birtday_confirm.php durchgeführt."; break; case "0.2.8": // SQL queries for v0.2.8 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Vergessenes _OB_CACHING gesetzt."; break; case "0.2.9": // SQL queries for v0.2.9 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Seit Patch 340 überflüssige HTML-Tags entfernt."; break; case "0.3.0": // SQL queries for v0.3.0 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Ausgabe des generierten HTML-Codes nach inc/footer.php verlagert."; break; case "0.3.1": // SQL queries for v0.3.1 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Wort Punkte dynamisiert."; break; case "0.3.2": // SQL queries for v0.3.2 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Sicherheitsupdate: SQL-Anweisungen geschützt."; break; case "0.3.3": // SQL queries for v0.3.3 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Bitte verschieben Sie die birthday-Templates (Ordner: ".PATH."/templates/".GET_LANGUAGE()."/html/) in den neuen Order birthday!"; break; case "0.3.4": // SQL queries for v0.3.4 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Abspeichern von Einstellungen repariert."; break; case "0.3.5": // SQL queries for v0.3.5 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Vorbereitung auf die neue Mediendaten v0.0.4."; break; case "0.3.6": // SQL queries for v0.3.6 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD birthday_mode enum('DIRECT', 'REF') not null default 'DIRECT'"; $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD birthday_active enum('Y', 'N') not null default 'N'"; // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Vergütungsmodus des Geburtstagsbonus einstellbar."; break; case "0.3.7": // SQL queries for v0.3.7 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Im Script inc/birthday_mails.php hat sich ein Zeichen mit dem Code 160 eingeschlichen, welches einen Parser Error verursachte, aber wie eine gewöhnliche Leerstelle aussah."; break; case "0.3.8": // SQL queries for v0.3.8 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Hash-Erstellung von md5() auf bessere Funktion generateHash() umgestellt."; break; } break; default: // Do stuff when extension is loaded $DUMMY = LOAD_CONFIG("0"); // Copy config to main array $_CONFIG['birthday_points'] = $DUMMY['birthday_points']; $_CONFIG['birthday_mode'] = $DUMMY['birthday_mode']; $_CONFIG['birthday_active'] = $DUMMY['birthday_active']; // Save some RAM... unset($DUMMY); if ((defined('__DAILY_RESET')) && ($_CONFIG['birthday_points'] > 0)) { // Daily reset was run and we shall pay points so we start checking for members who // has a birthday for today $INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/mails/birthday_mails.php"; } break; } // Language file prefix $EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "birthday"; // Extension is always active? $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = 'N'; // ?>