$value) { $dataSecured[$key] = SQL_ESCAPE($value, $secure, $strip); } // END - foreach // Generate query $query = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $dataSecured); // Debugging // //* DEBUG: */ $fp = fopen(getCachePath() . 'escape_debug.log', 'a') or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot write debug.log!'); //* DEBUG: */ fwrite($fp, $F . '(' . $L . '): ' . str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", ' ', $eval)) . "\n"); //* DEBUG: */ fclose($fp); if ($run === true) { // Run SQL query (default) return SQL_QUERY($query, $F, $L); } else { // Return secured string return $query; } } // Get id from last INSERT command function SQL_INSERTID () { if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; return mysql_insert_id(); } // Escape a string for the database function SQL_ESCAPE ($str, $secureString = true, $strip = true) { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_escapes'][''.$str.''])) { // Secure string first? (which is the default behaviour!) if ($secureString === true) { // Then do it here $str = secureString($str, $strip); } // END - if if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) { // Fall-back to escapeQuotes() when there is no link $ret = escapeQuotes($str); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) { // The new and improved version //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'str='.$str); $ret = mysql_real_escape_string($str, SQL_GET_LINK()); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_escape_string')) { // The obsolete function $ret = mysql_escape_string($str, SQL_GET_LINK()); } else { // If nothing else works, fall back to escapeQuotes() again $ret = escapeQuotes($str); } // Cache result $GLOBALS['sql_escapes'][''.$str.''] = $ret; } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['sql_escapes'][''.$str.'']; } // SELECT query string from table, columns and so on... ;-) function SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY ($table, $columns, $idRow, $id, $F, $L) { // Is columns an array? if (!is_array($columns)) { // No array debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("columns is not an array. %s != array, file=%s, line=%s", gettype($columns), basename($F), $L )); // Abort here with 'false' return false; } // END - if // Prepare the SQL statement $sql = "SELECT `".implode("`,`", $columns)."` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1"; // Return the result return SQL_QUERY_ESC($sql, array( $table, $idRow, bigintval($id), ), $F, $L ); } // ALTER TABLE wrapper function function SQL_ALTER_TABLE ($sql, $F, $L) { // Abort if link is down if (!SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) return false; // This is the default result... $result = false; // Determine index/fulltext/unique word $noIndex = ( ( strpos($sql, 'INDEX') === false ) && ( strpos($sql, 'KEY') === false ) && ( strpos($sql, 'FULLTEXT') === false ) && ( strpos($sql, 'UNIQUE') === false ) ); // Extract table name $tableArray = explode(' ', $sql); $tableName = str_replace('`', '', $tableArray[2]); // Shall we add/drop? if (((strpos($sql, 'ADD') !== false) || (strpos($sql, 'DROP') !== false)) && ($noIndex === true)) { // Try two columns, one should fix foreach (array(4,5) as $idx) { // And column name as well $columnName = str_replace('`', '', $tableArray[$idx]); // Get column information $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s` LIKE '%s'", array($tableName, $columnName), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Do we have no entry on ADD or an entry on DROP? // 123 4 4 3 3 4 4 32 23 4 4 3 3 4 4 321 if (((SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) && (strpos($sql, 'ADD') !== false)) || ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) && (strpos($sql, 'DROP') !== false))) { // Do the query //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Executing: ' . $sql); $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false); // Skip further attempt(s) break; } elseif ((((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) && (strpos($sql, 'ADD') !== false)) || ((SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) && (strpos($sql, 'DROP') !== false))) && ($columnName != 'KEY')) { // Abort here because it is alreay there //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Skipped: ' . $sql); break; } elseif ($columnName != 'KEY') { // Something didn't fit //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Possible problem: ' . $sql); } } // END - foreach } elseif ((getConfig('_TABLE_TYPE') == 'InnoDB') && (strpos($sql, 'FULLTEXT') !== false)) { // Skip this query silently //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Skipped FULLTEXT: sql=%s,file=%s,line=%s", $sql, $F, $L)); } elseif ($noIndex === false) { // And column name as well //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__LINE__.':tableArray=
' . print_r($tableArray, true) . '
'); $keyName = str_replace('`', '', $tableArray[5]); // Is this "UNIQUE" or so? FULLTEXT has been handled the elseif() block above if (in_array(strtoupper($keyName), array('INDEX', 'UNIQUE', 'KEY', 'FULLTEXT'))) { // Init loop $begin = 1; $keyName = ','; while (strpos($keyName, ',') !== false) { // Use last $keyName = str_replace('`', '', $tableArray[count($tableArray) - $begin]); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $keyName . '----------------' . $begin); // Remove brackes $keyName = str_replace('(', '', str_replace(')', '', $keyName)); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $keyName . '----------------' . $begin); // Continue $begin++; } // END while } // END - if // Show indexes $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SHOW INDEX FROM `%s`", array($tableName), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Non-skipping is default for ADD $skip = false; // But should we DROP? if ($tableArray[3] == 'DROP') { // Then skip if nothing found! $skip = true; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Going to drop key ' . $keyName); } // END - if // Walk through all while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Is it found? //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__LINE__.':columnName='.$keyName.',content=
' . print_r($content, true) . '
'); if (($content['Key_name'] == $keyName) && ($tableArray[3] == 'ADD')) { // Skip this query! //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("ADD: Skiped: %s", $sql)); $skip = true; break; } elseif (($content['Key_name'] == $keyName) && ($tableArray[3] == 'DROP')) { // Don't skip this! //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("DROP: Not skiped: %s", $sql)); $skip = false; break; } } // END - while // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Shall we run it? if ($skip === false) { // Send it to the SQL_QUERY() function //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $sql); $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false); } else { // Not executed //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Not executed: ' . $sql); } } else { // Other ALTER TABLE query //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $sql); $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false); } // Return result return $result; } // Getter for SQL link function SQL_GET_LINK () { // Init link $link = null; // Is it in the globals? if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_link'])) { // Then take it $link = $GLOBALS['sql_link']; } // END - if // Return it return $link; } // Setter for link function SQL_SET_LINK ($link) { // Is this a resource or null? if ((ifFatalErrorsDetected()) && (isInstallationPhase())) { // This may happen in installation phase return; } elseif ((!is_resource($link)) && (!is_null($link))) { // This should never happen! debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("link is not resource or null. Type: %s", gettype($link))); } // END - if // Set it $GLOBALS['sql_link'] = $link; } // Checks if the link is up function SQL_IS_LINK_UP () { // Default is not up $linkUp = false; // Do we have cached this? if (isset($GLOBALS['is_sql_link_up'])) { // Then use this $linkUp = $GLOBALS['is_sql_link_up']; } else { // Get it $linkUp = is_resource(SQL_GET_LINK()); // And cache it $GLOBALS['is_sql_link_up'] = $linkUp; } // Return the result return $linkUp; } // Wrapper function to make code more readable function SQL_HASZERONUMS ($result) { // Just pass it through return (SQL_NUMROWS($result) === 0); } // Private function to prepare the SQL query string function SQL_PREPARE_SQL_STRING ($sqlString) { // Is it already cached? if (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_strings'][$sqlString])) { // Compile config+expression code $sqlString2 = FILTER_COMPILE_EXPRESSION_CODE(FILTER_COMPILE_CONFIG($sqlString)); // Do final compilation $GLOBALS['sql_strings'][$sqlString] = doFinalCompilation($sqlString2, false); } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['sql_strings'][$sqlString]; } // [EOF] ?>