class from inc/config direktory @require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/class_FrameworkConfiguration.php'); // Get a new configuration instance $cfg = FrameworkConfiguration::createFrameworkConfiguration(); // CFG: SERVER-PATH $cfg->definePath(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'); // DON'T MISS THE TRAILING SLASH!!! // CFG: DATABASE-TYPE $cfg->defineDatabaseType('local'); // CFG: LOCAL-DB-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('local_db_path', 'db/'); // CFG: TIME-ZONE $cfg->setDefaultTimezone("Europe/Berlin"); // CFG: MAGIC-QUOTES-RUNTIME $cfg->setMagicQuotesRuntime(false); // CFG: PHP-SCRIPT-EXTENSION $cfg->setConfigEntry('php_extension', ".php"); // CFG: CLASS-PREFIX $cfg->setConfigEntry('class_prefix', "class_"); // CFG: CLASS-SUFFIX $cfg->setConfigEntry('class_suffix', ".php"); // CFG: RAW-TEMPLATE-EXTENSION $cfg->setConfigEntry('raw_template_extension', ".tpl"); // CFG: CODE-TEMPLATE-EXTENSION $cfg->setConfigEntry('code_template_extension', ".ctp"); // CFG: SELECTOR-GET $cfg->setConfigEntry('app_selector_get', "app"); // CFG: SELECTOR-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('selector_path', "selector"); // CFG: APPLICATION-HELPER $cfg->setConfigEntry('app_helper_class', "ApplicationHelper"); // CFG: LAUNCH-METHOD $cfg->setConfigEntry('entry_method', "entryPoint"); // CFG: TEMPLATE-BASE-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('tpl_base_path', "templates/"); // DON'T MISS THE TRAILING SLASH! // CFG: LANGUAGE-BASE-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('lang_base_path', "inc/language/"); // DON'T MISS THE TRAILING SLASH! // CFG: COMPRESSOR-BASE-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('compressor_base_path', "inc/classes/main/compressor/"); // DON'T MISS THE TRAILING SLASH! // CFG: APPLICATION-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('application_path', "application"); // CFG: COMPILE-OUTPUT-PATH $cfg->setConfigEntry('compile_output_path', "templates/_compiled/"); // DON'T MISS THE TRAILING SLASH! // CFG: TEMPLATE-ENGINE $cfg->setConfigEntry('tpl_engine', "TemplateEngine"); // CFG: DEBUG-ENGINE $cfg->setConfigEntry('debug_engine', "DebugWebOutput"); // CFG: DEFAULT-LANGUAGE $cfg->setConfigEntry('default_lang', "de"); // A two-char language string: de for german, en for english and so on // CFG: WEB-TEMPLATE-TYPE $cfg->setConfigEntry('web_template_type', "html"); // CFG: EMAIL-TEMPLATE-TYPE $cfg->setConfigEntry('email_template_type', "emails"); // CFG: CODE-TEMPLATE-TYPE $cfg->setConfigEntry('code_template_type', "code"); // CFG: WEB-ENGINE $cfg->setConfigEntry('web_engine', "WebOutput"); // CFG: SELECTOR-TEMPLATE-PREFIX $cfg->setConfigEntry('tpl_selector_prefix', "selector"); // CFG: WEB-CONTENT-TYPE $cfg->setConfigEntry('web_content_type', "text/html"); // CFG: VALID-TEMPLATE-VARIABLE $cfg->setConfigEntry('tpl_valid_var', "content"); // CFG: META-AUTHOR $cfg->setConfigEntry('meta_author', "Roland Häder"); // CFG: META-PUBLISHER $cfg->setConfigEntry('meta_publisher', "Roland Häder"); // CFG: META-KEYWORDS $cfg->setConfigEntry('meta_keywords', "test,test,test"); // CFG: META-DESCRIPTION $cfg->setConfigEntry('meta_description', "A lame description for an application framework"); // CFG: SELECTOR-MAIN-TEMPLATE $cfg->setConfigEntry('selector_main_tpl', "selector_main"); // CFG: SELECTOR-APPS-TEMPLATE $cfg->setConfigEntry('selector_apps_tpl', "selector_apps"); // CFG: SELECTOR-NAME $cfg->setConfigEntry('selector_name', "selector"); // CFG: DEFAULT-APPLICATION $cfg->setConfigEntry('default_application', "selector"); // CFG: VERBOSE-LEVEL $cfg->setConfigEntry('verbose_level', 0); // [EOF] ?>