0) || (isInstallationPhase())) { // Try to register the extension //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_update=' . $ext_update . ',updateTaskId=' . $updateTaskId . ',isExtensionDryRun()=' . intval(isExtensionDryRun())); $processResult = registerExtension($ext_update, $updateTaskId, isExtensionDryRun(), TRUE, $ext_name); // Reset extension name setCurrentExtensionName($ext_name); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_update=' . $ext_update . ',processResult=' . intval($processResult)); } // END - if } elseif ($ext_ver != getCurrentExtensionVersion()) { // Ok, update this extension now //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',currVer=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion()); $GLOBALS['ext_backup_name'][$ext_update][$ext_ver] = getCurrentExtensionName(); $GLOBALS['ext_backup_ver'][$ext_update][$ext_ver] = getCurrentExtensionVersion(); updateExtension($ext_update, $ext_ver, isExtensionDryRun()); setCurrentExtensionName($GLOBALS['ext_backup_name'][$ext_update][$ext_ver]); setCurrentExtensionVersion($GLOBALS['ext_backup_ver'][$ext_update][$ext_ver]); unset($GLOBALS['ext_backup_name'][$ext_update][$ext_ver]); unset($GLOBALS['ext_backup_ver'][$ext_update][$ext_ver]); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',currVer=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion()); // All okay! $processResult = TRUE; } else { // Nothing to register / update before... $processResult = TRUE; } } else { // Required file for update does not exists! $processResult = TRUE; // But this is fine for the first time... } // Restore the current extension name setCurrentExtensionName($ext_name); } // END - for // Is there no update? if (countExtensionUpdateDependencies(getCurrentExtensionName()) == 0) { // Then test is passed! //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',processResult=true,countExtensionUpdateDependencies()=0 - Test passed!'); $processResult = TRUE; } // END - if // Switch back to register mode setExtensionMode('register'); // Remains true if extension registration reports no failures //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',processResult=' . intval($processResult)); $processResult = (($processResult === TRUE) && (isExtensionReportingFailure() === FALSE)); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',processResult=' . intval($processResult)); // Does everthing before wents ok? if ($processResult === TRUE) { // "Dry-run-mode" activated? if ((isExtensionDryRun() === FALSE) && (!isExtensionOnRemovalList())) { // Init SQLs and transfer ext->generic //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); initSqls(); setSqlsArray(getExtensionSqls()); // Run installation pre-installation filters runFilterChain('pre_extension_installed', array('dry_run' => isExtensionDryRun(), 'enable_codes' => FALSE)); // Register extension //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'insert=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . '/' . getCurrentExtensionVersion() . ' - INSERT!'); if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.6')) { // New way, with CSS //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',always_active=' . getThisExtensionAlwaysActive() . ', ext_ver=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion() . 'ext_css=' . getExtensionHasCss()); SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`, `ext_active`, `ext_version`, `ext_has_css`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", array( getCurrentExtensionName(), getThisExtensionAlwaysActive(), getCurrentExtensionVersion(), getExtensionHasCss() ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Old way, no CSS //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',always_active=' . getThisExtensionAlwaysActive() . ', ext_ver=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion()); SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`, `ext_active`, `ext_version`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')", array( getCurrentExtensionName(), getThisExtensionAlwaysActive(), getCurrentExtensionVersion() ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Use the insert id as extension id and cache it for early usage $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_id'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = SQL_INSERTID(); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'][SQL_INSERTID()] = getCurrentExtensionName(); // Mark it as installed $GLOBALS['ext_is_installed'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = TRUE; // Remove cache file(s) if extension is active runFilterChain('post_extension_installed', array( 'pool' => 'extension', 'ext_name' => getCurrentExtensionName(), 'task_id' => $taskId )); // Re-init queries and notes initExtensionSqls(TRUE); initExtensionNotes(TRUE); // In normal mode return a true on success $ret = TRUE; } elseif (isExtensionDryRun() === TRUE) { // In "dry-run" mode do always return a true $ret = TRUE; } else { // Extension has been removed for updates, so all is fine! $ret = TRUE; } } else { // No, an error occurs while registering extension :-( //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); $ret = FALSE; } } elseif (($taskId > 0) && (getCurrentExtensionName() != '')) { // Remove task from system when id and extension's name is valid //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `id`=%s AND `status`='NEW' LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($taskId)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // @TODO This redirect is still needed to register sql_patches! Please try to avoid it if (($ret === TRUE) && ($isDryRun === FALSE) && ($ext_name == 'sql_patches') && (!isInstallationPhase())) { /* * This is a really dirty hack to prevent an error about a missing * configuration entry which should be there after registration of * ext-sql_patches. */ redirectToRequestUri(); } // END - if // Return status code //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',processResult=' . intval($processResult) . ',ret=' . intval($ret) . ' - EXIT!'); return $ret; } // Run SQL queries for given extension id // @TODO Change from ext_id to ext_name (not just even the variable! ;-) ) function doExtensionSqls ($ext_id, $load_mode) { // This shall never do a non-admin user but installation phase is okay if ((!isAdmin()) && (!isInstallationPhase())) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_id=' . $ext_id. ',load_mode=' . $load_mode . ',isAdmin()=' . intval(isAdmin()) . ',isInstallationPhase()=' . intval(isInstallationPhase()) . ' - ABORT!'); return FALSE; } // END - if // Get extension's name $ext_name = getExtensionName($ext_id); // Set current SQL name setCurrentExtensionName($ext_name); // Init EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS if (!isExtensionUpdateDependenciesInitialized()) { // Init here... initExtensionUpdateDependencies(); } // END - if // Init array initExtensionSqls(TRUE); // By default no SQL has been executed $sqlRan = FALSE; // Load extension in detected mode //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name[' . $ext_id . ']=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',load_mode=' . $load_mode); loadExtension(getCurrentExtensionName(), $load_mode, '0.0.0', FALSE); // Init these SQLs initSqls(); setSqlsArray(getExtensionSqls()); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'SQLs::count=' . countSqls()); // Are there entries? if (isSqlsValid()) { // Run SQL commands... runFilterChain('run_sqls'); } // END - if // Run any filters depending on the action here runFilterChain('extension_' . $load_mode); // Remove cache file(s) if extension is active if (((isExtensionActive('cache')) && ((!SQL_HASZEROAFFECTED()) || ($sqlRan === TRUE) || ($load_mode == 'activate') || ($load_mode == 'deactivate')))) { // Run filters runFilterChain('post_extension_run_sql', getCurrentExtensionName()); } // END - if // Is this the sql_patches? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'id=' . $ext_id . ',currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',loadMode=' . $load_mode); if ((getCurrentExtensionName() == 'sql_patches') && (($load_mode == 'register') || ($load_mode == 'remove'))) { // Then redirect to logout //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ': LOAD!'); redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=admin&logout=1&' . $load_mode . '=sql_patches'); } // END - if } // Check whether the given extension is installed function isExtensionInstalled ($ext_name) { // We don't like empty extension names here //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - ENTERED!'); if (empty($ext_name)) { // Please fix them all reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name is empty.'); } // END - if // By default non is installed $isInstalled = FALSE; // Check if there is a cache entry if (isset($GLOBALS['ext_is_installed'][$ext_name])) { // Use cache built from below queries //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - CACHE!'); $isInstalled = $GLOBALS['ext_is_installed'][$ext_name]; } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_id'][$ext_name])) { // Found! //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - FOUND!'); $isInstalled = TRUE; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif (isInstallationPhase()) { // Extensions are all inactive/not installed during installation //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - installation phase detected.'); } else { // Look in database $ext_id = getExtensionId($ext_name); // Is there a record? $isInstalled = ($ext_id > 0); // Log debug message //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_id=' . $ext_id . ',isInstalled=' . intval($isInstalled)); // Is it installed, then cache the entry if ($isInstalled === TRUE) { // Dummy call (get is okay here) getExtensionId($ext_name, TRUE); } // END - if // Remember the status $GLOBALS['ext_is_installed'][$ext_name] = $isInstalled; } // Return status //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',isInstalled=' . intval($isInstalled) . ' - EXIT!'); return $isInstalled; } // Check if given extension is active function isExtensionActive ($ext_name) { if (isInstallationPhase()) { // Extensions are all inactive during installation //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extensions are always inactive while installation phase. ext_name=' . $ext_name); return FALSE; } elseif (empty($ext_name)) { // Empty extension names must befixed reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Empty extension name provided.'); } elseif (!isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Not installed extensions are always inactive //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Not installed extensions are always inactive. ext_name=' . $ext_name); return FALSE; } // Not active is the default $data['ext_active'] = 'N'; // Check cache if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_active'][$ext_name])) { // Load from cache //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'CACHE! ext_name=' . $ext_name); $data['ext_active'] = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_active'][$ext_name]; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif (isExtensionLoaded($ext_name)) { // @TODO Extension is loaded, what next? reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'LOADED:' . $ext_name); } elseif (($ext_name == 'cache') || (!isExtensionInstalled('cache'))) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'DB! ext_name=' . $ext_name); // Load from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `ext_active` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load entry $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Write cache array //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . '[DB]: ' . $data['ext_active']); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_active'][$ext_name] = $data['ext_active']; } else { // Extension not active! //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ': Not active!'); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_active'][$ext_name] = 'N'; } // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',active=' . $data['ext_active']); // Is this extension activated? (For admins we always have active extensions...) return ($data['ext_active'] == 'Y'); } // Get version from extensions function getExtensionVersion ($ext_name, $force = FALSE) { // By default no extension is found //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - ENTERED!'); $data['ext_version'] = 'false'; // Empty extension name should be fixed! if (empty($ext_name)) { // Please report this bug! reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name is empty which is not allowed here.'); } // END - if // Extensions are all inactive during installation if (isInstallationPhase()) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',force=' . intval($force) . ' - Installation phase detected, returning empty version.'); return ''; } // END - if // Is the cache written? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - Checking cache ...'); if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_version'][$ext_name])) { // Load data from cache //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - CACHE!'); $data['ext_version'] = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_version'][$ext_name]; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif ((!isCacheInstanceValid()) || (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'])) || (!isHtmlOutputMode())) { // Load from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `ext_version` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ': DB - '.SQL_NUMROWS($result).''); // Is the extension there? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load entry $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); // Set cache $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_version'][$ext_name] = $data['ext_version']; } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Not found, may happen while an extension is uninstalled logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Cannot find extension %s in database!", $ext_name)); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // Extension version should not be invalid if (($data['ext_version'] == 'false') && ($force === FALSE)) { // Please report this trouble reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Extension %s has empty version!", $ext_name)); } // END - if // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_version=' . $data['ext_version']); return $data['ext_version']; } // Updates a given extension with current extension version to latest version function updateExtension ($ext_name, $ext_ver, $isDryRun = FALSE, $ignoreDependencies = FALSE) { // Only admins are allowed to update extensions //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_ver=' . $ext_ver . ',isDryRun=' . intval($isDryRun) . ',ignoreDependencies=' . intval($ignoreDependencies) . ' - ENTERED!'); if ((!isAdmin()) || (empty($ext_name))) { // Called as non-admin or empty extension reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called as non-admin (isAdmin()=' . intval(isAdmin()) . '), or empty extension name. ext_name=' . $ext_name); } // END - if // Set current SQL name setCurrentExtensionName($ext_name); // Is this extension update already running? if ((isExtensionUpdateRunning($ext_name, $ignoreDependencies)) && ($isDryRun === FALSE)) { // This is fine but needs logging ATM //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - already in update phase, all fine.'); //* BUG: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - already in update phase, please investigate!'); return TRUE; } // END - if // Init arrays initExtensionSqls(); initExtensionNotes(); initIncludePool('extension'); // Load extension in test mode loadExtension($ext_name, 'test', $ext_ver, isExtensionDryRun()); // Save version history $history = getExtensionVersionHistory(); // Remove old SQLs array to prevent possible bugs initExtensionSqls(); // Check if version is updated //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, getCurrentExtensionName() . '/' . $ext_name . ':' . getThisExtensionVersion() . '/' . $ext_ver . '/' . intval(is_array($history))); if (((getThisExtensionVersion() != $ext_ver) || (isExtensionDryRun())) && (is_array($history))) { // Search for starting point (-1 for making 0.0 -> 0.0.0 switch work) $start = -1; if ($ext_ver != '0.0') { $start = array_search($ext_ver, $history); } // END - if // And load SQL queries in order of version history for ($idx = ($start + 1); $idx < count($history); $idx++) { // Set extension version $GLOBALS['update_ver'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = $history[$idx]; // Load again... loadExtension(getCurrentExtensionName(), 'update', $GLOBALS['update_ver'][getCurrentExtensionName()], isExtensionDryRun()); // Get all depencies $depencies = getExtensionUpdateDependencies(); // Nothing to apply? if (count($depencies) > 0) { // Apply all extension depencies foreach ($depencies as $ext_depend) { // Did we already update/register this? if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_updated'][$ext_depend])) { // Set it as current setCurrentExtensionName($ext_depend); // Mark it as already updated before we update it $GLOBALS['ext_updated'][$ext_depend] = TRUE; // Is the extension there? if (isExtensionInstalled($ext_depend)) { // Update another extension first! $processResult = updateExtension($ext_depend, getExtensionVersion($ext_depend), isExtensionDryRun(), TRUE); } else { // Register new extension $processResult = registerExtension($ext_depend, NULL, isExtensionDryRun()); } } // END - if } // END - foreach // Set name back setCurrentExtensionName($ext_name); // Set extension version here setCurrentExtensionVersion($ext_ver); } // END - if // Add notes addExtensionNotes($history[$idx]); } // END - for // In real-mode execute any existing includes if (isExtensionDryRun() === FALSE) { $GLOBALS['ext_inc_pool'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = getIncludePool('extension'); runFilterChain('load_includes', 'extension'); setIncludePool('extension', $GLOBALS['ext_inc_pool'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); unset($GLOBALS['ext_inc_pool'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); } // END - if // Init these SQLs initSqls(); setSqlsArray(getExtensionSqls()); // Run SQLs runFilterChain('run_sqls', array('dry_run' => isExtensionDryRun(), 'enable_codes' => FALSE)); if (isExtensionDryRun() === FALSE) { // Run filters on success extension update runFilterChain('extension_update', getCurrentExtensionName()); } // END - if } // END - if //* DEBUG: */logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_ver=' . $ext_ver . ',isDryRun=' . intval($isDryRun) . ',ignoreDependencies=' . intval($ignoreDependencies) . ' - EXIT!'); } // Output verbose SQL table for extension function addExtensionVerboseSqlTable ($title = '{--ADMIN_SQLS_EXECUTED_ON_REMOVAL--}') { // Empty title? if (empty($title)) { // Then abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'title is empty.'); } // END - if // Init variables $OUT = ''; // Is there queries? if (isVerboseSqlEnabled()) { // Are there entries? if (countExtensionSqls() > 0) { // Init counter $idx = 0; // Get all SQLs foreach (getExtensionSqls() as $sqls) { // New array format is recursive foreach ($sqls as $sql) { // Trim out spaces $sql = trim($sql); // Output command if set if (!empty($sql)) { // Prepare output for template $content = array( 'i' => ($idx + 1), 'sql' => str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('{', '}'), encodeEntities($sql)) ); // Load row template $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_extension_sql_row', TRUE, $content); // Count up $idx++; } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - foreach // Prepare content for template $content = array( 'title' => $title, 'rows' => $OUT ); // Load main template $OUT = loadTemplate('admin_extension_sql_table', TRUE, $content); } else { // No addional SQL commands to run $OUT = displayMessage('{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_VERBOSE_SQLS_404--}', TRUE); } } // END - if // Return output return $OUT; } // Get extension name from id function getExtensionName ($ext_id) { // Init extension name $data['ext_name'] = ''; // Is cache there? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'][$ext_id])) { // Load from cache $data['ext_name'] = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'][$ext_id]; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif (!isExtensionActive('cache')) { // Load from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `ext_name` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($ext_id)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is the entry there? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Get the extension's name from database $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // Did we find some extension? if (empty($data['ext_name'])) { // We should fix these all! reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name is empty. ext_id=' . $ext_id); } // END - if // Return the extension name return $data['ext_name']; } // Get extension id from name function getExtensionId ($ext_name) { // Init id number $data['ext_id'] = '0'; // Is there cache? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_id'][$ext_name])) { // Load from cache $data['ext_id'] = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_id'][$ext_name]; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } else { // Load from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` AS `ext_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is the entry there? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Get the extension's id from database $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Cache it $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_id'][$ext_name] = $data['ext_id']; } // Return value return $data['ext_id']; } // Determines whether the given extension name is valid function isExtensionNameValid ($ext_name) { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_name_valid'][$ext_name])) { // Generate include file name $INC = sprintf("inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $ext_name); // Is there a file in inc/extensions/ ? $GLOBALS['ext_name_valid'][$ext_name] = isIncludeReadable($INC); } // END - if // Return result return $GLOBALS['ext_name_valid'][$ext_name]; } // Determines whether the given extension id is valid function isExtensionIdValid ($ext_id) { // Default is nothing valid $isValid = FALSE; // Check in cache then in database if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'][$ext_id])) { // Valid! $isValid = TRUE; // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } else { // Query database $isValid = (countSumTotalData($ext_id, 'extensions', 'id', 'id', TRUE) == 1); } // Return result return $isValid; } // Activate given extension function doActivateExtension ($ext_name) { // Is the extension installed? if (!isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Non-installed extensions cannot be activated reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Tried to activate non-installed extension ' . $ext_name); } // END - if // Activate the extension SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` SET `ext_active`='Y' WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Then run all queries doExtensionSqls(getExtensionId($ext_name), 'activate'); } // Deactivate given extension function doDeactivateExtension ($ext_name, $inRebuild = FALSE) { // Is the extension installed? if (!isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Non-installed extensions cannot be activated reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Tried to deactivate non-installed extension ' . $ext_name . ',getExtensionMode()=' . getExtensionMode()); } // END - if // Activate the extension SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` SET `ext_active`='N' WHERE `ext_name`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Then run all queries doExtensionSqls(getExtensionId($ext_name), 'deactivate'); // Create new task (we ignore the task id here) createExtensionDeactivationTask($ext_name); // Do not rebuild cache if it is already been rebuild if ($inRebuild === FALSE) { // Rebuild cache rebuildCache('extension', 'extension'); } // END - if // Notify the admin sendAdminNotification( '{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_DEACTIVATED_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_extension_deactivated', array('ext_name' => $ext_name) ); } // Checks whether the extension is older than given function isExtensionOlder ($ext_name, $ext_ver) { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$ext_ver])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$ext_ver] = (version_compare(getExtensionVersion($ext_name), $ext_ver, '<') === TRUE); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$ext_ver]; } // Creates a new task for updated extension function createExtensionUpdateTask ($adminId, $ext_name, $ext_ver, $notes) { // Create subject line $subject = '[UPDATE-' . $ext_name . '-' . $ext_ver . ':] {--ADMIN_UPDATE_EXTENSION_SUBJECT--}'; // Get task id $taskId = determineTaskIdBySubject($subject); // Is the extension there? if (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) { // Check if task is not there if ($taskId == '0') { // Create extension update-task $taskId = createNewTask($subject, $notes, 'EXTENSION_UPDATE', 0, $adminId); } // END - if } else { // Extension not there! :-( reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Extension %s not found but should be updated?", $ext_name)); } // Return task id return $taskId; } // Creates a new task for newly installed extension function createNewExtensionTask ($ext_name) { // Generate subject line $subject = sprintf("[%s:]", $ext_name); // Get task id $taskId = determineTaskIdBySubject($subject); // Not installed and do we have created a task for the admin? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',taskId[' . gettype($taskId) . ']=' . $taskId); if (((is_null($taskId)) || ($taskId == '0')) && (!isExtensionInstalled($ext_name))) { // Set default message if ext-foo is missing $message = '{%message,ADMIN_EXTENSION_TEXT_FILE_MISSING=' . $ext_name . '%}'; // Template file $FQFN = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/ext/ext_%s.tpl", getPath(), getLanguage(), $ext_name ); // Load text for task if found if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Load extension's description template (but do not compile the code) $message = loadTemplate('ext_' . $ext_name, TRUE, array(), FALSE); } else { // Write this in debug.log as well logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $message); } // Task not created so it's a brand-new extension which we need to register and create a task for! $taskId = createNewTask($subject, $message, 'EXTENSION', 0, getCurrentAdminId(), FALSE); } // END - if // Return task id return $taskId; } // Creates a task for automatically deactivated (deprecated) extension function createExtensionDeactivationTask ($ext_name) { // Create subject line $subject = sprintf("[%s:] %s", $ext_name, '{--ADMIN_TASK_EXTENSION_DEACTIVATED_SUBJECT--}'); // Get task id $taskId = determineTaskIdBySubject($subject); // Not installed and do we have created a task for the admin? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',taskId[' . gettype($taskId) . ']=' . $taskId); if (((is_null($taskId)) || ($taskId == '0')) && (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name))) { // Task not created so add it $taskId = createNewTask($subject, SQL_ESCAPE(loadTemplate('task_EXTENSION_deactivated', TRUE, $ext_name)), 'EXTENSION_DEACTIVATION'); } // END - if // Return task id return $taskId; } // Determines the task id for given extension function determineExtensionTaskId ($ext_name) { // Is it installation phase and table task_system is not found? if ((isInstallationPhase()) && (!ifSqlTableExists('task_system'))) { // Then return NULL (not found) return NULL; } // END - if // Default is not found $data['task_id'] = NULL; // Search for extension task's id $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` AS task_id FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `task_type`='EXTENSION' AND `subject`='[%s:]' LIMIT 1", array($ext_name), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Task found so load task's id and register extension... $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return it return $data['task_id']; } // Determines the task id for given subject function determineTaskIdBySubject ($subject) { // Default is not found $data['task_id'] = '0'; // Search for task id $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` AS task_id FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `subject` LIKE '%s%%' LIMIT 1", array($subject), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Task found so load task's id and register extension... $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return it return $data['task_id']; } // Add updates notes for given version function addExtensionNotes ($ext_ver) { // Init notes/content $out = ''; $content = array(); // Is do we have verbose output enabled? if ((!isExtensionActive('sql_patches')) || (isVerboseSqlEnabled())) { // Update notes found? if ((isExtensionUpdateNoteSet($ext_ver)) && ($ext_ver != '0.0.0')) { // Update notes found $content = array( 'ver' => $ext_ver, 'notes' => getExtensionUpdateNotes($ext_ver) ); // Reset them setExtensionUpdateNotes('', $ext_ver); } elseif ($ext_ver == '0.0.0') { // Is the extension productive? if (isExtensionProductive(getCurrentExtensionName())) { // Initial release $content = array( 'ver' => $ext_ver, 'notes' => '{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_INITIAL_RELEASE--}' ); } else { // Not productive $content = array( 'ver' => $ext_ver, 'notes' => '{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_DEVELOPER_RELEASE--}' ); } } else { // No update notes found $content = array( 'ver' => $ext_ver, 'notes' => '{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_UPDATE_NOTICES_404--}' ); } // Load template $out = loadTemplate('admin_extension_notes', TRUE, $content); } // END - if // Add the notes appendExtensionNotes($out); } // Getter for CSS files array function getExtensionCssFiles () { // By default no additional CSS files are found $cssFiles = array(); // Is the array there? if (isset($GLOBALS['css_files'])) { // Then use it $cssFiles = $GLOBALS['css_files']; } // END - if // Return array return $cssFiles; } // Init CSS files array function initExtensionCssFiles () { // Simply init it $GLOBALS['css_files'] = array(); } // Add new entry function addExtensionCssFile ($file) { // Is the array there? if (!isset($GLOBALS['css_files'])) { // Then auto-init them initExtensionCssFiles(); } // END - if // Add the entry array_push($GLOBALS['css_files'], $file); } // Setter for EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE flag function setExtensionAlwaysActive ($active) { $GLOBALS['ext_always_active'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (string) $active; } // Getter for EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE flag function getThisExtensionAlwaysActive () { return $GLOBALS['ext_always_active'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Checks whether the current extension is always active function isThisExtensionAlwaysActive () { return (getThisExtensionAlwaysActive() == 'Y'); } // Setter for EXT_VERSION flag function setThisExtensionVersion ($ext_version) { $GLOBALS['ext_version'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (string) $ext_version; } // Getter for EXT_VERSION flag function getThisExtensionVersion () { return $GLOBALS['ext_version'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Setter for EXT_DEPRECATED flag function setExtensionDeprecated ($deprecated) { $GLOBALS['ext_deprecated'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (string) $deprecated; } // Getter for EXT_DEPRECATED flag function isExtensionDeprecated ($ext_name = NULL) { // Default is from current (NULL) extension $isDeprecated = ($GLOBALS['ext_deprecated'][getCurrentExtensionName()] == 'Y'); // Is ext_name set? if (!is_null($ext_name)) { // Then use it instead $isDeprecated = ((isset($GLOBALS['ext_deprecated'][$ext_name])) && ($GLOBALS['ext_deprecated'][$ext_name] == 'Y')); } // END - if // Return it return $isDeprecated; } // Setter for EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS flag function addExtensionDependency ($updateDepends) { // Is the update depency empty? (NEED TO BE FIXED!) //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . '/' . $updateDepends . ',extensionMode=' . getExtensionMode() . ' - ENTERED!'); if (empty($updateDepends)) { // Please report this bug! reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'updateDepends is empty: currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); } // END - if // Is it not yet added? if ((isset($updateDepends, $GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) && (in_array($updateDepends, getExtensionUpdatesRunning()))) { /* * Double-adding happens when the extension and an update of the same * extension requires the same other extension again. */ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'updateDepends=' . $updateDepends . ',extensionMode=' . getExtensionMode() . ',currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' - called twice.'); return; } // END - if // Add it to the list of extension update depencies map array_push($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()], $updateDepends); // Init array if ((!isset($GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) || (!is_array($GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()]))) { $GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = array(); } // END - if // Remember it in the list of running updates array_push($GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()], $updateDepends); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . '/' . $updateDepends . ',extensionMode=' . getExtensionMode() . ' - EXIT!'); } // Getter for running updates function getExtensionUpdatesRunning () { return $GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Checks whether the given extension registration is in progress function isExtensionRegistrationRunning ($ext_name) { // Simply check it $isRunning = ((isset($GLOBALS['ext_register_running'])) && (in_array($ext_name, $GLOBALS['ext_register_running']))); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ', isRunning=' . intval($isRunning)); return $isRunning; } // Init EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS flag function initExtensionUpdateDependencies () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' - ENTERED!'); // Init update depency map automatically if not found if (isExtensionUpdateDependenciesInitialized()) { // We need these bug reports as well... reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '() is called twice: currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); } // END - if $GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = array(); // Init running updates array initExtensionRuningUpdates(); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' - EXIT!'); } // Adds an extension as "registration in progress" function addExtensionRunningRegistration ($ext_name) { // Is it running? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Registration in progress: ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - ENTERED!'); if (isExtensionRegistrationRunning($ext_name)) { // This is really bad and should not be quietly ignored reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '() already called! ext_name=' . $ext_name); } // END - if // Then add it! array_push($GLOBALS['ext_register_running'], $ext_name); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Registration in progress: ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - EXIT!'); } // Checks whether EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS is initialized function isExtensionUpdateDependenciesInitialized () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); return (isset($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()])); } // Checks whether an update is already running for given extension function isExtensionUpdateRunning ($ext_name, $ignoreDependencies = FALSE) { // Current and given extensions means whole array //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ignoreDependencies=' . intval($ignoreDependencies) . ' - ENTERED!'); if ($ext_name == getCurrentExtensionName()) { // Default is not found $isRunning = FALSE; // Walk through whole array foreach ($GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'] as $ext1 => $depends) { // Is it found? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext1=' . $ext1 . ',ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',depends=' . print_r($depends, TRUE)); if (($ext1 == $ext_name) || ((in_array($ext_name, $depends)) && ($ignoreDependencies === FALSE))) { // Found $isRunning = TRUE; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext1=' . $ext1 . ',ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',isRunning=true - FOUND!'); break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ignoreDependencies=' . intval($ignoreDependencies) . ', isRunning=' . intval($isRunning) . ' - ALT-EXIT!'); return $isRunning; } // END - if // Simply check it $isRunning = ((isExtensionUpdateDependenciesInitialized()) && (in_array($ext_name, getExtensionRunningUpdates()))); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentExtension=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ignoreDependencies=' . intval($ignoreDependencies) . ', isRunning=' . intval($isRunning) . ' - EXIT!'); return $isRunning; } // Initializes the list of running updates function initExtensionRuningUpdates () { // Auto-init ext_running_updates if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'])) { $GLOBALS['ext_running_updates'] = array(); $GLOBALS['ext_register_running'] = array(); } // END - if } // Getter for EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS flag function getExtensionUpdateDependencies () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); return $GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Getter for next iterator depency function getExtensionUpdateDependenciesIterator () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); return ($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getExtensionUpdateIterator()]); } // Counter for extension update depencies function countExtensionUpdateDependencies () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . '=' . count($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()])); return count($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); } // Removes given extension from update denpency list function removeExtensionDependency ($ext_name) { // Look it up $key = array_search($ext_name, getExtensionUpdateDependencies()); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',key[' . gettype($key) . ']=' . $key); // Is it valid? if ($key !== FALSE) { // Then remove it unset($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()][$key]); // And sort the array ksort($GLOBALS['ext_update_depends'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); } // END - if } // Init iterator for update depencies function initExtensionUpdateIterator () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); $GLOBALS['ext_depend_iterator'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = '0'; } // Getter for depency iterator function getExtensionUpdateIterator () { // Auto-init iterator if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_depend_iterator'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) { // Initialize update iterator initExtensionUpdateIterator(); } // END - if // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . '=' . $GLOBALS['ext_depend_iterator'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); return $GLOBALS['ext_depend_iterator'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Increments the update iterator function incrementExtensionUpdateIterator () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currName=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); $GLOBALS['ext_depend_iterator'][getCurrentExtensionName()]++; } // Setter for EXT_REPORTS_FAILURE flag function enableExtensionReportingFailure ($reportsFailure = FALSE) { $GLOBALS['ext_reports_failure'] = (bool) $reportsFailure; } // Getter for EXT_REPORTS_FAILURE flag function isExtensionReportingFailure () { return $GLOBALS['ext_reports_failure']; } // Setter for EXT_VER_HISTORY flag function setExtensionVersionHistory ($versionHistory) { $GLOBALS['ext_ver_history'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (array) $versionHistory; } // Getter for EXT_VER_HISTORY array function getExtensionVersionHistory () { // Is it set? if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_ver_history'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) { // Then abort here to a avoid an ugly "Undefined index" error reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extension ext-' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' has no history set! Is this extension empty?'); } // END - if // Return the history return $GLOBALS['ext_ver_history'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Setter for EXT_UPDATE_NOTICES function setExtensionUpdateNotes ($updateNotes, $ext_ver = '') { // //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getCurrentExtensionName()=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',getExtensionMode()=' . getExtensionMode() . ',ext_ver=' . $ext_ver . '/' . getCurrentExtensionVersion() . ',updateNotes(length)=' . strlen($updateNotes)); if (empty($ext_ver)) { $GLOBALS['ext_update_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentExtensionVersion()] = (string) $updateNotes; } else { $GLOBALS['ext_update_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()][$ext_ver] = (string) $updateNotes; } } // Getter for EXT_UPDATE_NOTICES function getExtensionUpdateNotes ($ext_ver) { return $GLOBALS['ext_update_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()][$ext_ver]; } // Checks if ext_update_notes is set function isExtensionUpdateNoteSet ($ext_ver) { return isset($GLOBALS['ext_update_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()][$ext_ver]); } // Init extension notice function initExtensionNotes ($force = FALSE) { // Is it already initialized? if (($force === FALSE) && (isset($GLOBALS['ext_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()]))) { // This is mostly not wanted, so please report it reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_notes already set for extension ' . getCurrentExtensionName()); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getCurrentExtensionName()=' . getCurrentExtensionName()); $GLOBALS['ext_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = ''; } // Append extension notice function appendExtensionNotes ($notes) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getCurrentExtensionName()=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ', notes(length)=' . strlen($notes)); $GLOBALS['ext_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()] .= (string) trim($notes); } // Getter for extension notes function getExtensionNotes () { return $GLOBALS['ext_notes'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Setter for current extension name function setCurrentExtensionName ($ext_name) { $GLOBALS['curr_extension_name'] = (string) trim($ext_name); } // Getter for current extension name function getCurrentExtensionName () { if (!isset($GLOBALS['curr_extension_name'])) { // Not set! reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'curr_extension_name not initialized. Please execute initExtensionSqls() before calling this function.'); } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['curr_extension_name']; } // Init SQLs array for current extension function initExtensionSqls ($force = FALSE) { // Auto-init the array or if forced if (($force === TRUE) || (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()]))) { // Set the array $GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = array(); // Initialize the generic array initSqls(); } // END - if } // Adds SQLs to the SQLs array but "assigns" it with current extension name function addExtensionSql ($sql) { // Is is the array there? if ((!isset($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentExtensionVersion()])) || (!is_array($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentExtensionVersion()]))) { // Init array $GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentExtensionVersion()] = array(); } // END - if // Is the SQL statement empty? if (empty($sql)) { /* * Abort here as this may happen if getExtensionMode() is 'activate' or * 'deactivate'. This means that for 'mode' are no SQL statements * specified. */ return; } // END - if // Add it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',ext_version=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion() . ',sql=' . $sql); array_push($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentExtensionVersion()], $sql); } // Getter for SQLs array for current extension function getExtensionSqls () { // Output debug backtrace if not found (SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!) if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) { // Not found, should not happen reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("ext_sqls is empty, current extension: %s", getCurrentExtensionName() )); } // END - if // Return the array return $GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Count SQLs for current extension function countExtensionSqls () { // Output debug backtrace if not found (SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!) if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) { // Not found, should not happen reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("ext_sqls is empty, current extension: %s", getCurrentExtensionName() )); } // END - if // Count them all return count($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); } // Removes SQLs for current extension function unsetExtensionSqls () { unset($GLOBALS['ext_sqls'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); } // Auto-initializes the removal list function initExtensionRemovalList () { // Is the remove list there? if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_update_remove'])) { // Then create it $GLOBALS['ext_update_remove'] = array(); } // END - if } // Checks whether the current extension is on the removal list function isExtensionOnRemovalList () { // Init removal list initExtensionRemovalList(); // Is it there? return (in_array(getCurrentExtensionName(), $GLOBALS['ext_update_remove'])); } // Adds the current extension to the removal list function addCurrentExtensionToRemovalList () { // Simply add it array_push($GLOBALS['ext_update_remove'], getCurrentExtensionName()); } // Getter for removal list function getExtensionRemovalList () { // Return the removal list return $GLOBALS['ext_update_remove']; } // Redirects if the provided extension is not installed function redirectOnUninstalledExtension ($ext_name) { // So is the extension there? if ((!isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) || (!isExtensionActive($ext_name))) { // Redirect to index redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . getCode('EXTENSION_PROBLEM') . '&ext=' . $ext_name); } // END - if } // Filter for initialization of all extensions by loading them in 'init' mode function FILTER_INIT_EXTENSIONS () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ENTERED!'); // Init notification pool initIncludePool('notify'); // Are there some entries? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'])) { // Load all found extensions if found //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'CACHE - START!'); foreach ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_name'] as $key => $ext_name) { // Load it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - START'); loadExtension($ext_name, 'init', getExtensionVersion($ext_name)); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - END'); } // END - foreach //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'CACHE - END!'); } // END - if // Run any notifications runFilterChain('load_includes', 'notify'); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'EXIT!'); } // Setter for extension mode function setExtensionMode ($ext_mode) { $GLOBALS['ext_mode'] = (string) $ext_mode; } // Getter for extension mode function getExtensionMode () { return $GLOBALS['ext_mode']; } // Setter for dry-run function enableExtensionDryRun ($isDryRun = TRUE) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getCurrentExtensionName()='.getCurrentExtensionName().',isDryRun='.intval($isDryRun)); $GLOBALS['ext_isDryRun'] = (bool) $isDryRun; } // Getter for dry-run function isExtensionDryRun () { return $GLOBALS['ext_isDryRun']; } // Setter for current extension version function setCurrentExtensionVersion ($ext_ver) { // ext_ver should never be empty in other modes than 'test' if ((empty($ext_ver)) && (getExtensionMode() != 'test')) { // Please report all these messages reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_ver is empty. Current extension name: ' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ', mode=' . getExtensionMode()); } // END - if // Add version //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ', ext_ver[' . gettype($ext_ver) . ']=' . $ext_ver); $GLOBALS['ext_current_version'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (string) $ext_ver; } // Getter for current extension version function getCurrentExtensionVersion () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ', ext_ver=' . $GLOBALS['ext_current_version'][getCurrentExtensionName()]); return $GLOBALS['ext_current_version'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; } // Remove the extension from cache array function removeExtensionFromArray () { // "Cache" this name $ext_name = getCurrentExtensionName(); // Now loop through the whole cache foreach ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'] as $cacheName => $cacheArray) { // Is it an element? if (isset($cacheArray[$ext_name])) { // Array element unset($cacheArray[$ext_name]); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'][$cacheName] = $cacheArray; } else { // Maybe in array? $key = array_search($ext_name, $cacheArray); // Is it there? if ($key !== FALSE) { // Found, so remove it unset($cacheArray[$key]); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension'][$cacheName] = $cacheArray; } // END - if } } // END - foreach // Remove from other caches as well unset($GLOBALS['ext_is_installed'][$ext_name]); unset($GLOBALS['loaded_extension'][$ext_name]); } // "Getter" for 'extension has a CSS file' (with same name, of course) function getExtensionHasCss () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentTheme()])) { // Construct FQFN for check $FQFN = sprintf("%stheme/%s/css/%s.css", getPath(), getCurrentTheme(), getCurrentExtensionName() ); // Is it there? $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentTheme()] = convertBooleanToYesNo(isFileReadable($FQFN)); } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][getCurrentExtensionName()][getCurrentTheme()]; } // Checks whether the given extension has a language file function ifExtensionHasLanguageFile ($ext_name) { // Is there cache? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_lang'][$ext_name])) { // Count cache hits incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } else { // Determine it and put it in cache $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_lang'][$ext_name] = convertBooleanToYesNo(isLanguageIncludeReadable($ext_name)); } // Return result return ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_lang'][$ext_name] == 'Y'); } // Load current extension's include file function loadCurrentExtensionInclude () { // Is it readable? if (!isExtensionIncludeReadable()) { // Not readable reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extension ' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' should be loaded, but is not readable.'); } // END - if // Generate INC name $INC = sprintf("inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", getCurrentExtensionName()); // Load it loadInclude($INC); } // Checks whether an extension is readable function isExtensionIncludeReadable ($ext_name = '') { // If empty, use current if (empty($ext_name)) { $ext_name = getCurrentExtensionName(); } // END - if // Array found? if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_inc_readable'][$ext_name])) { // Generate INC name $INC = sprintf("inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", getCurrentExtensionName()); // Is it readable? $GLOBALS['ext_inc_readable'][$ext_name] = isIncludeReadable($INC); } // END - if // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',realable='.intval($GLOBALS['ext_inc_readable'][$ext_name])); return $GLOBALS['ext_inc_readable'][$ext_name]; } // Checks if an extension's function file is readable function isExtensionFunctionFileReadable ($ext_name) { // Is cache there? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name); if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_func'][$ext_name])) { // Just count cache hits //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_func=' . $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_func'][$ext_name] .' - CACHE!'); incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } else { // Construct IFN for functions file $funcsInclude = sprintf("inc/libs/%s_functions.php", $ext_name); // Is this include there? $isIncludeFound = ((isFileReadable($funcsInclude)) && (!isExtensionLibraryLoaded($ext_name)) && (getExtensionMode() == 'test')); // And put in cache, converted $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_func'][$ext_name] = convertBooleanToYesNo($isIncludeFound); } // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_func=' . $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_func'][$ext_name]); return ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_func'][$ext_name] == 'Y'); } // Adds a CREATE TABLE statement if the requested table is not there function addCreateTableSql ($tableName, $sql, $comment) { // Is the table not there? if (!ifSqlTableExists($tableName)) { // Is not found, so add it addExtensionSql('CREATE TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName . '` (' . $sql . ') ENGINE = {?_TABLE_TYPE?} CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci COMMENT ' . chr(39) . $comment . chr(39)); } else { // Is already there, which should not happen reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'The table ' . $tableName . ' is already created which should not happen.'); } } // Adds a DROP TABLE statement if the requested tabled is there function addDropTableSql ($tableName) { // Is the table there? if (ifSqlTableExists($tableName)) { // Then add it, non-existing tables can be ignored because it will // happen with every newly installed extension. addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName . '`'); // Mark it as gone $GLOBALS['ifSqlTableExists'][$tableName] = FALSE; } // END - if } // Adds a RENAME TABLE stament if 'from' table exist and 'to' table not function addRenameTableSql ($fromTable, $toTable) { // Is renaming required? if ((ifSqlTableExists($fromTable)) && (!ifSqlTableExists($toTable))) { // Add it addExtensionSql('RENAME TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $fromTable . '` TO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $toTable . '`'); // Mark both tables $GLOBALS['ifSqlTableExists'][$fromTable] = FALSE; $GLOBALS['ifSqlTableExists'][$toTable] = TRUE; } // END - if } // Adds an admin menu to the SQL queue of the menu entry is not found function addAdminMenuSql ($action, $what, $title, $descr, $sort) { // Now check if this menu is there if (!isMenuActionValid('admin', $action, $what)) { // Is what null? if (is_null($what)) { // Add main menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)", $action, $title, $descr, bigintval($sort) ); } else { // Add sub menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)", $action, $what, $title, $descr, bigintval($sort) ); } // Add it to the queue addExtensionSql($sql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Double menus should be located and fixed! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Double admin menu action=%s,what=%s,title=%s detected.", $action, $what, $title)); } } // Adds a guest menu to the SQL queue if the menu entry is not found function addGuestMenuSql ($action, $what, $title, $sort) { // Now check if this menu is there if (!isMenuActionValid('guest', $action, $what)) { // Is what null? if (is_null($what)) { // Add main menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)", $action, $title, bigintval($sort) ); } else { // Add sub menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)", $action, $what, $title, bigintval($sort) ); } // Add it to the queue addExtensionSql($sql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Double menus should be located and fixed! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Double guest menu action=%s,what=%s,title=%s detected.", $action, $what, $title)); } } // Adds a member menu to the SQL queue if the menu entry is not found function addMemberMenuSql ($action, $what, $title, $sort) { // Now check if this menu is there if (!isMenuActionValid('member', $action, $what)) { // Is what null? if (is_null($what)) { // Add main menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)", $action, $title, bigintval($sort) ); } else { // Add sub menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)", $action, $what, $title, bigintval($sort) ); } // Add it to the queue addExtensionSql($sql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Double menus should be located and fixed! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Double member menu action=%s,what=%s,title=%s detected.", $action, $what, $title)); } } // Adds a sponsor menu to the SQL queue if the menu entry is not found function addSponsorMenuSql ($action, $what, $title, $active, $sort) { // Now check if this menu is there, if no ext-sponsor is installed all is not yet added if ((!isExtensionInstalled('sponsor')) || (!isMenuActionValid('sponsor', $action, $what))) { // Is what null? if (is_null($what)) { // Add main menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `active`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)", $action, $title, $active, bigintval($sort) ); } else { // Add sub menu $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `active`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)", $action, $what, $title, $active, bigintval($sort) ); } // Add it to the queue addExtensionSql($sql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Double menus should be located and fixed! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Double sponsor menu action=%s,what=%s,title=%s,active=%s detected.", $action, $what, $title, $active)); } } // Add ALTER TABLE `foo` ADD sql if not found function addExtensionAddTableColumnSql ($tableName, $columnName, $columnSql) { // Is the column there? if (!ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName, $columnName)) { // Then add it addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName . '` ADD `' . $columnName . '` ' . $columnSql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug line logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName=' . $tableName . ',columnName=' . $columnName . ',columnSql=' . $columnSql . ': does already exist.'); } } // Add ALTER TABLE `foo` CHANGE sql if not found function addExtensionChangeTableColumnSql ($tableName, $fromColumnName, $toColumnName, $columnSql) { // Is the column there? if ((ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName, $fromColumnName)) && (($fromColumnName == $toColumnName) || (!ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName, $toColumnName)))) { // Then add it addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName . '` CHANGE `' . $fromColumnName . '` `' . $toColumnName . '` ' . $columnSql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug line logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName=' . $tableName . ',fromColumnName=' . $fromColumnName . ',toColumnName=' . $toColumnName . ',columnSql=' . $columnSql . ': Cannot be changed.'); } } // Add ALTER TABLE `foo` DROP sql if not found function addExtensionDropTableColumnSql ($tableName, $columnName) { // Is the column there? if (ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName, $columnName)) { // Then add it addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName . '` DROP `' . $columnName . '`'); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug line logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName=' . $tableName . ',columnName=' . $columnName . ': does not exist.'); } } // Add configuration entry if not found for actual extension function addConfigAddSql ($columnName, $columnSql) { // Is the column there? if (!ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config', $columnName)) { // Not found, so add it addExtensionAddTableColumnSql('config', $columnName, $columnSql); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug line logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Configuration entry ' . $columnName . ' already created. columnSql=' . $columnSql); } } // Drop configuration entry if found for actual extension function addConfigDropSql ($columnName) { // Is the column there? if (ifSqlColumnExists('{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config', $columnName)) { // Found, so add it addExtensionDropTableColumnSql('config', $columnName); } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug line, reportBug() would cause some extenion updates fail logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Configuration entry ' . $columnName . ' not found.'); } } // Change configuration entry for actual extension function addConfigChangeSql ($oldColumnName, $newColumnName, $columnSql) { // Add the SQL statement addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config` CHANGE `' . $oldColumnName . '` `' . $newColumnName . '` ' . $columnSql); } /** * Checks if given subject is found and if not, adds an SQL query to the * extension registration queue. */ function registerExtensionPointsData ($subject, $columnName, $lockedMode, $paymentMethod) { // Default is old extension version $add = ''; // Is the extension equal or newer 0.8.9? if (((isInstallationPhase()) && ((getExtensionMode() == 'register') || (getExtensionMode() == 'update'))) || (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.9'))) { // Then add provider $add = " AND `account_provider`='EXTENSION'"; } // END - if // Is the 'subject' there? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ifSqlTableExists(points_data)=' . ifSqlTableExists('points_data') . ',getExtensionMode()=' . getExtensionMode() . ',add=' . $add); if (((!ifSqlTableExists('points_data')) && ((getExtensionMode() == 'register') || (getExtensionMode() == 'update'))) || (countSumTotalData($subject, 'points_data', 'id', 'subject', TRUE, $add) == 0)) { // Not found so: if ((isset($GLOBALS['previous_extension'][getCurrentExtensionName()])) && (!ifSqlTableExists('points_data'))) { $dummy = $GLOBALS['previous_extension'][getCurrentExtensionName()]; reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'previous_extension[' . gettype($dummy) . ']=' . $dummy . ',getCurrentExtensionName()=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ' - Under development, please report this!'); } // END - if // ... add an SQL query addExtensionSql(sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", $subject, $columnName, $lockedMode, $paymentMethod )); } // END - if } /** * Checks if given subject is found and if so, adds an SQL query to the * extension unregistration queue. */ function unregisterExtensionPointsData ($subject) { // Default is old extension version $add = ''; // Is the extension equal or newer 0.8.9? if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.9')) { // Then add provider $add = " AND `account_provider`='EXTENSION'"; } // END - if // Is the 'subject' there? if (countSumTotalData($subject, 'points_data', 'id', 'subject', TRUE, $add) == 1) { // Found one or more, so add an SQL query addExtensionSql(sprintf("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` WHERE `subject`='%s'" . $add . " LIMIT 1", $subject )); } // END - if } // Enables/disables productive mode for current extension (used only while // registration). // @TODO This should be rewrittten to allow, more development states, e.g. 'planing','alpha','beta','beta2','stable' function enableExtensionProductive ($isProductive = TRUE) { // Log debug message //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',isProductive=', intval($isProductive)); // Set it $GLOBALS['ext_productive'][getCurrentExtensionName()] = (bool) $isProductive; } // Checks whether the extension is in productive phase. If not set, development // phase (=false) is assumed. function isExtensionProductive ($ext_name = '') { // Is the extension name empty? Then use current if (empty($ext_name)) { // Get current extension name $ext_name = getCurrentExtensionName(); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ' - ENTERED!'); // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name])) { // Load extension only if not yet loaded if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_productive'][$ext_name])) { // Load extension in test mode loadExtension($ext_name, 'test'); } // END - if // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name] = ((isset($GLOBALS['ext_productive'][$ext_name])) && ($GLOBALS['ext_productive'][$ext_name] === TRUE)); } // END - if // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',isProductive=', intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name]) . ' - EXIT!'); return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name]; } // Mark extension file as loaded function markExtensionAsLoaded ($ext_name) { // Is it already loaded? if (isExtensionLoaded($ext_name)) { // Then abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extension ' . $ext_name . ' is already marked as loaded!'); } // END - if // Mark it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . $ext_name . ',ext_loaded=true'); $GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['ext_name'][$ext_name] = TRUE; } // Determine whether the given extension is already loaded function isExtensionLoaded ($ext_name) { // Is it there? return ((isset($GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['ext_name'][$ext_name])) && ($GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['ext_name'][$ext_name] === TRUE)); } // Mark extension's library file as loaded function markExtensionLibraryAsLoaded ($ext_name) { // Is it already loaded? if (isExtensionLibraryLoaded($ext_name)) { // Then abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extension library ' . $ext_name . ' is already marked as loaded!'); } // END - if // Mark it $GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['library'][$ext_name] = TRUE; } // Determine whether the given extension's library is already loaded function isExtensionLibraryLoaded ($ext_name) { // Is it there? return ((isset($GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['library'][$ext_name])) && ($GLOBALS['ext_loaded']['library'][$ext_name] === TRUE)); } // [EOF] ?>