Roland Häder"); // CFG: ERROR_REPORTING @error_reporting(0); // CFG: REGISTER-GLOBALS @import_request_variables(''); // CFG: SITE-KEY define('SITE_KEY', "gg42ny8-4yng23498-mf423igum-mtu248utn42-mf4839gun43"); // CFG: DATE-KEY define('DATE_KEY', date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time())); // CFG: DEFAULT-LANGUAGE define('DEFAULT_LANG', "de"); // CFG: NULLPASS-WARNING define('warn_no_pass', true); // CFG: WRITE-FOOTER define('WRITE_FOOTER', true); // CFG: OUTPUT-MODE define('OUTPUT_MODE', "render"); // CFG: MAIN_TITLE define('MAIN_TITLE', "Your mail-exchanger title"); // CFG: SLOGAN define('SLOGAN', "Your cool slogan here"); // Auto-detection... (patched by "Stelzi" aka. profi-concept, thanks again!) $URL = "http://".getenv('SERVER_NAME') . str_replace("\\", "/", dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); while (substr($URL, -1, 1) == "/") { $URL = substr($URL, 0, -1); } $PATH = str_replace("\\", "/", substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -3)); // CFG: HOST-URL (without trailing '/' !) define('URL', $URL); // CFG: SERVER-PATH define('PATH', $PATH); // CFG: WEBMASTER define('WEBMASTER', "you@some-hoster.tld.invalid"); // CFG: INSTALLED define('mxchange_installed', false); // CFG: ADMIN-SETUP define('admin_registered', false); // CFG: FRAMESET define('frameset_active', false); // CFG: DEBUG-MODE (if enabled all mails will be *displayed* and *not* send!) define('DEBUG_MODE', false); // CFG: DEBUG-MAIL (turn this on if you need to debug mails, only affects if DEBUG_MODE is true) //define('DEBUG_MAIL', true); // CFG: DEBUG-RESET (comment in to test daily reset, comment out to not test) //define('DEBUG_RESET', true); // CFG: DEBUG-MONTHLY (comment in to test monthly reset, comment out to not test) //define('DEBUG_MONTHLY', true); // CFG: DEBUG-WEEKLY (comment in to test weekly reset, comment out to not test) //define('DEBUG_WEEKLY', true); // When we are not installing if (!defined('mxchange_installing')) define('mxchange_installing', false); // Your MySQL data (we don't like M$ SQL ;-) ) $MySQL = array( // CFG: MYSQL-HOST 'host' => "localhost", // CFG: MYSQL-DBASE 'dbase' => "db", // CFG: MYSQL-LOGIN 'login' => "user", // CFG: MYSQL-PASSWORD 'password' => "pass", ); // CFG: MYSQL-PREIFX define('_MYSQL_PREFIX', "mxchange"); // CFG: DATABASE-TYPE define('_DB_TYPE', "mysql3"); // Lead-Code data define('LEAD_CODE_ENABLED', true); define('LEAD_EXPIRY_TIME' , (30*24*60*60)); // == 30 days // SMTP-Subsystem (keep all empty to use legacy mail() command!) // CFG: SMTP-HOSTNAME define('SMTP_HOSTNAME', ""); // CFG: SMTP-USER define('SMTP_USER' , ""); // CFG: SMTP-PASSWORD define('SMTP_PASSWORD', ""); // SSL cookies? (enable only if you have SSL, URLs will begin with https://) define('SSL_COOKIES', false); // CFG: BACKLINK (Enable backlink to in footer? rel=external is set!) define('ENABLE_BACKLINK', true); // Connect to the MySQL database... require_once(PATH."inc/mysql-connect.php"); // ?>