none) addConfigAddSql('doubler_userid', "BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); // Total payed out points from your doublers addConfigAddSql('doubler_points', "FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000"); // Sending mode of mails (immediately/daily reset) // --> This also means who fast the doubled points will be payed out! addConfigAddSql('doubler_send_mode', "ENUM('DIRECT','RESET') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DIRECT'"); // Timeout for entries to be purged (default: one week) addConfigAddSql('doubler_timeout', "BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ".(getOneDay()*7).""); // Number of newest entries to display addConfigAddSql('doubler_display_new', "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 10"); // Number of entries which will be payed out soon addConfigAddSql('doubler_display_pay', "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 10"); // Number of entries which are already payed out addConfigAddSql('doubler_display_old', "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 10"); // Points used by every member addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ADD `doubler_points` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000"); // Counter for usage of the doubler addConfigAddSql('doubler_counter', "BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); // // --- MENU SYSTEMS --- // // Admin menu addAdminMenuSql('doubler', NULL, '{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Verdoppler','Einstellungen und Einträge auflisten.', 4); addAdminMenuSql('doubler','list_doubler','Auflisten','Einträge aus der Verdiensttabelle auflisten', 1); addAdminMenuSql('doubler','config_doubler','Einstellungen','Prozentuale Gebühr usw. einstellen.', 2); // Guest menu (informations / default doubler link) addGuestMenuSql('main','doubler','Verdoppeln!','N','Y',3); // Member menu addMemberMenuSql('main','doubler','Verdoppeln!','N','Y',7); break; case 'remove': // Do stuff when removing extension // SQL commands to run addDropTableSql('doubler'); addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='doubler'"); addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `what`='doubler'"); addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `what`='doubler'"); break; case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension // SQL commands to run addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='N', `hidden`='N', `admin_only`='N', `mem_only`='N' WHERE `module`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); break; case 'deactivate': // Do stuff when admin deactivates this extension // SQL commands to run addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` SET `visible`='N', `locked`='Y' WHERE `what`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` SET `visible`='N', `locked`='Y' WHERE `what`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='Y' WHERE `module`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); break; case 'update': // Update an extension switch (getCurrentExtensionVersion()) { case '0.0.1': // SQL queries for v0.0.1 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Problem mit Mitglieder-Id behoben."); break; case '0.0.2': // SQL queries for v0.0.2 // Total used points addConfigAddSql("doubler_used FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000"); // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Gebühr wird vom Verdoppler-Pott abgezogen."); break; case '0.0.3': // SQL queries for v0.0.3 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Drei SQL-Fehler beseitigt."); break; case '0.0.4': // SQL queries for v0.0.4 // Shall I use the doubler's account to take points from? (Y/N, default=Y) addConfigAddSql("doubler_own ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'"); // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("{?POINTS?}-Guthaben des Verdopplers kann optional nicht mit einbezogen werden."); break; case '0.0.5': // SQL queries for v0.0.5 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Counter-Stand und noch zum Verdoppeln übrige {?POINTS?} in Templates eingebunden. Auflistung in Admin-Bereich komplettiert."); break; case '0.0.6': // SQL queries for v0.0.6 addConfigAddSql('doubler_max_sent', "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1"); addConfigAddSql('doubler_group_sent', "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1"); addConfigAddSql('doubler_sent_all', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'"); // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Gebührenabzug wird beim Einzahlen abgezogen (wurde von Auszahlung abgezogen) und maximal bei Auszahlung zu kontrollierende Accounts einstellbar.
Template admin_config_doubler_pro.tpl ist überflüssig geworden. Bitte löschen Sie dies!"); break; case '0.0.7': // SQL queries for v0.0.7 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Wörter {?mt_word?}, {?mt_word2?} und {?mt_word3?} sind austauschbar.

Minus-Guthaben des Verdoppler-Accounts repariert und Mitgliedsmail erweitert mit Transaktionsummer und IP-Nummer."); break; case '0.0.8': // SQL queries for v0.0.8 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Bitte verschieben Sie die doubler-Templates (Ordner: {?PATH?}/templates/".getLanguage()."/html/) in den neuen Order doubler!"); break; case '0.0.9': // SQL queries for v0.0.9 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Abspeichern von Einstellungen repariert."); break; case '0.1.0': // SQL queries for v0.2.1 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Vorbereitung auf die neue Mediendaten v0.0.4."); break; case '0.1.1': // SQL queries for v0.1.1 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Zwei SQL-Fehler in inc/doubler_send.php beseitigt."); break; case '0.1.2': // SQL queries for v0.1.2 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Sicherheitsupdate für die Include-Befehle."); break; case '0.1.3': // SQL queries for v0.1.3 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("De-/Aktivieren des mit dieser Erweiterung verknüpften Modules eingebunden."); break; case '0.1.4': // SQL queries for v0.1.4 addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` SET `action`='extras', `sort`=4 WHERE `what`='doubler' LIMIT 1"); // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Mitgliedsmenü komplett umgebaut."); break; case '0.1.5': // SQL queries for v0.1.5 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Hash-Erstellung von md5() auf bessere Funktion generateHash() umgestellt."); break; case '0.1.6': // SQL queries for v0.1.6 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Fehlerhinweis bei deaktivierter Erweiterung verbessert."); break; case '0.1.7': // SQL queries for v0.1.7 addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config` SET `doubler_charge`=`doubler_charge`*100"); addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config` SET `doubler_ref`=`doubler_ref`*100"); // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) setExtensionUpdateNotes("Fehlerhinweis bei deaktivierter Erweiterung verbessert."); break; } // END - switch break; case 'modify': // When the extension got modified break; case 'test': // For testing purposes break; case 'init': // Do stuff when extension is initialized break; default: // Unknown extension mode logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown extension mode %s in extension %s detected.", getExtensionMode(), getCurrentExtensionName())); break; } // END - switch // [EOF] ?>