\n"; $result = mysql_query($sql_string, SQL_GET_LINK()) or addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $F." (".$L."):".mysql_error()."
Query string:
".$sql_string); // Ending time $querytimeAfter = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); // Calculate query time $queryTime = $querytimeAfter - $querytimeBefore; // Save last successfull query setConfigEntry('db_last_query', $sql_string); // Count this query incrementConfigEntry('sql_count'); // Debug output //* DEBUG: */ print "Query=
, affected=".SQL_AFFECTEDROWS().", numrows=".SQL_NUMROWS($result)."
\n"; if (($GLOBALS['output_mode'] != "1") && ($GLOBALS['output_mode'] != "-1") && (isDebugModeEnabled()) && (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_SQL'))) { // // Debugging stuff... // $fp = fopen(constant('PATH')."inc/cache/mysql.log", 'a') or mxchange_die("Cannot write mysql.log!"); if (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_first_entry'])) { // Write first entry fwrite($fp, "Module=".$GLOBALS['module']."\n"); $GLOBALS['sql_first_entry'] = true; } // END - if fwrite($fp, $F."(LINE=".$L."|NUM=".SQL_NUMROWS($result)."|AFFECTED=".SQL_AFFECTEDROWS()."|QUERYTIME:".$queryTime."): ".str_replace('\r', "", str_replace('\n', " ", $sql_string))."\n"); fclose($fp); } // END - if // Count DB hits if (!isConfigEntrySet('db_hits_run')) { // Count in dummy variable setConfigEntry('db_hits_run', 1); } else { // Count to config array incrementConfigEntry('db_hits_run'); } // Return the result return $result; } // SQL num rows function SQL_NUMROWS ($result) { // Is the result a valid resource? if (is_resource($result)) { // Get the count of rows from database $lines = mysql_num_rows($result); // Is the result empty? Then we have an error! if (empty($lines)) $lines = 0; } else { // No resource given, no lines found! $lines = 0; } return $lines; } // SQL affected rows function SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() { // Valid link resource? if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; // Get affected rows $lines = mysql_affected_rows(SQL_GET_LINK()); // Return it return $lines; } // SQL fetch row function SQL_FETCHROW($result) { // Init data $DATA = array(); // Is a result resource set? if (!is_resource($result)) return false; $DATA = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $DATA; } // SQL fetch array function SQL_FETCHARRAY($res, $nr=0, $remove_numerical=true) { // Is a result resource set? if (!is_resource($res)) return false; // Initialize array $row = array(); // Load row from database $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); // Return only arrays here if (is_array($row)) { // Shall we remove numerical data here automatically? if ($remove_numerical) { // So let's remove all numerical elements to save memory! $max = count($row); for ($idx = 0; $idx < ($max / 2); $idx++) { // Remove entry unset($row[$idx]); } // END - for } // END - if // Return row return $row; } else { // Return a false here... return false; } } // SQL result function SQL_RESULT ($res, $row, $field) { $result = mysql_result($res, $row, $field); return $result; } // SQL connect function SQL_CONNECT ($host, $login, $password, $F, $L) { // Try to connect $connect = mysql_connect($host, $login, $password) or addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $F." (".$L."):".mysql_error()); // Set the link resource SQL_SET_LINK($connect); } // SQL select database function SQL_SELECT_DB ($dbName, $F, $L) { // Is there still a valid link? If not, skip it. if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; // Return the result return mysql_select_db($dbName, SQL_GET_LINK()) or addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $F." (".$L."):".mysql_error()); } // SQL close link function SQL_CLOSE ($F, $L) { if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) { // Skip double close return false; } // END - if // Do we need to update cache/db counter? //* DEBUG: */ echo "DB=".getConfig('db_hits').",CACHE=".getConfig('cache_hits')."
\n"; if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.0.7") && (getConfig('db_hits') > 0) && (getConfig('cache_hits') > 0) && (is_object($GLOBALS['cache_instance']))) { // Add new hits incrementConfigEntry('db_hits', getConfig('db_hits_run')); // Update counter for db/cache UPDATE_CONFIG(array("db_hits", "cache_hits"), array(bigintval(getConfig('db_hits')), bigintval(getConfig('cache_hits')))); } // END - if // Close database link and forget the link $close = mysql_close(SQL_GET_LINK()) or addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $F." (".$L."):".mysql_error()); // Close link SQL_SET_LINK(null); // Return the result return $close; } // SQL free result function SQL_FREERESULT ($result) { if (!is_resource($result)) { // Abort here return false; } // END - if $res = mysql_free_result($result); return $res; } // SQL string escaping function SQL_QUERY_ESC ($qstring, $data, $F, $L, $run=true, $strip=true) { // Link is there? if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; // Init variable $query = "failed"; if ($strip) { $strip = "true"; } else { $strip = "false"; } $eval = "\$query = sprintf(\"".$qstring."\""; foreach ($data as $var) { if ((!empty($var)) || ($var === 0)) { $eval .= ", SQL_ESCAPE(\"".$var."\",true,".$strip.")"; } else { $eval .= ", ''"; } } // END - foreach $eval .= ");"; // // Debugging // //* DEBUG: */ $fp = fopen(constant('PATH')."inc/cache/escape_debug.log", 'a') or mxchange_die("Cannot write debug.log!"); //* DEBUG: */ fwrite($fp, $F."(".$L."): ".str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\n", " ", $eval))."\n"); //* DEBUG: */ fclose($fp); // Run the code eval($eval); // Was the eval() command fine? if ($query == "failed") { // Something went wrong? debug_report_bug("eval={$eval}"); } // END - if if ($run === true) { // Run SQL query (default) return SQL_QUERY($query, $F, $L); } else { // Return secured string return $query; } } // Get ID from last INSERT command function SQL_INSERTID () { if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; return mysql_insert_id(); } // Escape a string for the database function SQL_ESCAPE ($str, $secureString=true, $strip=true) { // Secure string first? (which is the default behaviour!) if ($secureString) { // Then do it here $str = secureString($str, $strip); } // END - if if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) { // Fall-back to smartAddSlashes() when there is no link return smartAddSlashes($str); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) { // The new and improved version //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(".__LINE__."):str={$str}
\n"; return mysql_real_escape_string($str, SQL_GET_LINK()); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_escape_string')) { // The obsolete function return mysql_escape_string($str, SQL_GET_LINK()); } else { // If nothing else works, fall back to smartAddSlashes() return smartAddSlashes($str); } } // SELECT query string from table, columns and so on... ;-) function SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY ($table, $columns, $idRow, $id, $F, $L) { // Is columns an array? if (!is_array($columns)) { // No array trigger_error(sprintf("columns is not array. %s!=array", gettype($columns))); } // END - if // Prepare the SQL statement $sql = "SELECT `".implode("`, `", $columns)."` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_%s` WHERE ``='%s' LIMIT 1"; // Return the result return SQL_QUERY_ESC($sql, array( bigintval($id), $table, $idRow ), $F, $L); } // ALTER TABLE wrapper function function SQL_ALTER_TABLE ($sql, $F, $L) { // This is the default result... $result = false; // Determine index/fulltext/unique word // 12 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 21 $noIndex = ((eregi("INDEX", $sql) == false) && (eregi("FULLTEXT", $sql) == false) && (eregi("UNIQUE", $sql) == false)); // Shall we add/drop? if (((eregi("ADD", $sql) > 0) || (eregi("DROP", $sql) > 0)) && ($noIndex)) { // Extract table name $tableArray = explode(" ", $sql); $tableName = str_replace("`", "", $tableArray[2]); // And column name as well $columnName = str_replace("`", "", $tableArray[4]); // Get column information $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s LIKE '%s'", array($tableName, $columnName), $F, $L); // Do we have no entry on ADD or an entry on DROP? // 123 4 4 3 3 4 4 32 23 4 4 3 3 4 4 321 if (((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) && (eregi("ADD", $sql) > 0)) || ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) && (eregi("DROP", $sql) > 0))) { // Do the query $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false); } // END - if } else { // Send it to the SQL_QUERY() function $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false); } // Return result return $result; } // Getter for SQL link function SQL_GET_LINK () { // Init link $link = null; // Is it in the globals? if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_link'])) { // Then take it $link = $GLOBALS['sql_link']; } // END - if // Return it return $link; } // Setter for link function SQL_SET_LINK ($link) { // Is this a resource or null? if ((!is_resource($link)) && (!is_null($link))) { // This should never happen! trigger_error(sprintf("link is not resource or null. Type: %s", gettype($link))); } // END - if // Set it $GLOBALS['sql_link'] = $link; } // Checks if the link is up function SQL_IS_LINK_UP () { // Get the link $link = SQL_GET_LINK(); // Return the result return (is_resource($link)); } // ?>